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“And today he passed a breathing test that he hadn't been able to pass in the last three weeks. And he looked more alert and aware. So I would say that the first dose of Ivermectin is actually working and is effective,” family attorney Kirstin Erickson said.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 一位香港老人去美国看女儿,染上新冠,10月19日上了呼吸机,快要死了。博士女儿对IVM进行了深入研究,阅读了科学论文,决定打官司,11月8日终于让父亲用上了IVM。一剂下去,第二天病情立刻好转。 +4
    “And today he passed a breathing test that he hadn't been able to pass in the last three weeks. And he looked more alert and aware. So I would say that the first dose of Ivermectin is actually working and is effective,” family attorney Kirstin Erickson said.
    • 啥样官司能那么快见效? +6
      • 这种性命攸关的官司,法官是加急处理的。 +3
        • 就没有你不知道的内幕,赞一个!! +1
          • 都是媒体公开报导的,不需要内幕。那些打赢官司用上IVM的病人最后都得救了,只有一家医院上诉赢了,停止给病人用IVM,结果那个病人死了。 +3
            • 这个好统计,法庭纪录齐全 +1
    • 人病了真是一点尊严都没有了。 +1
    • 新闻不是病历,可以画龙点睛 +2
    • 个案,个案,个案,不在FDA管辖范围内。继续禁止使用伊维菌素,这是拜登总统令,具有法律效力 +1
      • deep state配合中国生物战 +2
    • 我是那种支持一切有效手段的人,中药,保健品,各种抗菌素等,都可以拿来试试,疫苗我也不反对 +2
    • 上呼吸机费用2万刀,IVM 几十块,你是负责医生,如何选? +1
      • 医院给老人家用了antibiotics, steroids and Remdesivir,都不管用,女儿不想让父亲等死,要求用IVM,医院拒绝。本该救死扶伤的医院拒绝救人,需要法官出手干预,也是新冠以来的奇事。 +6
        • And then they heartlessly claim IVM does not work, it is about time for her father to recover regardless taking IVM or not. I can't stand this kind of bastards! +4
    • 感觉在10天内打单抗,辅助Z-pack,大多可以顶过来! +3
    • 疫情期间还到处乱跑。。。年龄大了真不听话。。。 +3
      • 香港沦陷以后日子很难过了,说好的选举取消了,反党的一律扣帽子不爱国 +2