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Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) has been reported in several virus infections including dengue fever virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus infection. To study whether ADE is involved in COVID-19 infections, in vitro pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 entry into Raji cells, K562 cells, and primary B cells mediated by plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients were employed as models. The enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells was more commonly detected in plasma from severely-affected elderly patients with high titers of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific antibodies. Cellular entry was mediated via the engagement of FcγRII receptor through virus-cell membrane fusion, but not by endocytosis. Peptide array scanning analyses showed that antibodies which promote SARS-CoV-2 infection targeted the variable regions of the RBD domain. To further characterize the association between the spike-specific antibody and ADE, an RBD-specific monoclonal antibody (7F3) was isolated from a recovered patient, which potently inhibited SARS-Cov-2 infection of ACE-2 expressing cells and also mediated ADE in Raji cells. Site-directed mutagenesis the spike RBD domain reduced the neutralization activity of 7F3, but did not abolish its binding to the RBD domain. Structural analysis using cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) revealed that 7F3 binds to spike proteins at a shift-angled pattern with one “up” and two “down” RBDs, resulting in partial overlapping with the receptor binding motif (RBM), while a neutralizing monoclonal antibody that lacked ADE activity binds to spike proteins with three “up” RBDs, resulting in complete overlapping with RBM. Our results revealed that ADE mediated by SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific antibodies could result from binding to the receptor in slightly different pattern from antibodies mediating neutralizations. Studies on ADE using antibodies from recovered patients via cell biology and structural biology technology could be of use for developing novel therapeutic and preventive measures for control of COVID-19 infection. ### Competing Interest Statement Patents about the monoclonal antibodies 7F3 and 4L12 in this study are pending. ### Funding Statement This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31771008 to JH, 31930001 to YZ and FW, 82041025 to SJ, and 31971123 to QZ), the National Major Science and Technology Projects of China (2017ZX10202102 to JH and 2018ZX10301403 to FW and LL), Hundred Talent Program of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (2018BR08 to JH), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (2019PT350002 to JH), Program of Shanghai Academic/Technology Research Leader (20XD1420300 to LL), the Key R&D Program of Zhejiang Province (2020C04001), the SARS-CoV-2 Emergency Project of the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province (2020C03129), the Leading Innovative and Entrepreneur Team Introduction Program of Hangzhou, and the Special Research Program of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia of Westlake University and Tencent foundation to QZ. ### Author Declarations I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained. Yes The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below: The study was conducted under a clinical protocol approved by the Investigational Review Board in the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center (Study number: YJ-2020-S018-02). All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived. Yes I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as ClinicalTrials.gov. I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance). Yes I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable. Yes Correspondence and requests for all data should be addressed to Jinghe Huang (jinghehuang@fudan.edu.cn)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / ZT 详实经历:学童传染病毒,妻子打疫苗后被感染, 丈夫因感染过,没打疫苗,也被感染 +1

    我和我老公40+ 没有基础病, 家里有三娃,5 岁,8 岁,11岁。

    我打了疫苗,我老公没打, 我家三个娃没打


    我是7月打的疫苗,当时考虑到3个娃不网课了,要进学校上课,风险大,怕传染给我,所以就打了( 现在想来,是个多么正确的决定啊)


    我觉得老三是在学校被传染的,因为那几天他们班上好几个小孩因为“ sick”请假, 就是请假2天,然后好了又回来上课,学校又没有强制要求“sick”的小孩去测新冠,不测就不知道是不是得了新冠,然后就回来上课。真得觉得有些家长挺自私的。。。。。好吧我发个牢骚,因为确实这次得新冠把我搞得挺痛苦的。。。。

    我家老三是11/2号 星期2 ,放学后,他说他觉得头痛,然后有点流鼻涕,当时他也觉得困,当天很早就睡了。 第二天早上起来,啥事都没有了。本来我以为就是一个感冒啥的,但是当时觉得为了安心,还是给测个新冠, 我家里有那种rapid test,不测不知道,一侧吓一跳,居然是新冠阳性。然后马上给全家自测了rapid test ,还好,大家都是阴性。 当时立刻就把他隔离了,然后也给学校打电话报告了, 并且预约了的PCR测试。


