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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛为纪念中国载人宇宙飞船发射成功,多伦多本地华人团体Photon/Phonon特别赶制一套3CD纪辑Vive Le Taikonaut,在X Sky厂牌下发行。我和Photon/Phonon的主力念音乐合Kid Phantom比较熟,征得他的同意,把曲目说明发表如下。有兴趣的听者可以于一周之内在本地HMV或者Rotate This唱片行见到此合辑,如果等不及也可以直接向他们邮购(他们的email是ph2ph@yahoo.ca)。据说本合辑售价暂定为成本价6.66CAD。



《01. Protagonist, Loneliness is an eyesore,Dead Can Dance 》


《02. Gone, Pop, U2》
You can keep this suit of lights
I'll be up with the sun
I'm not coming down,

《03. Play Dead, Debut, Bjork》
Darling stop confusing me
With your wishful thinking
Hopeful enbraces
Don't you understand?

《04. Hallelujah, Messiah, George Frederic Handel》

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

【我国进行首次载人航天飞行, 胡锦涛到现场并发表重要讲话。】
《05. 毛主席的话儿记心上》

《06. 妹妹你大胆地往前走 》

妹妹你大胆地往前走啊 往前走 莫回呀头


妹妹你大胆地往前走啊 往前走 莫回呀头
通天的大路 九千九百 九千九百九啊


《07. 我的中国心》

《08. CHINA MY CHINA,智取威虎山,Brian Eno》

In the haze of the morning, China sits on eternity
And the opium farmers sell dreams to obscure fraternities
On the horizon the curtains are closing
Down in the orchard, the aunties and uncles play their games
(Like it seems they always have done)
In the blue distance, the vertical offices bear their names
(Like it seems they always have done)
Clocks ticking slowly, dividing the day up.
These poor girls are such fun,
They know what God gave them their fingers for
(to make percussion over solos) [typing percussion]

China, my China, I've wandered around and you're still here
(Which I guess you should be proud of)
Your walls have enclosed you,
Have kept you at home for thousands of years
(But there's something I should tell you)
All the young boys, they are dressing like sailors.

I remember a man who
Jumped out from a window over the bay
(There was hardly a raised eyebrow)
The coroner told me,
This kind of thing happens every day.
You see, from the Pagoda, the world is so tiny.

《09. Cosume Mao,革命京剧,大友良英&Ground Zero》

《10. Any Track, Oxygen, Jean Michel Jarre》


《11. Maus Mobil, Mouse on Mars》

《12. Ill Flower,Lifeforms, Future Sound of London》

《13.Dejeuner en Paix, Stephan Eicher》

《14. Surrounded by the Stars, Wolf City, Amon Dull II》
《15. Meditation,Solaris, Stalker, Mirror Original Soundtrack, Edward Artemiev》

《16. Paff der Zauberdrachen, Die Grossen Erfolge, Marlene Dietrich》
《注:Puff the Magic Dragon最初由Peter, Paul and Mary在六十年代创作并演唱。现在我们听到的是美籍德裔红星Marlene Dietrich演唱的德语黑胶版本,更多一份沧桑。》

《17. Man on the Moon, Automatic for the People, REM》

If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon
If you believe there’s nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool

Moses went walking with the staff of wood. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Newton got beaned by the apple good. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister charles darwin had the gall to ask. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

《18. Track 02, Melody From Mars, Aphex Twin》

《19. Stairway to Heaven, Zeppelin IV, Led Zeppelin》
And it makes me wonder ...


【4点34分, 神舟五号飞船开始进行着陆准备工作。6时许, 神舟五号飞船进入中国上空。】
《20. Into My Arms, Boatman's Call, Nick Cave & Bad Seeds》
I don't believe in an interventionist God
But I know, darling, that you do
But if I did I would kneel down and ask Him
Not to intervene when it came to you
Not to touch a hair on your head
To leave you as you are
And if He felt He had to direct you
Then direct you into my arms

Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms

And I don't believe in the existence of angels
But looking at you I wonder if that's true
But if I did I would summon them together
And ask them to watch over you
To each burn a candle for you
To make bright and clear your path
And to walk, like Christ, in grace and love
And guide you into my arms

Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms

And I believe in Love
And I know that you do too
And I believe in some kind of path
That we can walk down, me and you
So keep your candlew burning
And make her journey bright and pure
That she will keep returning
Always and evermore

Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms, O Lord
Into my arms

《21. Bayreuth Return, Time Wind, Klaus Shulze》

【6时07分,内蒙古主着陆场收到飞船返回舱信号。6时18分, 5架直升机搜救“神舟”五号飞船返回舱。】
《22. 敖包相会》
十五的月亮 升上了天空哟


《23. Clipper, Tri Repetae++, Autechre》

《24. Hymn, Karlheinz Stockhausen》
------------end-----------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 【加国声音风景】(二)中国载人宇宙飞船发射成功特别纪念音乐合辑(2003。10。15)
    • (目瞪口呆)!Is that true?
      • Everything is true, buddy
    • 为了庆祝中国载人航天飞行,
      我和乐队特别排练了Oasis的Champagne supernova, 将于周五周六演出。Cheers!
      • 怎么唱起冤家对头的歌来了,有意思。
        • 哈哈,不算是什么冤家对头了。