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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 看了这个视频,你们还相信clinical trial的数据吗? +2
    • 一直就不信 +8
      • 可是很多人还是对数据和FDA还抱有幻想的公正。 +5
        • 傻或者装傻 +2
        • Most serious AE of vaccine is the decrease of IQ. And usually would take nth shot to eventually reverse this downfall. +2
          • After nth shot, 估计要brain dead了吧,视频中说到的女士就已经影响到脑神经了。 +1
    • 生物和医学造假率90%以上,这是公认的。很多人对这些人有信心。是不了解这个行业 +9
      • 不过这么大规模的众目睽睽下造假也是第一次目睹吧。
        • 这些人造假多年,已经在基因里了,这次造假还可以同时搞政治迫害,如虎添翼。以前还要担心造假被发现,这次被发现造假也不怕。 +9
      • While I was still studying Chemistry,
        we have lab for analytic chemistry. Classmates chasing the few good students, compare result and pick the one looks the best. All got good scores except me that was foolish enough to report my own result. Cheating some times is part of their DNA.
      • 造假就是皇帝的新衣,虽然和病毒斗是斗不过,但是你们谁敢说皇帝没穿衣服? +1
    • 这里是Megyn Kelly的twitter 帐号,很多留言。