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Feds aim to criminalize threats towards health-care workers with new bill

The Criminal Code amendments specifically propose the creation of a new intimidation offence to protect health care workers and people who are seeking health services

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 反疫苗人士悠着点。 +6
    The only full-time family physician in a small northern Ontario town says she feels personally attacked after a spate of COVID-19 misinformation and anti-vaccination sentiment set off by a town councillor.
    • 医生自己69岁,还要照顾96岁的老父亲,这个画面有点凄凉
      • 这个正常。有反过来照顾的才凄凉。that's not the point of this article. 小镇反疫苗人仕把唯一的医生气跑, 自讨苦吃, 自生自灭。 +4
        • 我是觉得从这个故事可以看到社会的负担越来越重,所谓积重难返。至于医生离开当地,并不一定就是因为反疫苗者,因为支持她的人也不少,说故事的人强调了这一点而已 +4
          • 很nice的说法了.难道画人像把肠子也画出来? Roedde says it's all become overwhelming and she's exhausted, +2
            especially since she has gone above and beyond to provide care to her patients.

            "It's personally painful. And when you're tired, you know, doing house calls every day over a weekend, over the next weekend, you know, worrying about your own safety. You just sort of think, it's enough," she said.
            • 意兴阑珊,金盘洗手! +1
              • 既然高龄父亲在多伦多,她为啥跑那么偏远的地方执业呢?
                • 这也挺正常的吧,别说老外两代人,就是华二代不也不少远离爹妈,南下扎根去了嘛。好在家里的娃不是胸怀大志那款,现在选个大学也不愿越界,魁北克都嫌太远了。呵呵
                • 因为愿意去偏远地方的医生少,政府(省,市)有时会提供一些补贴。
        • 小镇人士不反疫苗,请不要造谣生事
    • CBC的新闻嘛,你应该支持政府赔偿恐怖分子5000万并道歉。你可进任何你想进的厕所,只要你认为你符合相应的“性别”。如果你不这么认为,你还是悠着点。 +23
      • cbc said one thing right, someone will need to worry about safety, not the doctors, but the public health officials. All meaningful ways of free expression is surprised, leaving not much choice for antivaxxer. And not all of them are peaceful. +6
    • 这种小镇肯定还有兽医 +4
    • 反疫苗人士已经修炼的比医生还懂医了,只是少了个处方权 +13
      • 新冠问题上家庭医生有处方权?这个新鲜哈,家庭医生能开啥药?说来听听? 兽药吗? +12
        • 没住院的新冠病人都是从医院开出的药?说来听听 +1
          • 没住院的病人,医生要你打疫苗,那个是最好的药,打了疫苗的病人,医生告诉你,你是超人了,不需要药。现在你告诉我新冠病人,家庭医生还有“药”,我是在听“天方夜谭”吗? +11
            • 你们一直生活在天方夜谭,除了兽药就没有其它治疗新冠症状的药了,还用听? +6
    • She made mistakes as saying this: “We had said if people are not vaccinated, we would look at alternatives," said Roedde.
    • 这种地方本来风险就是医疗。有医生也就是看看感冒,这文章为了打击反疫苗人士有意夸大
      • 老猫夸大其词
    • Feds aim to criminalize threats towards health-care workers with new bill
      The Criminal Code amendments specifically propose the creation of a new intimidation offence to protect health care workers and people who are seeking health services
      • The changes are intended to make it illegal for anyone to deliberately make a health-care worker so afraid that they cannot do their job, or to intimidate someone from seeking medical help, with a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison.