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If anyone is interested in Vaccine or IVM, here is an interesting discussion. It’s 3 hours long video. Dr. Bret claims if everyone in the world takes IVM for a month, the pandemic will be over.

Mirror - see below. Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology. Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. Dr. Bret Weins

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / If anyone is interested in Vaccine or IVM, here is an interesting discussion. It’s 3 hours long video. Dr. Bret claims if everyone in the world takes IVM for a month, the pandemic will be over. +5
    Mirror - see below. Dr. Robert Malone is the inventor of mRNA Vaccine technology. Mr. Steve Kirsch is a serial entrepreneur who has been researching adverse reactions to COVID vaccines. Dr. Bret Weins
    • 胡说,好好地吃药干嘛呢?
      • For prevention, if no one will catch it, covid-19 's game will be over.
        • 这没病的吃一个月的药都吃出病了吧……不吃不吃
          • 医生给你的量是安全的。很多年的💊了。
          • 那个量比治病的量低多了。
      • 老大好像不停地吃,半月后如果还在发帖,大家就都可以放心吃了,哈哈哈 +3
        • 哈哈哈,胆肥,都敢笑话老大了哈
        • 这就是兽药人用的关键所在 - 计量/服法的不同。大头是一次性吃20头牛的量。省事多了。当然了,用于人体还是首次,需要摸索和尝试。 +1
          • why you intentionally label IVM as animal drug? IVM has human version. I took animal version simply because Canada medical system shut my access to human use IVM. Regardless, still works for me. You better try it if God forbit you contract covid. +6
          • 老大吃的是人用的药,别跟CNN似地胡说别人吃兽药。 +3
            • 你看洗脑成功吧?把一个一开始是人药,后来用到动物身上,摇身一变变成了一个动物药了,这里可以搞个survey,看看多少人认为是动物药的,就知道brainwash有多强大了。 +2
            • 人用的药剂量小很多,大约小了3-4倍,而且只吃一次。自己愿意吃没有人会拦着的,小心后遗症。
              • 给你看个数据,2018年美国CDC用伊维菌素治疗疟疾用量, 最高0.6mg/kg,正常用量3倍,连续三天,中国疾控中心翻译转载。这个很客观,没受新冠疫情影响。不知道你的结论哪儿来的?"鉴于伊维菌素的药物耐受性可达2000μg/kg"知道啥意思不? +6
    • 谢谢分享
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      • 握手! 😊