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Two people talking face to face:Person A.) Get out of the way, there's a bus with no brakes coming straight at you.Person B.) I don't see any bus.Person A.) Because you are looking in this direction and you don't see it but from where I am I can see it.

Two people are talking to each other face to face, and one says to the other:

Person A.) Get out of the way, there's a bus with no brakes coming straight at you.

Person B.) I don't see any bus.

Person A.) Because you are looking in this direction and you don't see it but from where I am I can see it.

Person B.) I respect your opinion but in my opinion I don't see any bus.

Person A.) Yet here it comes and it's going to hit you.

Person B.) Look, I respect your opinion and you respect mine and we'll all be happy, it's the right thing to do, okay?

Person A.) It's going to crush you imminently.

Person B.) That's just your opinion, don't be a catastrophist.

Same with the awakened ones screaming at others about inoculations. And then they want to know how to clean up after a bus ran over them.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 动物接种C19疫苗全死了|视频 +3
    • +2
    • 有兽药不吃,吃啥疫苗 +2
      • 哦,看来你是吃了兽药😂 +4
        • 老实说,我是真的觉得你智商有欠缺。在肉联你也算独一份。 +24
          • 比起你来,我的智商就比爱因斯坦低一点点。 +7
    • 话说您这种以灵性人员自居的,不知道整天这样传播自媒体阴谋论,危言耸听在公众中制造恐惧恐慌的行为是最大的反灵性么?!。。。 +25
      • 这个问题很值得掰扯。如果真相很不好看,那么从宣传真相过渡到制造恐慌,界限在哪里? +11
        • 什么是“真相”?由谁来定义?难道由一些根本不懂啥是灵性,几乎没有任何灵力天赋也很少灵性实践只是被部分自媒体洗脑的人来告诉你啥是“真相”? +6
          • 那只能等政府,媒体或者作恶者自己说出真相? +9
          • 好问题!什么是真相,什么是灵性?怎么算有灵力天赋灵性实践?什么是洗脑? +7
          • 现在普通人有能力得到真相么?反恐慌的办法是,您有途径去直接讯问那些做了实验的动物到底怎样了吗?或有您信赖的媒体去做调查,有么?没有的话,您凭啥不让人恐慌呢? +8
        • 哈哈,真不知道你们定义中的灵性大师和真相是什么,只知道一个美丽的灵魂是提升自己,散发光和爱给周围的人,疗愈他人创伤,给人带来平安喜乐,帮助他人共同扬升的。 +3
          • 这也是个很值得讨论的话题。在地球上,是不是只要我们真诚地相信爱与光,并且把注意力完全放在正面事情上,这个世界就没有邪恶了? +2
            • 吸引力法则来讲,个人怀疑恐惧愤怒焦虑这些低频能量就会吸引邪恶或不幸的事情发生。平和,感恩这种高频率能量就容易吸引财富,丰盛和喜悦。 +2
              • 邪恶的事实和恐惧的情绪还是不同的。我的理解是意识到有这么一个事实是可以的。控制对事件的反应是关键。 +1
                • 现在网上信息泛滥,博眼球的文章更是数不胜数。幼儿园小孩也会用Google的。游大师每天必转的疫苗有害贴,可信度高吗?核实过吗? 没有断章取义过吗?怎么一下华丽转身变成事实了呢? +3
                  • 网上的信息确实很混乱,真的里面有假的,假的里面有真的。这时就要辨识力了,不能因为有假的成分就把真的否认,也不能因为有真的就把假的当真。关键还是在个人。况且,如果能控制自己的情绪反应,真假都不会有影响。 +2
      • 如果你不同意某人的看法,说明他可能知道某些你所不知道的事。我自己又将这句话又引申了一下:还可能是因为你没有经历过他经历过的某些事。因此我在听到反对的声音时,一直会这样提醒自己,保持自己的开放心态,随时纠正自己的想法。 +8
        • 这话太正确了,只是这些条件在这里都不成立,楼主所有阴谋论的转帖都不是其亲身经历或确切知道的,而我关于灵性方面的叙述也是基于对其灵性方面的深入了解。。 +2
          • “ 而我关于灵性方面的叙述也是基于对其和灵性方面的深入了解” 可以详述一下吗? +4
          • 即便不是楼主亲身经历,起码看到人家持有开放心态。期待您释放您亲历的灵力事件✌️ +3
      • Two people talking face to face:Person A.) Get out of the way, there's a bus with no brakes coming straight at you.Person B.) I don't see any bus.Person A.) Because you are looking in this direction and you don't see it but from where I am I can see it. +1

