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Los Angeles County Identifies COVID-19 Hot Spots,

but Most Have High Vaccination Rates.

🇺🇸@COVID19Up: Los Angeles County is keeping a close eye on what health officials have labeled nearly a dozen COVID-19 hot spots.

Communities such as Lancaster, Palmdale, Studio City and Santa Clarita are among the 10 places in the county that are seeing increased rates of new SARS-CoV-2 infections.

According to the county health department, seven of the communities on that list had COVID-19 vaccination rates that exceeded the countywide rate, but officials still insist that does not mean the vaccines aren't working.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Los Angeles County Identifies COVID-19 Hot Spots, +2
    but Most Have High Vaccination Rates.

    🇺🇸@COVID19Up: Los Angeles County is keeping a close eye on what health officials have labeled nearly a dozen COVID-19 hot spots.

    Communities such as Lancaster, Palmdale, Studio City and Santa Clarita are among the 10 places in the county that are seeing increased rates of new SARS-CoV-2 infections.

    According to the county health department, seven of the communities on that list had COVID-19 vaccination rates that exceeded the countywide rate, but officials still insist that does not mean the vaccines aren't working.
    • 不跨过门槛就只能是门外汉了
    • The government keeps lying to American people and killing the innocent and this has to stop. +2
    • Vaccine would not stop virus from replication within respiratory system so once infected, vaxxer becomes super spreader before syndrome. so far we r lucky no real leaky variant yet. +4
      • 你给解释一下为啥BC和ON都是没有打疫苗的人感染比例远远高于打了疫苗的人?都是打了疫苗人的错?别忘记感染过新冠的人也会再次感染的。另外,long haul covid有空去了解一下。
        • vaxxer more likely no syndrome so under reported. but vaxxer is still spreading, this explains why higher vaxx rate, higher infection rate. Soon when effectiveness wades we will see vaxxer infections going up. no approval yet but seems logical. +9
          • 这个就是凭空想象了,没有记错的话,肉联发过英国的研究报告。打了疫苗的人病毒载体浓度和没有打过疫苗的人类似,但是打过疫苗的人的病毒浓度下降速度比没有打疫苗的人快得多。从这个报告看来,打了疫苗的人传播病毒的概率会小于没有打过疫苗的人。 +1
            • you get it when know how antibody works. Virus in respiratory, antibody in blood has NO effectiveness, None. But it withheld the virus from entering blood system so prevent severe illness. Problems, short lived, leaky variant +3
            • 英国公共卫生局 (PHE) 最新公开的数据表明,尽管接种过两剂疫苗,但感染 Delta 变种病毒的患者在最初感染的几天内仍然具有高度传染性。而传染主要发生在“最初几天”。 +3
        • 这个没法解释,因为没发现哪个数据表明:“BC和ON都是没有打疫苗的人感染比例远远高于打了疫苗的人”。请问这个比例是多少? +3
          • 安省官网有每十万人口的统计数据,每天更新
            • 现在每天基本上50/50,这个比例叫远远高于?如果算打了一针的,基本都是打过针的高于没打的,如果把儿童无法接种疫苗群体除外,未打疫苗的成人比例更少了,请问,哪来的神马“远远高于”?所以,这个颠倒黑白的结论,只有你们才能“解释”。 +3
              • 绝对数一直为反疫苗人士所爱,哪怕只有1个
                • 你有数据,就来反驳,我记得,前段时间,安省数据说感染12岁以下占到20%,不就是为推儿童疫苗吗,那么好,打了两针,打了一针,除掉20%12岁以下儿童,最后没打疫苗比例是多少?不难算吧? +2
                  • 好吧,今天有点空。帮你做做小学算术,结果是没有打疫苗的人感染率是打满两针的4倍左右。


                    打满两针疫苗感染率=237/112.23=2.11 人/每10万人

                    打一针人数感染率=14/3.86=3.63 人/每10万人

                    没有打疫苗感染率=118/14.40=8.19 人/每10万人


                    • This data is actually worse than Israel 4 month after mass 2nd shot. I'm not denying short term protection, it is what going to happen in near future matters. +1
                      • 如果说是防止感染率在下降是事实,但是如果比较住院率和进ICU的比例呢,仍然以今天的数据为例。还是今天的数据,疫苗对住院保护力92.65%,防进ICU高达97.3%。有这么好的保护力,新冠感染率高点也不是啥大问题。


                        住院289人,104人没有打疫苗,住院率=104/14.4=7.22 人/每10万人






                        • Will you take the 3rd shot? Reason of asking, even with this quarter of Delta R0, still means pandemic will going on. you WILL contract it, sooner or later. +1
                          • 从目前的住院率和ICU数据看来大多数人不一定需要打第三针,安省目前还没有放开打估计也是有这部分原因。我住的区域接种率很快就会超过90%(12+),所以即使放开我也不会着急打。先等几个月看实际数据后在做决定。
                            • my point is with current R0, you will contract it, for sure, cause R0>1. booster is your only chance to bring down R0. Will you take it? But I got the answer, that noone would blindly take the booster, which is good. +1
                              • 之前强调R0必须降到1以下是因为没有啥其他手段防止住院率和进ICU率,现在看来疫苗效果这么好。加上马上FDA将大概率批准辉瑞和Meck的新药,Pandemic很快将成为Endemic。但是新冠将长期伴随人类。至少是最近2-3年是跑不了。最后的结果是大家都躺平。
                    • Here saying Delta R0 is between 6.0 to 7.0. So quarter of it still 1.5 to 1.75. With this R0 there is NO END of this pandemic.
      • The vaccinated people get Covid-19 virus and spread it to the unvaccinated people. That’s why the number is flying. We should keep away from the unvaccinated people. They are dangerous people and they are killing you. +5
      • 这个就是没有科学根据的遐想了 +1
        • yea just some real science you don't know yet. that is it. +6
          • yea just some fake science. that is it.
            • whatever, enjoy your shot. +3
              • Vaccine debate is pointless now as it has been proved ineffective as each day goes by . Otherwise how to explain everyone needs 3rd, +2
                4th shot ? And if it is effective for adults, why all the kids who are not affected by this virus at all are forced to take the jab? Nothing makes sense any more.