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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Saskatchewan health workers now have another tool available to treat some COVID-19 patients, but health experts and officials are reminding the public that the therapy is not a substitute for vaccination. 

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 这个星冠有药治了? +1
    Saskatchewan health workers now have another tool available to treat some COVID-19 patients, but health experts and officials are reminding the public that the therapy is not a substitute for vaccination. 
    • 大多倫多已經用monoclonal antibody 一段時間了,打過疫苗的不能用,大頭網友也不能用 +1
      • 什么是大头网友? 为什么打过疫苗的不能用? 这药有效吗?
        • 川普就是用這個治好的,屬於最早期治療,適合沒打過疫苗,或是免疫系統差(打過,或是沒打疫苗)的高危群, St. Joseph's hospital已經試了一段時間,降低住院71%,死亡70%,加拿大用的有點太晚 +1
      • do u mean I can't use it when re-infected, or you mean for other reason?
        • 你和我一樣有抗體,目前不適合單株抗體治療,我的抗體只有6個月,之後應該可以,你的抗體因為不知道是什麼植株,在體內的時間不知道多久,可能要測試才能確定
          • Oh, so it is for re-infection. That makes sense. I am surprised to hear Toronto is doing it cause yesterday there is news saying Manitoba is doing it for the first time in Canada. Regardless, I hope it succeed so more people can be saved.
            • 哥們,小土豆可能不會讓我們用,不開玩笑,很久以前就知道了,記不記得川普治好了,被多少人罵? +1
              • 为什么?为了钱?
                • 川普做了multiple coronavirus tests, oxygen, steroids and an “experimental antibody treatment”,花了超過10萬美金,主要是花在妳說的那個藥 +1
                  • 这么说吧,不管是莎省还是安省都不会花10万美金就一个病人的,overrate了。 +1
                    • 美國自己買,現在2000美元一劑,咱們試驗完了,政府得願意花錢,備足藥物,小土豆真的要把心思於在這事兒上
                    • Monoclonal is not that expensive. I heard about USD $1000 per treatment. Just need medical world to support this.
                      • Monoclonal Antibodies, Vaccines Both Help Save Lives—One Costs 52 Times More
                        The Biden administration purchased another 1.4 million doses of Regeneron's monoclonal antibody treatment at a cost of nearly $3 billion.
                      • 既然莎省开始用了,说明这个药的价格还是亲民的。
                        • 全美國只準備了一百四十萬劑(3億美金),薩省目前條件是:55歳以上,未接種疫苗,發病5日以內,”也許”可以使用,安省人多又有錢,如果有足夠的單株抗體藥物,是沒打疫苗的省民福音
              • I know. He was bought by vaccine pharmers. But still, +1
                I hope real doctors can make some difference. When I called while still in Covid fever, the doc on the line says, there is not enough evidence to support IVM, HCQ, Monoclonal, etc. They eliminate your surviving chance and don't really care about it. That is wrong.
                • 你說的這些藥物,都有人用,都有成功(和失望的)的例子,但是單株抗體是雙盲試驗過的針對性藥物,唯一就是要早投藥
                  • 我和你认知不同之处在与,有人成功为什么这种成功不会发生在我身上?ivm, hcq按医嘱根本没有危险,为什么不让用? What r u going to lose? +1
                    • 我的計算,目前疫苗有效率最高,至於其他因素,沒太擔心
                      • I am talking about medication forpatient who had covid, vaccine is for healthy people. These two are complete different. Both should be used to save life. +3