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This video explains in detail the content of COVID "vaccines", as analyzed by the Taygetan Lab (October 2021). This is a detailed analysis of the graphene function in the inoculations, and the non-human nanotechnology working through them. This type of technology is above human level. Watch this very important video to understand more.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 辉瑞,M,AZ疫苗分析报告。不太懂。有懂的瞧瞧。 +1
    This video explains in detail the content of COVID "vaccines", as analyzed by the Taygetan Lab (October 2021). This is a detailed analysis of the graphene function in the inoculations, and the non-human nanotechnology working through them. This type of technology is above human level. Watch this very important video to understand more.
    • 对很多人来说,这个视频是真正的‘科幻’+‘玄幻’。不过喜欢追求真相,研究高维科技的人会喜欢这个视频的。ZT疫苗的真正成分 Vaccines - New Lab Analysis - Non Human Technology - Aneeka of Temmer Explains the Findings -nazacalines(游戏改变者) @枫下论坛 The Rolia Forum
    • 这就是为什么你在地球上的消极面创建了疫苗接种计划,因为疫苗中的序列可以永久隐藏和破坏你的 DNA,从而让你继续被被奴役。不要对为什么这么多孩子有这么多健康问题感到惊讶。为了真正找出疫苗中真正嵌入的内容,您必须研究纳米级别。 +1

      Marina Jacobi / New Council Of 9 And 11d The History Of The Et Programs
      玛丽娜 雅各比 -外星九人议会和11维生物,外星人项目的历史

      "Hello, dear friends. We are the 11 Dimensional beings and the Council of 9. We know that it is the time to reveal part of what really happened to the human race and what is the agenda behind it. All different galactics had an agenda. But overall it was an experiment from consciousness itself so we can reach new levels of evolution. We all started the experiment from mixing, manipulating and regenerating our DNA with the new sequences of DNA RNA with new panels that created you - The human race. But throughout the process of the experiment there were glitches. And throughout human evolution we tried to upgrade you and ultimately complete the process of the experiment and corrected it.
      “你好,亲爱的朋友们。我们是 11 维生物和 9 人议会。我们知道是时候揭示人类真正发生的事情的一部分以及它背后的议程是什么。所有不同的银河系都有一个议程. 但总的来说,这是一个来自意识本身的实验,借此实验我们可以达到进化的新水平。我们都是从创造你——人类的新面板(基因组)开始的这个创造人类的实验。我们混合、操纵和重组我们自己的 DNA 与新序列的DNA RNA来进行这个实验。但是在整个实验过程中都有小故障,在整个人类进化过程中,我们试图升级你,最终完成了实验过程并纠正了它。

      But some extra-terrestrial races saw the glitch as an opportunity to manipulate and ultimately enslave humanity. This is where we the Pleiadians from Vega intergalactic council and so many other extra- terrestrial races of councils had a problem with this race. Because no one has the right to overtake and manipulate the natural sovereignty and free will of the evolutional process that any race is trying to achieve from consciousness itself. So in turn we created a different - Alliances of Galactic Federations, and started the hybrid programs between your DNA and our DNA so the human race has the capacity to ascend and reconnect with there galactic family beyond the matrix of earth holographic realities.

      但是一些外星种族将这个故障视为操纵并最终奴役人类的机会。这就是我们来自织女星星际议会的昴宿星人和许多其他外星种族议会对这个种族有不同意见的地方。因为没有人有权超越和操纵任何种族试图从意识本身实现的进化过程的自然主权和自由意志。因此,我们反过来创建了一个不同的——银河联邦联盟,并启动了你们 DNA 和我们 DNA 之间的混合程序,因此人类有能力扬升并与地球全息现实矩阵之外的银河家族重新连接。

