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Britain will buy 60 million more doses of Pfizer/BioNTech's (PFE.N), COVID-19 vaccine, health minister Matt Hancock said, in a deal that more than doubles the country's supply of the shot ahead of a booster programme later this year.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 看数据,不打疫苗,得病的可能性比打疫苗的高了6倍,死亡率高了12倍 +4
    Data shows the vaccines kept working through the Delta surge, though some groups were at higher risk of breakthrough infections or death.
    • 6月底开始的数据是反应delta作用的 +2
    • Fake new manufacturer, NYT +2
      • 当然不是。数据来源是CDC。你看到哪儿fake了还是就是喷而已 +6
    • 人家重点研究和关注的是疫苗并发症,不是新冠 +2
    • 以为大家都是“厦大”的吗? +3
      • 其实都是“大工”的
    • 吃了ivm就是小感昌,几倍不是个事 +2
    • You’ve reached your limit of free articles. Already a subscriber? Log in. +3
      • 纽约时报看多了的达人👍
        • 新闻不面向所有群体就失去了部分参考与讨论价值,这篇要注册才能读的纽屎文章,你发在肉联除了浪费时间连扯皮的价值都没有……如果能体现您的身段,请继续 +3
          • 需要付费的媒体不是只有纽约时报一家,另外还有华尔街;纽约时报也有几篇免费的配额。没觉得看什么媒体能体现什么身段,但是你觉得喷人能体现你的身段,请继续
            • Who Had COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases?
              After a summer of reports of breakthrough coronavirus infections, when it seemed that everyone knew someone who tested positive after vaccination, recently released federal data sheds light on how common these cases really were, how severe they became and who was most at risk. Compared with the unvaccinated, fully vaccinated people overall had a much lower chance of testing positive for the virus or dying from it, even through the summer’s delta surge and the relaxation of pandemic restrictions
            • 我没有身段,只是您提供的跟本是不可阅读的信息。如果不是强制注射影响孩子上学,我不会费劲吧啦的看这些新闻或数据,去权衡利弊,寻找注射的理由和不注射的道理。 +2
              • 安省官方数据是公开的。看看去年同期没疫苗时候的惨烈,再看看有疫苗以后病例的下降,应该心里就有判断了
    • Senator Ron Johnson said 77% of the death in UK in the past 4 weeks were fully vaccinated. +10
      • Is this person trustworthy? +5
      • 看英国政府的最新数据,完全接种的新冠死亡人数占3011/3823=79%,而英国完全接种的人占总人口的67%。 +4


        • 看来打了疫苗的没有什么保护,有加拿大的数据吗?安省应该公布每日死亡人数,和打疫苗的状态。 +2
          • Bc十月50%死亡是打2针的。 +4
            • 可怕,另外10%的不打疫苗的人口占了死亡率的50%. +3
              • 不否认刚打疫苗有一定保护力,但这保护随时间推移而减弱,现在一般认为6个月就没了,UK统计表明40周以后保护力为付50%+,这也能算疫苗? +7
                • 安省数据,感染减81.7% 最近下降了,ICU 97.3% +1
                  Current Status in Ontario Contents Current Status in Ontario Current COVID-19 Risk in Ontario by Vaccination Status Estimated Rate of COVID-19 Cases per 1 Million Inhabitants per Day in Ontario Effective Reproduction Number R(t) in Ontario Percentage of Cases Caused by Different Variants in Ontario Number of Public Health Units With Exponential Growth in Ontario […]
                  • 看数据说话,有力打脸各种网传奇葩说
                    • 这么好的数据,还打个屁 booster?!
          • 安省不公布死亡的接种状况,也许数字不好看吧 。 +5
        • 看来英国的牛津疫苗真的不行
          • 英国并不是只用牛津疫苗,67M人口,订购了100M辉瑞疫苗。 +4
            Britain will buy 60 million more doses of Pfizer/BioNTech's (PFE.N), COVID-19 vaccine, health minister Matt Hancock said, in a deal that more than doubles the country's supply of the shot ahead of a booster programme later this year.
          • 的确不行,目前还是mRNA的最好
            • 英国买的最多的就是辉瑞。


    • 反疫苗人士多闭着眼:看看现在NHL加拿大都是full观众了,几乎90%的观众都不带口罩观看比赛(当然是完全疫苗的),按照以前新冠变种传播,早就爆炸势传播了,但是事实正相反,疫苗的作用!多伦多5-2赢波士顿!!
      • 每日病例从200多到500多了。难道这不算增长?。。如果疫苗有用,现在打的人的总数越来越多 ,那就算放开, 病例始终会持续下降, 事实呢? +2