    星期四。结果出来了,全家中招!我当时真的有晴天霹雳的感觉,我可是打了疫苗的好孩子啊,为啥我也中招了?!!!!当时我老公挺乐观的,毕竟是“有经验”的人,他就安慰大家: “没事没事,我是过来人,大家都不要怕, 这10天我们就当在家里休假好了,好久没有这么享受家庭时光了” 他甚至连每天我们看啥电影都安排好了。 结果当天晚上,他这个“过来人”就被打脸:开始发高烧了。 而我当天只是觉得有点困,很早就睡了, 3个娃无症状。

    星期五,最惨的一天来了, 3个无症状娃很早就起来,兴奋的要一起看电影,我和我老公病得比较严重,早上醒来完全下不了床, 我老公一直发烧,每4个小时吃泰诺,一吃药体温从102降到100,到了4个小时,药效没了,又上到102度。 然后他胸刺痛,咳嗽,全身肌肉痛,基本上滩在床上。

    我虽然没发烧,但是我胸痛头痛全身肌肉痛,没法下床走路,因为我的脚没力气,一下床,就摔了,后来上厕所都是叫我家老大扶着我去的。 然而这都不是最痛苦的,最痛苦的是: 我家三个娃精力都异常的旺盛,当时我真的有那么一刹那的邪恶的想法,希望他们好歹有点症状,可以躺在床上休息,就不用来烦我们俩了。 当时的情况是:我和我老公要死不活的,在死亡线上挣扎,三个娃在家里打闹,把家里吵翻了天,然后还跑来我们屋里告状,老三还在我们床上跳,让我们起来看电影。我和我老公当时虚弱到,我们两个大人联手起来,都打不过5岁的老三,后来还是叫老大把老三从我们床上拖走的。 我第一次感到如此的无力和绝望。 当时,觉得自己万一死了怎么办,可能我这个人比较悲观吧,于是开始安排后事。我之前有存私房钱的习惯,我当时绝望到把私房钱的账号和密码都告诉我老公了,结果我老公说: 还是告诉老大吧,感觉我会比你先走,好歹你还没发烧。

    熬过了星期五,星期六一大早我起来的时候,居然觉得好多了,觉得不用死了,马上就去把私房钱的账号密码改了。 然后我老公还是半死不活的摊在床上,依旧发烧。 我当时有精神了,头脑也清晰些了,就决定立刻送他去急诊。去了急诊,急诊说可以安排输单抗,但是要等到星期一才有货,因为最进确诊的人比较多,单抗不够,要等。

    星期天早上起来的时候,我觉得我已经完全好了,腰不酸腿不痛,打娃也有力气了。 当时就一个感觉: OMG我活过来了,感谢疫苗,感谢辉瑞, 感谢XXTV,感谢MTV,不感谢CCTV。。。。。。反正就是高兴的有点过头了,毕竟有种死而复生的庆幸,然后为了庆祝我的重生,我door dash了酸菜鱼。 结果可能因为我太嘚瑟了,当天我居然失去嗅觉味觉了。我记得我吃酸菜鱼的时候,吃不出辣,但是会感觉舌头痛,吃不出酸,但是会感觉嘴角流口水。反正就是一种奇怪的体验。 与此同时,我老公依旧摊在床上发烧,而他也失去味觉了。 我家三个娃,依旧精力旺盛,活蹦乱跳,毫无症状。


    星期二我老公也逐渐恢复体力了,不知道是单抗的作用还是说差不多也到了恢复期,当天他开始下床活动,洗了个澡,是的,他在床上躺了整整4天,再不洗澡,我感觉他都要发霉发臭了,不过,还好,我闻不到。我当天也做了一顿超级难吃的饭,因为我家三个娃有味觉,他们说很难吃。 我和我老公当天还录了个视频挑战吃柠檬,毕竟这也算是我们吃酸史上的高光时刻了。


