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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


病人的主诉很重要, 我完全没有说医生写不写病历。医生详细规范写病例是医生必须要做的事情, 同时根据病人主诉和症状体征进行critical thinking, 判断做什么样的实验室检查。如果医生忽略了某些应该做的实验室检查,或者根本不理病人主诉, 只是做一些常规检查, 当然有可能误诊 至于误诊后怎么处理, 根本才是跟本帖八杆子打不着的事情。

我又不是没做过医生, 我还做过很多年的specialist 呢。见过的同行误诊的多了去了。很多就是因为没有仔细询问病史, 忽略了造成的误诊。再说了, 原帖里面的病人, 只是说他的医生没把他的主诉病征当回事儿, 但他并没有说所有的医生都那么粗糙, 你完全没有必要为他的医生辩护。很可能你是个好医生, 但他碰到的不是呢


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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 一位BC公务员的遭遇 ,转自BC公务员争自由Telegram群 "BCPS Employees for Freedom" +7

    My vaccine story

    I’ve been a BC public servant for almost 14 years. For the last 18 months I’ve been working from home where I’ve been safe and healthy.

    My doctor convinced me to get Moderna as he told me another patient of his with the same illnesses and medications as me was in the ICU from catching covid and she probably wasn’t going to make it. The next day my partners uncle died of covid. I reluctantly got jabbed sept 2 and I’m still not ok.

    I lost feeling in my face and arm and hand. I had heart palpitations, blurry vision and swelling and pain in my neck and all my lymph nodes, swollen hands and joints that lasted longer than 3 weeks. I called 811 and a doctor called me back and told me he’s getting an alarming number of calls from people with the same symptoms as me. It was nothing I’ve ever felt before. Whatever is in those vaccines is not fucking ok. I’m very sensitive and react to most things. If you’ve ever glad a flu shot, this was nothing like this. It felt like I had a stroke and a heart attack.

    I followed up with my gp several times and he sent me for blood work, ecg, everything came back ‘normal’. My heart monitor on my Fitbit showed my heart rate spike up to 180 while just sitting there doing nothing. I had all the signs of pericarditis which is extremely hard to diagnose. Doctor told me to take ibuprofen and Tylenol and he prescribed me sleeping pills and anti anxiety meds. This was not anxiety!!!!! This was caused 100% from that poison.

    I keep a daily log of all my symptoms.... gasping for air in the middle of the night feeling like someone is choking me.... pain and swelling continue. Then a 7 day migraine. Another trip to my doctor crying in his office... begging him to please look into what is causing this!!! He wrote into the Vaccination Adverse Event Report System {VAERS} about my condition marking it as a severe reaction from vaccine. My doctor explained he can’t give anyone exemptions and he has patients with worse symptoms that mine and he can’t even get them an exemption.

    The public health nurse contacted me yesterday after reviewing the report. Guess what? They don’t care and they told me I’m to get the second shot with no change in schedule. Done. That’s it! I have no fucking choice because THEY said I have to get it.

    I work from home and the vaccine caused me injury and I still have to get the forced vaccines. This will kill me in the end. I can’t go through this anymore. I can’t afford to get fired or be put on leave. I feel I have no support from work, the union, my doctor, or anyone.

    If you can’t get an exemption from your doctor, and if anyone should be able to it would be me, then there’s no hope in hell accommodations will be made.

    I did my best and I’m still be forced to take it or lose my job. Nov 1 can’t come soon enough. I wonder what will happen to me, to you, to all of us?

    Good luck xoxo

    • 缺德啊,第一针副作用那么严重了,还要被逼打第二针! +15
    • 看了好几个这个群里的事,哎,不轮到自己就不会出声,要是一起罢工了,mandate 就搞不下去了。现在EU也好,保守党也好,只有轮到自己了, 才会出声,不痛到自己永远也不会醒过来。 +17
      • 明天10月25号星期一,全加拿大各行业进行sickout非正式罢工抗议强制打针。 +12
        • 赞。 +4
        • 人民慢慢地醒过来了 +6
    • Horrible +7
    • 这就是赤裸裸的现实, 现在是不打两针可能丢工作, 明年就是不打三针可能丢工作。美国已经开始造3针才是fully vaccinated 的舆论了。他们不会care你什么过敏不过敏, 有没有副作用的, 一针一针往下打吧。第一次, 第二次, 第三次不反抗, 第n次就不可能反抗了 +20
    • 你可能每次打针都没副作用-. 也可能每次都有副作用,不可能只打一次就不需要打针了,这一针没副作用下一针可能有,你永远担心哪一针会要命,直到打了要命的那针。 +21
    • 估计医生有关照不准开Exemption。类似事情发生在安省那个开Exemption的被吊销执照。Something is going on! +12
      • Blood work 和 electrocardiogram都正常,醫生沒有什麼可以做的,除了再開檢驗單,再做檢驗
        • Syndrome should matter. 医生仅看报告不听病人病症其实就是不负责,或者就是怕开单丢工作。 +4
          • 醫生只根據病述,而不以檢查報告做為病理基礎,不只危險,而且違法,醫生不是自由業,是有法規嚴格約束的行業,千萬別外行 +5
            • Based on my own experience, lab tests are not able to find everything. The limit is very obvious. For this part, TCM works better. +5
            • 呵呵 , 草山兄你说的当然不对了, 医生的诊断是以病人的主诉症状体征和实验室各种检查作为综合性考量一起来进行诊断的。如果只是用病理报告结果来判断,万一医生的失误,做了一堆没有用的检查,忽略了真正的病因。那叫误诊。不要拿法规来压网友的合理提问 +11
              别人因为是外行就不能提出合理的问题和建议了? 那我们这些所谓的内行做的事情,跟蛮干有什么区别?🤭🤣
              • 完全不認同,醫生書寫病歷,有一定的規範,是住院醫生的基本課,記錄病人的主述一定詳細,而且會特別標示病述不合理的地方,提醒其他醫生注意,病述書寫不詳,即使是漏寫病人誤述,醫師協會會根據投訴,決定處分方式,和誤診八竿子打不到的兩回事 +1
                • 我们是在说, +4

