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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

this is a thread on 'nano particle',

i linked several documents there, you might be able to find something that resonates with you. at my current level of ignorance, as long as u start seeking truth and taking action, the knowledge that fit your level will come to you through synchronicity

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Graphene, Vaccines, Nanotechnology - Aneeka Responds Dr Alex´s Questions +2
    • Marina Jacobi -REPLAY 11/13/21 疫苗里的NANO BOT的详细解读 +1
      • "007NO TIME TO DIE"电影只提供了部分真相,“Marina Jacobi -REPLAY 11/13/21 疫苗里的NANO BOT的详细解读"讲述了其它电影,揭露了另一部分真相.看完 "007", 再看看"Marina Jacobi -REPLAY 11/13/21" 就明白了全部真相,就会明白这次的C19疫苗里的NANO BOT 是如何工作的了 +1
      • Watched the whole video, amazingly it totally does make sense to me....she is wonderful...2023....thanks for sharing
        • thank you for watching, finally there's one person that can finish watching Marina's whole video :-) . but don't think the 2023 is fixed, there're multi-timlines and we're jumping based on our consciousness, so the time can change.
          • Agreed~
            前两个星期我左边的下眼皮也是自己抖动。。。我偶尔静坐个半个多小时,今天别人说起来我才意识到好了又一个星期了。。。我觉得和静坐有关,静坐时就是减低了自己的频率从而把nano particles deactivated somehow....is this right?
            • 我不知道。【以我当前的愚昧认知】可能要看你打坐时意识频率升到多高了。我知道NANO PARTICLE确实能被频率控制,甚至消除。理论上讲,你说的是能够实现的。另外我们每人都有庞大的【高维】保护,有的时候可能是你的高维保护在起作用。另外,我知道人体非常神奇,
              • 个人经验 +1
                意念疗法真的有效。。。我最近在看一本说也说你的意识能控制的body你的肌肉你的细胞。。。your mind is very powerful as well love.....love is the most positive energy.... 我上面好像说反了,冥想是提升了自己的频率不是降低了
                • 我的个人经验是被NANO PARTICLE传染没那么可怕。那个疫苗受害者Kyle提到过他嘴里的金属味。我也有这个体验,不知是被人传染的NANO PARTICLE,还是空气里的NANO PARTICLE,不过对我没什么影响。很多人都有类似的体验,也都没什么大事。不过这个真是因人,因时间而异
                  • 用磁铁测,我的脑门和胸口真的有磁性。。。一度比较害怕,。。想想经常在夏天晴朗的时候看到天空飞机带着长长的白色的尾巴还觉得很好看。。。现在只觉得可怕。。。怪不得北美那么多人过敏,哮喘,湿疹
                    • NANO PARTICLE就是高科技而已,可以用在好的地方,也可以用在坏的地方。我一直认为要达到远高于3维的频率才能消除NANO PARTICLE 。这个GENE DECODER提到如何去除NANO PARTICLE的方法,我也不知道会不会有用。感兴趣的话可以看看
                      Hello Friends, To find Gene Decode's latest interviews and Q&A's, join here!!
                      • 谢谢,Marina 的视频最后有提到dewatering and fasting....我最近就是轻断食,感觉很好 +1
                        • PMED
          • This timeline jumping idea is fascinating, yet very hard to understand. Would you please explain more about it?
            • not easy to explain in a few sentence.s because what we learned is opposite of the truth. you have to learn Marina's teaching 'the harmonic reactor', start from season one, episode one +1
              If you would like to book a channeling session or download Marina's books : The Harmonic Reactor - and Nano Technology please visit her website: https://www.marinajacobi.com Energy Philanthropy is a positive movement that allows you to share and give without expectations in return. If you wish to support my work please use my paypal link - https://www.paypal.me/marinajacobi
            • or watch swaruu's teaching. comparing with Marina's teaching, this one is far easier to understand, but u may still need to spend hundreds of hours to create the new 'viewpoint' +1
              • Anything easier than that? Anything for dummies' like me?
                • 《扬升书》1,2,3册。好像他没用时间线这个词,但讲的是一样的事。看完《扬升书》1,2,3册后再学上面的会觉得容易许多 +1
                  • Thanks. +1
                • this is a thread on 'nano particle', +1
                  i linked several documents there, you might be able to find something that resonates with you. at my current level of ignorance, as long as u start seeking truth and taking action, the knowledge that fit your level will come to you through synchronicity
                  • Thanks. +1
              • SWARUU系列文章的中文翻译
    • 不能否定的是<氧化石墨烯如何“潜入”细胞>是真实存在的。2004年,英国曼彻斯特大学的Geim等人首次成功制备了世界上唯一的二维纳米材料—石墨烯。 2012进入细胞技术就很成熟了……至于利害大概和居里夫人的钋与镭一样吧 +4