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There are two bottles in the machine. One for clean water. You fill it with clean water. It then draws clean water,

mops the floor, and comes back to the machine, wash the cloth by itself, then the dirty water get injected into the other bottle. It keeps doing that until it runs out of clean water or until the cleaning duty is completed. At the end, you just pour away the dirty water. If you have dry food that left on a floor on a long time, it will not remove it. But if you have dust, the machine is doing fine to first 扫地 then 拖地. You do need to change the head between 扫地 and 拖地。It does a pretty good job overall.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家用电器 / 市场上有好多robotic vacuum cleaner,都看花眼了,其实我就需要一个基本的就行,有什么推荐的?谢谢
    • 打算黑五看看irobot的deal,基本的就怕吸不干净,最近看了几个youtube测评,好像国产的鲸鱼和石头也很好
      • 都能吸的干净,激光传感器的不会乱跑,小米机器人是激光测距的
        • 哪里买的小米robotic cleaner?多伦多有吗?谢谢先
          • 前几年从中国背回来2个,
          • taobao 加拿大有卖的,本地送货,大概分600加币和700加币两款
    • Narwal T10. 木地板吸的擦的挺干净的。希望耐用。
      • 请问这种机器人的机器是可以加水到机器内部擦木地板还是有一次性抹布在机器里面的?谢谢
        • There are two bottles in the machine. One for clean water. You fill it with clean water. It then draws clean water,
          mops the floor, and comes back to the machine, wash the cloth by itself, then the dirty water get injected into the other bottle. It keeps doing that until it runs out of clean water or until the cleaning duty is completed. At the end, you just pour away the dirty water. If you have dry food that left on a floor on a long time, it will not remove it. But if you have dust, the machine is doing fine to first 扫地 then 拖地. You do need to change the head between 扫地 and 拖地。It does a pretty good job overall.
          • 请问擦完了以后抹布怎么洗?噪音大吗?
            • it cleans itself! We typically take the head out and lay it somewhere so it is dry. it's pretty quiet!
              • 谢谢!动心了,可是一千多的东西保修才一年,戴森还二年呢,再想想
                • 所以我主贴说了希望耐用啊!用带有extended warranty的信用卡买,保修多一年。
                  • 是,如果买肯定要这样。以前买的blender六七百的十年保险,那就比较放心。我再研究一下小米的
      • 请问这个是吸和擦都包括了吗? +1
        • Yes two different heads. You need to change it. But it is easy. Good machine for hard floor (not for carpet).
          • 谢谢,那瓷砖地能用吗?
            • yes, hardwood, laminate, tile, vinyl, etc... it works good on hard surface.
      • 4000尺的房子电池够用?
        • 没电它自己会跑回去充。so far,没有这样的问题。我们没钱,所以每层放两天(每天工作两个小时这样?一天吸,一天擦,也没有去仔细track)。我有朋友买了两,楼上楼下各一个。
          • 网上搜了一个1149-150 价格。我只用过10几年前第一代robot,一楼不好用,太大 桌子椅子腿太多。
            • 官网
              • 麻烦你再问一句,头发从机器里弄出来好清理么?第一代robot不好清,缠在刷毛棍子上烦,希望有改进
                • 会缠在上面需要拽出来,但是我自己没觉得很困难。
      • 这个价格可以买3个小米机器人,
        • 是说小米扫拖一体机器人吗?那个好用吗?
          • 我用小米第一代3年了,从中国背来的,
        • 据说是市场上唯一能自己洗拖把的,没办法,懒人只能付出多一点。
          • 原来这样啊,如果只有他家也只能伸着脖子被砍了。希望有竞争对手快赶上
            • 肯定会,中国做这些更新换代很快。
    • 如果不是特别忙,我建议自己吸地,既运动还舒缓心情。如果真的特别忙,就找个清洁工。
      • 机器人吸的干净,省力,非常值得尝试,我家小米机器人工作了3年,每天都吸一次,
    • 对象我这样对粉尘过敏的来说,吸尘器最主要的衡量标准是过滤效果和密封性能。