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UK:"All injections to teenagers should be stopped immediately.The latest data,just published in the UK,suggests that a mass murder of teenagers provoked by vaccines may occur before our eyes.During the first 16 weeks of 2021,the number of deaths among teenagers aged 15-19 in the UK was on par with the number of deaths in 2020.But since then(from the 17th to the 39th week),when by coincidence in the age group of 15-19 years there is an increase in the manifestation of side effects after vaccination,mortality in this age group becomes 42%higher than in the same period last year.This is an additional 107 deaths of teenagers.Until these additional 107 adolescent deaths are adequately explained,the precautionary principle requires the cessation of all injections to adolescents.But the problem is that 99%of our politicians,the entire medical bureaucracy and the media have invested so much in the narrative about the"safety and effectiveness of the vaccine,"so they will never admit that we may have a mass murder of teenagers caused by vaccination."https://t.me/worldawakeningdraft/374




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 给小朋友打疫苗之前, 真的要仔细想一想 +9
    • 我们家两个Preteen,一个发烧一天,一个三天。打疫苗?吃饱了撑的冒那个风险,一点好处都没有! +17
      • 你给家里俩娃也吃HCQ或者伊唯了? 还是只有你们夫妻俩吃了?
        • 孩子只吃了HCQ,我们夫妻俩用了IVM。 +2
          • 知道了谢谢! +1
      • 我记得在另一个帖子里提到了QUERCETIN。你们吃QUERCETIN的时候,也同时吃Zinc了吗?
        • Yes, +2
          I stopped HCQ for three days cause at that point my syndrome was improving, and I have taken HCQ for about 10 days so I was afraid cumulative effect. So I switched to Quercetin for three days. But back to HCQ when realize fever still on, and three days later after hitting 39 for a few times, I start to take IVM. Zinc, VC, VD were always part of the medication.
          • 谢谢
        • costco卖的里面加了鋅和銅 +1
    • 這一代的年輕人真是很悲慘。 +8
    • 孩子就学校和新学校各有一名认识的同学病了,都打过疫苗了,希望孩子没有被传染上。 +1
      • 让孩子一定要带好口罩, 尽量保持社交距离。 +3
        • 学校都戴着口罩,校外午休时没有口罩。 +1
      • 我怀疑很多小孩症状轻根本不去测核酸,就看大人被传上反应大不大了,我娃小学班里最近连续好几人病,第一个发烧十天没来,最近一个说喉咙痒,没任何通知,我很怀疑是不是已经传开了
        • 应该可以肯定有小孩得covid了。学校有个通知还是应该的。
          • 估计孩子们都症状轻微没去验,自然学校不会收到通知,可能很多人都接触过病毒只是自己不知道
    • 按某些疫苗派的理论,这种小病医生们随随便便开个药就搞定了,但千万别赖到疫苗身上,科学家早就证明了mRNA对人体安全的不能再安全了,毒副作用都是其它引起的,不打疫苗也是该生就生了,早就命中注定的。有啥漏的么? +6
    • 英国由疫苗引发的大规模青少年死亡事件会在我们眼前发生.2021年的前16周,英国15-19岁青少年的死亡人数与2020年的死亡人数持平.但从那时起(从17周到39周),在15-19岁年龄组接种疫苗后副作用的表现有所增加,这一年龄组的死亡率比去年同期高出42%。这是另外107名青少年死亡 +5

      UK:"All injections to teenagers should be stopped immediately.The latest data,just published in the UK,suggests that a mass murder of teenagers provoked by vaccines may occur before our eyes.During the first 16 weeks of 2021,the number of deaths among teenagers aged 15-19 in the UK was on par with the number of deaths in 2020.But since then(from the 17th to the 39th week),when by coincidence in the age group of 15-19 years there is an increase in the manifestation of side effects after vaccination,mortality in this age group becomes 42%higher than in the same period last year.This is an additional 107 deaths of teenagers.Until these additional 107 adolescent deaths are adequately explained,the precautionary principle requires the cessation of all injections to adolescents.But the problem is that 99%of our politicians,the entire medical bureaucracy and the media have invested so much in the narrative about the"safety and effectiveness of the vaccine,"so they will never admit that we may have a mass murder of teenagers caused by vaccination."https://t.me/worldawakeningdraft/374



    • 疫苗里的NANO PARTICLE完全改变人的DNA,并引起病变需要一段的时间。主贴疫苗受害者的经历充分反映了这一点。6月份打了疫苗,9月份开始发病。主贴疫苗受害者的父母至少认识到了他们孩子的病症是由疫苗引起的。还有受害者没有认识到这一点,连病因都不知道 +6
    • 带小朋友出门走路前要仔细想一想,各种事故或遇到坏人的事件数不胜数。送小朋友上学前更得仔细想一想,路上和学校里的坏人坏事儿各种受害者惨不忍睹。最最安全地是把孩子养在家里啃老。 +5
      • 世上的事情分为必须要做的和不必须要做的,你觉得你的例子和打疫苗各属于哪个类别?按你的意思,由于吃饭可能导致噎死,所以大家都别吃饭了对吧? +15
        • 吃饭是个好例子,即使不噎死,造成的伤害也大大地,特别是下馆子吃中餐。其实有很多获得更好营养的方式。家长带小朋友出去吃饭前真得仔细想一想。 +1
          • 没有任何东西只存在正面作用,不存在负面作用,所以你只能饿死了。
      • 不是家长接送上下学,家长很小心吗?并且反复教育孩子如果遇到情况时怎么办。疫苗打进出就出不来,如果有副作用,家长如何教育孩子避免?楼主叫大家做家长的三思而后行,没什么错。家长三思后自我判断吧。 +15
        • 我身邊的華人家長給孩子打疫苗不假思索比火箭還快,這也是不讓孩子輸在起跑線上的表現之一吧,到底是害孩子還是對孩子好時間會驗證,只是等待出事時後悔已來不及了,推特上有個父親就是這樣 +4
          • 现在大多数学生都打了,不打不让去上课吧?多少家长能承受这样的压力。
            • 有個17歲男孩為了可以去打冰球打疫苗結果死了;渥太華大學大一新生也是打了後運動中猝死;還有個大學生在多大球場猝死⋯⋯和生命比起來晚一兩年上大學又怎樣 +6
              • 象这种消息都不知道啊,出了问题的学生家长也不愿披露,所以还认为疫苗是安全的,大家都打了都没事。 +4
                • 這三個例子都不是小道消息,都是白人孩子,有媒體報導的,推特上也有 +5
                  • The Ottawa 24 years old football player, his death is reported, you may google it. But nothing mentioned that the death was 4 days after his 2nd dose. That was revealed by someone in FB. +5
    • 这次疫苗引起的疾病医生查不出原因,不知怎么治,不知死了多少人。这个人命大,找到了原因,要是本身体质不好,不知会发生什么. ZT主贴里提的另一个病例. 在美打完疫苗患上免疫风暴,连续发烧一个半月的我,经历了什么? +1
    • Latest update from this family. His daughter mysteriously recovered, just in the past week. Good for her. You may read his update in huaren original post. +1