      This is why so many of you agreed in your soul level to be a part of the hybrid children program. Know that from our races, it was never abductions but equal agreements. The new children that were born on Earth have the new sequence structure and DNA that was upgraded from us so you can all have the capacity to ascend.
      这就是为什么你们这么多人在灵魂层面上同意成为混合儿童计划的一部分。从我们的种族中知道,这绝不是绑架,而是平等的协议。在地球上出生的新孩子拥有从我们这里升级的新序列结构和 DNA,因此你们都可以拥有扬升的能力。

      That is why your negative side on earth created the vaccination program because in the vaccines are sequences that can hide and damage permanently your DNA so you can still stay enslaved. Don't be surprised why so many of your Children have so many health problems. In order to truly find out what is really imbedded in the vaccines you have to look into the nano level.
      这就是为什么你在地球上的消极面创建了疫苗接种计划,因为疫苗中的序列可以永久隐藏和破坏你的 DNA,从而让你继续被被奴役。不要对为什么这么多孩子有这么多健康问题感到惊讶。为了真正找出疫苗中真正嵌入的内容,您必须研究纳米级别。

      In the vaccines there are sequences that are dormant and are easily activated sometimes simply by taking a medication or other chemicals that are sprayed in the air or the food. That dormant sequences will be automatically activated and permanently damage your DNA. Humans know that we are your family.
      疫苗中的序列处于休眠状态,有时只需服用喷洒在空气或食物中的药物或其他化学物质即可轻松激活。休眠序列将被自动激活并永久损坏您的 DNA。人类知道我们是你的家人。

      You are part of us and our DNA. WE created you. Know that your higher soul gave permission to experience this type of reality. You chose to be a part of consciousness itself. You have our DNA embedded in you memory bank of your DNA RNA. It is in you sub-levels of your harmonic DNA RNA. The extra-terrestrial sequence are activating as we speak.
      您是我们和我们 DNA 的一部分。我们创造了你。知道你的更高灵魂允许体验这种类型的现实。你选择成为意识本身的一部分。您将我们的 DNA 嵌入您的 DNA RNA 记忆库中。它在你的谐波 DNA RNA 的更深层中。就在我们说话时,外星序列正在激活。

      That is why so many of you are interested in us because you have been activated. We know that you are questioning it? But the only answer that we can give you is that it is simply part of evolution and the lessons are not only for you, but also for us. So now we are helping you and teaching you the structure of the quantum field and how and from what we are all made from. You have among you so many extra-terrestrial incarnated souls on Earth so we can teach you and download the true information. WE are you.
      We are made from the same quantum structure as you. This is why we are one and together we can create new realities where we all can co-exist in unity and peace. So now you know the story. Please forgive all the past. Create the new now among and beside us. The moment of the New Earth and the ascension of the human race is now. It is inevitable to be so because it is the will and the time from the consciousness of the God particle itself. No one can stop the ascension process of humanity. The ones that
      are still going against the natural evolutionary state of the ascension process of humanity will face a constant blockage from us and consciousness it self.


      Do understand our warning to the groups that are still trying to manipulate humanity. Know that we are going to create a parallel structure of hologram's of situations of blockage to infinity - especially for you , the manipulators and you are going to be exposed and we promise you that you will find yourself in a very, very difficult situation. And that reality that you will see is not going to be from the ascension process reality program. So be warned of that. So stop, stop, stop the manipulation to humanity now. We are the 11 Dimensional beings and the Council of 9. Be all well. And more is to come form us. End of transmission."
      请理解我们对仍在试图操纵人类的团体的警告。知道我们将创建一个平行结构的全息图,把你们(试图操纵人类的团体)前进的道路全部堵死 - 特别是对于你,操纵者和你将被暴露,我们向你保证你会发现自己处于非常非常困难的境地。你将看到的现实不会来自扬升过程现实计划。所以请注意这个警告。所以现在停止,停止,停止对人类的操纵。我们是 11 维生物和 外星9 人议会。一切都好。我们会提供更多的信息。传导结束。”

    • 把TRANSCRIPT也贴在这 +1
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