    星期四: 我的味觉嗅觉恢复了,我老公还没有恢复(他至今也没恢复,不知道到底要等到什么才恢复)。

    星期五: 隔离生活结束。

    总结一下: 1:疫苗真的有用。感觉我们这次得的是delta,传染性很强,而且出现症状也快,2天就出现症状了。 虽然我也得了,但是对比我和我老公,我明显比他轻很多,好的也快。 所以疫苗真的有用。 还有新冠真的不只是流感,我觉得比流感严重多了,我这辈子再也不想去体验新冠了,生病的时候,真的是太难受了,全身失去力气,全身痛,而且是痛的让人绝望的那种。

    2: 12岁以下的小孩,真的是轻症,不要太担心,除了老三有头痛流鼻涕和困以外(也只持续了一天),老大老二完全没有任何症状。



    发表于:2021-11-21 02:38



    发表于:2021-11-21 02:42


    发表于:2021-11-21 02:45

    我们也是我和老公打了疫苗 娃太小不能打。娃得了轻症,我得了大概两个周好的差不多。嗓子疼了一个多月。我老公测了好几次没有。

    发表于:2021-11-21 02:47



    laalaatou 发表于 2021-11-21 03:14


    发表于:2021-11-21 03:42|


    发表于:2021-11-21 03:46|



    • 结论一:单看楼主的情况也不能说疫苗防重症效果好,毕竟只是个个例。但回帖里好几个人家里有同样情况,说明疫苗还是有用。结论二:自然免疫后会二次感染并且症状更严重。 +3
      • 哪个地方可以自己要求单抗治疗?
        • 这是文学城的帖子。单抗是啥?
          • 人家是在美国,单抗就是针对新冠的抗体药。 +1
      • 结论一二都难说, +1
        • 。。。至少证明二次感染是可能的、二次感染症状可能比第一次更严重吧?指望自然免疫的不要掉以轻心了。 +6
          • 如果不产生抗体,二次跟一次没差别,早就有报道二次得过的人了。 +2
      • 结论二不对吧,他老公什么时候第一次得病,文中没有说,老婆是7月打的疫苗。可能老公抗体已经没有了,老婆还有
    • 疫苗肯定管用!单抗是啥?这是哪里?加拿大还是美国?症状率低,重症率也低。就不够时间和数据知道副作用! +1
      • 发烧100度。。。
        • 美国啦
      • 女主没有发烧?只有浑身乏力,和对钱传承的清晰思路:)
    • She attributed recovery to the vaccine, which is not verifiable, it sounds more like her strong physical condition was in action +4
      • 这跟有人把 recovery 归功于 ivm 的逻辑有啥不同? +9
        • I'm not an advocate of IVM, but I'm highly skeptical of the vaccine effectiveness +3
    • 女主和她老公其实严重程度差不多。女主不发烧,是因为打了疫苗有抗体,让免疫系统产生错觉。印度delta的时候,打了疫苗的就有不发烧,突然就死了的例子。发烧不见得更严重,只是免疫系统减缓病毒复制的正常反应。 +8
      • 这岂不是掩耳盗铃更可怕吗? +3
      • 不光是发烧吧,老婆整体症状,病程都好于老公 +3
      • 太神奇了,现在隔空诊断技术已经这么发达了吗? +3
      • 新冠有不少病了一个星期,人的感觉好了很多,然后突然死亡的例子。不发烧了,产生抗体,就会感觉好很多。但是如果自身产生的抗体不是最佳,反而起到感染增强的效果,反而导致突然死亡 +4
        • 的确是谜团,但你的结论不对,希望医学界有一些解剖研究这些突然死亡的原因。 +1
          • 这是复旦大学去年研究武汉新冠爆发以后的上海病例得出的结论。后来中国不许公开发表关于ADE的研究,之后就看不到后续的研究了 +2
            Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) has been reported in several virus infections including dengue fever virus, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus infection. To study whether ADE is involved in COVID-19 infections, in vitro pseudotyped SARS-CoV-2 entry into Raji cells, K562 cells, and primary B cells mediated by plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients were employed as models. The enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells was more commonly detected in plasma from severely-affected elderly patients with high titers of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-specific antibodies. Cellular entry was mediated via the engagement of FcγRII receptor through virus-cell membrane fusion, but not by endocytosis. Peptide array scanning analyses showed that antibodies which promote SARS-CoV-2 infection targeted the variable regions of the RBD domain. To further characterize the association between the spike-specific antibody and ADE, an RBD-specific monoclonal antibody (7F3) was isolated from a recovered patient, which potently inhibited SARS-Cov-2 infection of ACE-2 expressing cells and also mediated ADE in Raji cells. Site-directed mutagenesis the spike RBD domain reduced the neutralization activity of 7F3, but did not abolish its binding to the RBD