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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Austria is implementing a lockdown for unvaccinated people in two hard-hit regions next week and looks poised to move forward with similar measures nationwide, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said Friday.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 不妙,荷兰接种率很高,可是疫情又大爆发了。Dutch return to partial lockdown as COVID-19 cases soar. Nearly 85% of the adult Dutch population has been fully vaccinated. +2
    The Netherlands will return to a partial lockdown from Saturday after the government ordered restaurants and shops to close early and barred spectators from major sporting events in an effort to contain a rapid surge in COVID-19 cases.
    • wave after wave, they would not admit vaxx is useless. All they will do is double down so 4th, 5th shot is coming. But no one want to be little mice any longer. +7
      • 谁说的。这个坛子里有几个疫苗爱好者, 口头上反复表示了, 要去打第三针, 第四针, 第n针。。。但是别看叫的凶, 一个都没打呢。🤣 +12
        • 为啥不做小白兔?多可爱呀
          • 傻白兔? 被人炖了有什么好的🤣 +5
            • 按规定要地2针6个月后才能炖
              • 🤣🤣🤣
        • 有句話叫己所不欲勿施於人。為了生計去打針無可厚非。但是強迫別人去打針,這就有問題了。 +8
          • 本来就不应该发生:" 为了生计去打针"的事情。 Forcing people to get a shot is totally wrong. 为了生计去打针的都是值得同情的, 更是令人愤怒的。😠 +12
        • 估计还是会有的,疫苗是生命不可缺失的一部分呀
      • 奥地利lockdown不打疫苗 +1
        Austria is implementing a lockdown for unvaccinated people in two hard-hit regions next week and looks poised to move forward with similar measures nationwide, Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said Friday.
        • 那天我们开玩笑说不打疫苗以后是不是不让出门了,原来真的是这样了 +3
        • 以前英语老搞不清澳大利亚和奥地利,原来真的是一样的国家。😄 +2
        • 难怪奥地利是希特勒的祖国 +3
    • 都是那15%的人惹的祸:即使有10%的人得病住院医疗系统也受不了啊! +3
      • 赶紧地,挽起袖子去挨打😂 +7
      • 是呀,为什么多伦多还有20%, 80岁以上感染风险巨大的老人,3万人左右还没有注射防重症防死亡的新冠疫苗! +1



        • 你这个分年龄组的接种率数据有来源吗?是不是整反了?Public Health Agency of Canada的數據顯示80+的接种率为94.5%
          • 有,多伦多的就这样
            COVID-19 Vaccine Survey To get a better understanding of the public’s views on COVID-19 vaccination, Toronto Public Health engaged the polling firm Ipsos to conduct two online surveys. The first survey was completed by 1,200 Toronto residents between March 24 and April 5, 2021. Download the April 2021 COVID-19 vaccine survey results. New: The second […]
            • 不可思议,难不成多伦多的80+都是百万富翁
          • 大略的看了下,加拿大果真是个奇葩的国度,vaccination 的数据比case 详细具体。daily epidemiology update那里连原始数据都懒得叠加直接打到各省去了,更不要提什么分年龄组确诊病例数字…… +4
        • 这个是安省的疫苗接种率最新数据,80+年龄组为,98.5
          Graphs and tables showing our progress on getting the COVID-19 vaccine to Ontarians. Due to technical difficulties, the case rate by vaccination status by age group is not available
          • 看到全国和安省18~29的接种率只有78%、79%,很是欣慰。 没有仔细看过安省的,因为数据含糊形式毁灭……不明白,数据能出十万分比,确不能统计出具体数字,是几个意思😶‍🌫️ +3


            • 安省大学不强制么?
              • 学校也强制的。但秋季大部分是网课,不打疫苗还能上。明年1月起就全部课程都in person 了,不打的现在不能选课。学校fully vaccinated 97%都不肯罢手 +1



    • 打疫苗的确是扩大疫情的好方法 +15
      • 挪威疫情也创新高了,虽然87%的成人已经打了2针,马上要开打第三针。 +1
        Norway will offer a third COVID-19 vaccine dose to everyone aged 18 and older and will give municipalities the option of using digital "corona passes" as a way to beat back a surge in COVID-19 infections, the government said on Friday.
        • 只有西方国家的领袖和主流媒体的老板被疫苗打死打残,这打针才会停止 +3
          • 那会比较难。油管上那些政客接种疫苗的视频,很多连Cap都没摘,打完也不知道还要旁人提醒,挺好笑的~ +3
        • 多伦多医疗单位的医护下周开始第三针了
          • 第四针在不远处等着上场😂 +3
    • 建议楼主改正标题为:“不打疫苗,在荷兰惹祸”,因为尽管打疫苗的人已占多数,荷兰住院病人中却相反,未接种疫苗的仍占75%,ICU占更多,如果把每10万打疫苗的人与每10万没打疫苗的人相比,不打疫苗进ICU的概率高出33倍! +7

      Some 75% of hospital coronavirus patients are not vaccinated

      Just 17% of patients ending up in hospital intensive care units with coronavirus in September were fully vaccinated, the public health institute RIVM says in a new report. At the same time, 25% of hospital admissions were down to people who had been vaccinated, the RIVM said. The report focuses on 1369 people who were admitted to hospital in September and up to October 4, and whose vaccination status was known at the time. The figures means the ‘likelihood of ending up in an IC ward is 33 times lower for someone who has been fully vaccinated than people who have not had their jabs...
      In total, vaccination reduces the risk of being admitted to hospital by 95% and an ICU admission by 97%.

      Read more at DutchNews.nl:

      Full Story:
      • 摆弄一下分子分母,也可以330倍 +3
      • 专家说,接种率达到60%以上就可以群体免疫了。 +2
        • 专家说R0
          • 专家说口罩没用 +1
        • 那是delta之前吧,记得说70%。要是那时候都打了了,估计也没delta了 +1
      • 因此,奥地利专门针对扩大疫情的肇事者们规定:“没打疫苗,就别乱出门”,做得对: 奥地利lockdown不打疫苗 -xiangqian(xiangqian); 11-12 20:32 {734} (#14107193@0) +2
        • 嗯,只有小老鼠才可以上街,所谓过街老鼠,呵呵 +6
      • 还真有人信? +2