        Two people are talking to each other face to face, and one says to the other:

        Person A.) Get out of the way, there's a bus with no brakes coming straight at you.

        Person B.) I don't see any bus.

        Person A.) Because you are looking in this direction and you don't see it but from where I am I can see it.

        Person B.) I respect your opinion but in my opinion I don't see any bus.

        Person A.) Yet here it comes and it's going to hit you.

        Person B.) Look, I respect your opinion and you respect mine and we'll all be happy, it's the right thing to do, okay?

        Person A.) It's going to crush you imminently.

        Person B.) That's just your opinion, don't be a catastrophist.

        Same with the awakened ones screaming at others about inoculations. And then they want to know how to clean up after a bus ran over them.


    • 需要时间来证实啊,希望不是真的,因为毕竟家人朋友太多注射了疫苗,真的有事会是巨大的灾难。 +7
      • It is definitely a concern but don't be panic. +5
        ADE could increase the severeness of the decease but medication still helps. Key here is to get access to it cause Canadian medical system is actively prevent you from getting any medication except Advil/Tynelno.
        • 现在就是在熬,相信一定有一天所有的东西都会水落石出,就是希望在这天到来前还能顶住不打疫苗,打了疫苗的人也可以获取药物抵挡ADE效应 +5
          • 说得好,我前几天写了几句,也是这个意思。ZT大多数人并不清楚疫苗对身体的真正伤害。写几句给坚持到现在一直没打C19疫苗的人:你会很快看到更黑暗的现实,受到更大的压力打C19疫苗。希望坚持下去不要接受C19疫苗注射。 +3
      • 以前的贴子:德州本有计划在工作场所强制接种C19疫苗。在讨论中,披露疫苗实验动物死亡,所以实验没法进行下去,就是说人类现在是作为豚鼠进行疫苗实验。所有决定德州在工作场所不允许强制接种C19疫苗。这是听证会视频。视频20分钟处提到了这一点。 +4
    • “如果我有神等同的创造力,为什么我显化不出我想要的事物,为什么我还会被困在这里受苦?你是在忽悠我吗?”但非常具有讽刺意味的真实的情况是:不是我在忽悠你,而是你在忽悠你自己!而且,现在我所做的工作正是想要让你停止自我忽悠!zt神会不会改变这个世界? +1
    • 人吃了兽医也都病了,要不是人有ER, ICU,基本也就都死了。现代医学技术把人惯的,看网上若是这会儿天花重来,人类也就认栽了,因为消灭天花靠的是强制疫苗 +2
    • 这个3维地球游戏还是很难玩的。在看清黑暗真相的同时要维持意识频率在一个很高的,平安,喜乐的水平,将黑暗转化为光明。zt 时间线战争的玩法。Hyperspace Hologram / Spacecraft S4 E31 为了防备万一,最好准备两到三个月的食物,水。还要准备些电池。(#13897273@0) +1
    • 主贴是动物实验数据。这是英国‘人体’实验数据。免疫力每周下降5%。其他网友也转帖过 +2

      [Image: image-76.png?resize=768%2C272&ssl=1]

      A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

      Quote:Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.
    • 用一个不存在的病毒,虚假并且有害的PCR检测,大量的洗脑措施,(试图)让所有人基因改造(所谓的疫苗),同时消灭很多人。