domain. Structural analysis using cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) revealed that 7F3 binds to spike proteins at a shift-angled pattern with one “up” and two “down” RBDs, resulting in partial overlapping with the receptor binding motif (RBM), while a neutralizing monoclonal antibody that lacked ADE activity binds to spike proteins with three “up” RBDs, resulting in complete overlapping with RBM. Our results revealed that ADE mediated by SARS-CoV-2 spike-specific antibodies could result from binding to the receptor in slightly different pattern from antibodies mediating neutralizations. Studies on ADE using antibodies from recovered patients via cell biology and structural biology technology could be of use for developing novel therapeutic and preventive measures for control of COVID-19 infection. ### Competing Interest Statement Patents about the monoclonal antibodies 7F3 and 4L12 in this study are pending. ### Funding Statement This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31771008 to JH, 31930001 to YZ and FW, 82041025 to SJ, and 31971123 to QZ), the National Major Science and Technology Projects of China (2017ZX10202102 to JH and 2018ZX10301403 to FW and LL), Hundred Talent Program of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (2018BR08 to JH), Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (2019PT350002 to JH), Program of Shanghai Academic/Technology Research Leader (20XD1420300 to LL), the Key R&D Program of Zhejiang Province (2020C04001), the SARS-CoV-2 Emergency Project of the Science and Technology Department of Zhejiang Province (2020C03129), the Leading Innovative and Entrepreneur Team Introduction Program of Hangzhou, and the Special Research Program of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia of Westlake University and Tencent foundation to QZ. ### Author Declarations I confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained. Yes The details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below: The study was conducted under a clinical protocol approved by the Investigational Review Board in the Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center (Study number: YJ-2020-S018-02). All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived. Yes I understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as ClinicalTrials.gov. I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance). Yes I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable. Yes Correspondence and requests for all data should be addressed to Jinghe Huang (jinghehuang@fudan.edu.cn)
            • 如果是ADE, 为什么是突然死亡呢?难道不是看起来好了一些,又渐渐病重了? 记得当时李文亮很像这种情况。什么样的人会ADE呢?
              • ADE引发细胞因子风暴,就突然死亡了。在疫苗之前,很多重症病人就疑似ADE,一个说法是以前感染过其他冠状病毒,身体根据以前记忆产生抗体,抗体不佳引起ADE。 +1
        • 这会不会是血管突然堵了
        • 这些新冠突然死亡的特点,就是退烧了,人体感觉变好了,从时间来算,应该是产生抗体了 +1
      • “星期四: 我的味觉嗅觉恢复了,我老公还没有恢复(他至今也没恢复,不知道到底要等到什么才恢复)。星期五: 隔离生活结束。”,老公可能留下后遗症。 +2
    • 女主刚打疫苗不久有原始毒株抗体,抗体浓度高,不会引起ADE,抗体效率差点,所以症状挺严重。老公需要重新产生针对delta的抗体,所以康复速度慢一点。但是康复以后,老公已经有针对delta的抗体了,女主还是原始病毒的抗体 +1
    • 她老公第一次估计是假阳性,早期pcr分不出感冒和covid,这个是有报导的。另外,英国统计百万康复者中非常可能的几百二次感染中,症状一般都比第一次轻。所以我觉得她老公也是第一次感染。 +1