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LOL.紫外线灯在医疗界已经用了上百年。it was in 1925 that the technique was used in dermatology by Margarot and Deveze for the detection of fungal infection of hair. It has many uses,

both in distinguishing fluorescent conditions from other conditions and in locating the precise boundaries of the condition.

Medical applications

A Wood's lamp is a diagnostic tool used in dermatology by which ultraviolet light is shone (at a wavelength of approximately 365 nanometers) onto the skin of the patient; a technician then observes any subsequent fluorescence. For example, porphyrins—associated with some skin diseases—will fluoresce pink. Though the technique for producing a source of ultraviolet light was devised by Robert Williams Wood in 1903 using "Wood's glass", it was in 1925 that the technique was used in dermatology by Margarot and Deveze for the detection of fungal infection of hair. It has many uses, both in distinguishing fluorescent conditions from other conditions and in locating the precise boundaries of the condition.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 上下嘴唇黏膜肿痛, 晚上会变严重, 都有好几个月了, 感觉有一个个颗粒鼓起. 用了各种方法, 涂牙膏, 吃上清丸, 抗生素, 就是不好转, 看家庭医生也说不出原因, 有没有人碰到过这情况?
    • 也许是缺维生素c,多喝添加了维生素c的果汁
    • hsv1 +1
    • 让家庭医生refer一个专科医生。 +1
      • 站这 +1
        • 过程不重要,结果才是最重要的。
    • 用vitamin B complex 50 or 100.
      • 吃过了, 没啥效果
    • 很性感的说
    • Cold sore. 超市有卖over counter的药 +1
      • 我也觉得试试 cold sore, 可是医生没推荐?好奇,你可以试试 非处方药
    • 买这个涂。
      • 这是什么?美容的 ?
        • 牙龈肿痛,扭伤等等,都可以涂。
    • 我听说有人打了疫苗以后有脸肿,同时 嘴也肿, 你什么时候打的疫苗? +7
      • 3个月 , 好象打了疫苗后, 变worse了, 是不是降低免疫力了.
        • 不是降低了免疫力,我觉得可能是疫苗让免疫系统变得有点乱。 +5
    • 你要愿意的话,找一个紫外线灯/BLACK LIGHT,照照身体,看看身体有没有哪部分会发光。我觉得我转贴过一个视频,一个人的母亲全身在BLACK LIGHT下会发光。她找了9个打C19疫苗的人,7个人身体的不同部位会发光。 (#14016231@0) +1
      • 什么能产生紫外线光/Black light,还有如果身体有部位发光能说明什么问题?是产生血栓了吗?需要测D-Dimmertest。记得你发过有关帖子,
        • RE: 什么能产生紫外线光/Black light,还有如果身体有部位发光能说明什么问题?【以我当前的愚昧认知】说明体内有大量的NANO PARTICLE +1
      • 拜托,照紫外线灯??你知道你这在干嘛?!这可是在害人。 +4
        • 经常照照,可以促进细胞DNA的损毁,说不定会变异成绿巨人。
        • LOL.紫外线灯在医疗界已经用了上百年。it was in 1925 that the technique was used in dermatology by Margarot and Deveze for the detection of fungal infection of hair. It has many uses,

          both in distinguishing fluorescent conditions from other conditions and in locating the precise boundaries of the condition.

          Medical applications

          A Wood's lamp is a diagnostic tool used in dermatology by which ultraviolet light is shone (at a wavelength of approximately 365 nanometers) onto the skin of the patient; a technician then observes any subsequent fluorescence. For example, porphyrins—associated with some skin diseases—will fluoresce pink. Though the technique for producing a source of ultraviolet light was devised by Robert Williams Wood in 1903 using "Wood's glass", it was in 1925 that the technique was used in dermatology by Margarot and Deveze for the detection of fungal infection of hair. It has many uses, both in distinguishing fluorescent conditions from other conditions and in locating the precise boundaries of the condition.

          • Can't decide whether you are stupid or evil. Maybe both. 紫外线当然医院在用。人家拿来消毒杀菌的! 祝你每晚都照着紫外线灯睡觉。 +3
            • 去看看上面那个WIKIPAEDIA帖子,你至少能看到 ‘diagnostic tool’ 和 ‘DETECTION’这两个词。多看几句的话,就会知道紫外线灯检测这种检测方法已经有了近百年历史。
    • 吃alpha lipoic acid,我给我妈买来保健的,有一天她发现身上有好多皮下小疙瘩,很痒,打开一个胶囊,用点水一起涂上了,一天就好了 +1
    • 用漱口水mouth wash含嘴里最大限度接触到患处咕噜咕噜,每次一两分钟,一天四五次;如果刺激性太强,参点水。这几年的口腔溃疡或类似上火的任何口腔状况这样处理,基本都是两三天就痊愈。对漱口水是膜拜啊。。 +1
      • 对漱口水是膜拜啊 👍👍 怕刺激性强,买 Zero 的应该会好些。对牙痛也有好处。
    • 赶紧看专科,不要再拖了。
      • 专科已约了个月, 还没约到. 在这看医生, 真是难啊, 感觉他是你大爷 ...
      • 同意这个,不行就去急诊,说得特别严重
        • 这样的病去看急诊是自讨苦吃。 急诊室是抢救生命的地方,他们会先看心脏病人、新冠病人、刀枪伤等等紧急病人, 医护在登记和查看后认为不急的病人可以等上十几个小时。
          • 好几个月总不好,怀疑口腔有大问题呢,可是专科要等好几个月 +1