                  病人的主诉很重要, 我完全没有说医生写不写病历。医生详细规范写病例是医生必须要做的事情, 同时根据病人主诉和症状体征进行critical thinking, 判断做什么样的实验室检查。如果医生忽略了某些应该做的实验室检查,或者根本不理病人主诉, 只是做一些常规检查, 当然有可能误诊 至于误诊后怎么处理, 根本才是跟本帖八杆子打不着的事情。

                  我又不是没做过医生, 我还做过很多年的specialist 呢。见过的同行误诊的多了去了。很多就是因为没有仔细询问病史, 忽略了造成的误诊。再说了, 原帖里面的病人, 只是说他的医生没把他的主诉病征当回事儿, 但他并没有说所有的医生都那么粗糙, 你完全没有必要为他的医生辩护。很可能你是个好医生, 但他碰到的不是呢

                  • 醫生根據病述,做的檢查手段非常多,不是只有實驗室,即使如此,身體一打開,想不到的事,還是可能發生,實驗室出的結果,有實驗室或Pathologist背書,參考價值很高,不過,這些並不能100%防止誤診,現代西醫進步的非常快,要完全不誤診,還是只有等西醫再進步了 +3
                    • "实验室",只是我的一个例子, 当然诊断方法参照手段很多。。 +3
                • I can only say one thing, if I know my doc only relies on test but not on my syndrome description, I would run away, as far as possible. +5
                  • 唉!說個啥?看清楚帖子再回吧!” 醫生”只”根據病述,而不以檢查報告做為”病理基礎”,不只危險,而且違法“,反疫苗沒問題,反智不行
                    • It just common sense to run away from those don't really care about your syndrome. +3
    • 现在最大的问题不是疫苗是否有效的问题,是没一个医生可以跟你讨论是否可以打疫苗,问啥也不会回答,唯一能回答的是怎样打对你好一些,如果疫苗覆盖100%就能阻止疫情,说不定还有1%的道理,不过我觉得100%也不一定就行 +11
      • 是的。所以说不正常 +6
      • 愿您的带状疱疹大好了么?有时表皮的伤口已经愈合,但可能遗留神经痛,可以考虑一下针灸治疗早除病根。
    • 可悲的是没有人关心这些不能打疫苗的人。他们有的人已经失去希望。在Kyle的视频里他说上个月就有6人自杀。 +7
      • 在强制政策下,没人关心不打疫苗不能工作的人面临的生活压力,没人关心大学里孩子不打疫苗冬季不能返校、不能找暑假工的精神压力…… 是这个政府没有人性,还是接种疫苗的民众失去了同情心 +7
        • ZT Vaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer信息量很大,其中有一条是VACCINE要消除人的同情心,或说是要消灭人性 (#14063173@0) -(#14065444@0) +1
        • 同样的事情80来年前发生过,事后拍了很多电影和纪录片,当然以赞扬极少数闪光点为主,但实际情况如何不难想象。现在类似(当然程度较轻)的事件再次发生,有多少人在拍手赞好、称颂政府英明,还要对不赞成派系的进行各种打压。历史一直在重复。 +6
          • 反思大多是以卖弄情怀换取各种资本的,撩拨的人群不过奉上几滴廉价的眼泪。更不要指望特鲁多思考,加拿大原住民的“种族灭绝”乱坟变成台阶上的鞋子,换取了一个偷快的假期。部分地区的原住民已经开打第三针了…… +3
            • 这个反思日是最最讽刺的! +2
      • 是很可悲。现在很多人丧失了信心和希望。选择了自杀。其实他们再坚持几年,甚至几个月就可能看到好的结果。所以现在一个坚强的信念系统非常重要。 +5