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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 英国30岁以上所有年龄段,打疫苗的每10万人感染率已经超过不打疫苗的,病毒在朝着更容易感染打疫苗人群发展。疫苗护照看来是为了保护打疫苗的,所以美国说保护打疫苗的,因为打疫苗的变得越来越危险 +7
    • 哪里找出来的这种文章,可靠吗?
      • 当然可靠,里面有英国政府的原始数据链接 +1
        • 能把政府的原始数据链接直接贴出来吗?很多人一看这种不知道什么网站就不看了
          • +2
            • 谢谢,太长了
              • 只看结果好了。


                The rate of a positive COVID-19 test varies by age and vaccination status. The rate of a positive COVID-19 test is substantially lower in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals up to the age of 39. In individuals aged greater than 40, the rate of a positive COVID-19 test is higher in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated. This is likely to be due to a variety of reasons, including differences in the population of vaccinated and unvaccinated people as well as differences in testing patterns. The rate of hospitalisation within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test increases with age, and is substantially greater in unvaccinated individuals compared to vaccinated individuals. The rate of death within 28 days or within 60 days of a positive COVID-19 test increases with age, and again is substantially greater in unvaccinated individuals compared to fully vaccinated individuals.

                COVID-19 检测阳性率因年龄和疫苗接种状况而异。 阳性率
                与未接种疫苗的个体相比,接种疫苗的个体的 COVID-19 测试显着降低
                39 岁以下的个体。在 40 岁以上的个体中,阳性率
                与未接种疫苗的个体相比,接种疫苗的个体的 COVID-19 测试更高。 这很可能是
                COVID-19 检测呈阳性后 28 天内的住院率随着年龄的增长而增加,并且
                COVID-19 检测呈阳性后 28 天内或 60 天内的死亡率随

                • 40岁以上打疫苗风险大,然后大大解释了一番,其它打疫苗风险小的区域不解释,为啥呢?
                  • 此地无银三百两
                • 原因很简单,年龄大的打疫苗早,抗体浓度下降,现在开始发生ADE了。ADE全名是抗体增强效应,就是能增强感染。再恶化下去会增强重症。解决方案就是打booster,把抗体浓度boost上去。一旦掉下来还会容易发生ADE +1
    • 我匆匆看了一下里面的数据,感染率应该属实,没注意到有解释为什么会这样。但这篇文章故意忽略了紧急就诊(住院?)和死亡率,这数字你可以自己看。
      • 感染率表明病毒变异趋势吧。后面的数字现在虽然不错,但是随着病毒变得更容易感染疫苗人群,肯定也会慢慢变差的 +1
      • 我看了Raw data, 里面这么说The rate of a positive COVID-19 test varies by age and vaccination status. The rate of a positive COVID-19 test is substantially lower in vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated individuals up to the age of 39. +1
        • 图里不是有吗,看啥raw data?
          • 看Raw data能评价分析的质量,避免被误导。
            • 关键是你看不懂啊,哈 +3
              • 谁懂谁不懂大家心里明白。第一,你没看到里面还给了 Raw data 链接,第二里面这段你很显然没看懂。 +2

                Raw data p12

                Interpretation of data
                These data should be considered in the context of vaccination status of the population groups
                shown in the rest of this report. The vaccination status of cases, inpatients and deaths is not the
                most appropriate method to assess vaccine effectiveness and there is a high risk of
                misinterpretation. Vaccine effectiveness has been formally estimated from a number of different
                sources and is described earlier in this report.
                In the context of very high vaccine coverage in the population, even with a highly effective
                vaccine, it is expected that a large proportion of cases, hospitalisations and deaths would occur
                in vaccinated individuals, simply because a larger proportion of the population are vaccinated
                than unvaccinated and no vaccine is 100% effective. This is especially true because vaccination
                has been prioritised in individuals who are more susceptible or more at risk of severe disease.
                Individuals in risk groups may also be more at risk of hospitalisation or death due to non-
                COVID-19 causes, and thus may be hospitalised or die with COVID-19 rather than because of

                • 都是些假设。最后一句我翻译给你看:住院死亡的可能带covid19,但可能不是covid19导致的。 +2
      • 数字哥你被骗了。用作分母的10万人中包括打了疫苗和没打疫苗的在极端的情况中,打疫苗的感染率可以当做是 100%没打的是 0,这样推论合理吗?
        • 【Rates among persons vaccinated with 2 doses (per 100,000)】 【Rates among persons not vaccinated (per 100,000)】 +1
          • 这个rate计算时的分母,是vaccinated和unvaccinated的总和,breakthrough感染率当然看起来大很多。
            • 看不懂英文可以看数字。几百个例和几万个例最后都变成几百每十万,是一个分母吗? +2
    • 贴图要贴全,剩下这几张在这里。 +1


      • 对18岁以下的几乎没有危险 +1
      • 被疫苗打死的已经排除了,不用进ICU了吧 +1
    • 不知道他们打的是哪种疫苗
      • 当有不同疫苗,副作用不同功效不同的时候,就太suspicious 了。难道打疫苗有没有危险是凭的是人品? +1
    • 当疫苗是leaky的,从进化的角度,全民接种,病毒就是会这样发展的,这叫自然选择。只有少数人打疫苗,才能不存在这样进化的趋势。 +3
    • 還是比一下每10萬人的資料,更能了解真相,以陽性28天之內,必須入院過夜治療的人數比例,沒打疫苗比打疫苗的,大都是5倍以上,28天和60天的死亡人數,兩者差距更大,雖然打疫苗的人數只有沒打的2倍多,當然,這只是英國的短期資料,就當參考吧 +6




    • 这是肯定的,打了疫苗的人数大大高于没打的, 这样10万人中打疫苗仍然感染的绝对数高于没打疫苗的,所以比例也更高。 +3
      • 同意你的只能是理科不及格的 +7
        • 要想及格的话得研究一下草山兄给的数据
      • 你根本没看懂数据,看图,以40-49岁为例,共有101,094人感染,其中完全接种的有78,643人,未接种的只有11,662人。每10万个完全接种的人里有1281个感染,而每10万个未接种的人里只有690个感染。 +4


    • 这是不懂小学数学编的 +1
    • 这就是抗体增强效应,有抗体的人更容易感染,现在还不特别严重。但是病毒在朝着更加免疫逃逸的方向变异,疫苗的死亡人数也会很快上升的 +1
    • 粗看了一下,所有发言的反疫苗者都不看草山列出的数据
    • 打两针的人口大体是没打针的人口的3-4倍。疫苗防护效率还是不错滴 -newrover(漫游);