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他们已经很体贴地给新冠疫苗爱好者想好了系列理由:• people who are fully vaccinated may be more health conscious and therefore more likely to get tested for COVID-19 and so more

likely to be identified as a case (based on the data provided by the NHS Test and Trace)• many of those who were at the head of the queue for vaccination are those at higher risk from COVID-19 due to their age, their occupation, their family circumstances or because of underlying health issues• people who are fully vaccinated and people who are unvaccinated may behave differently, particularly with regard to social interactions and therefore may have differing levels of exposure to COVID-19• people who have never been vaccinated are more likely to have caught COVID-19 in the weeks or months before the period of the cases covered in the report. This gives them some natural immunity to the virus for a few months which may have contributed to a lower case rate in the past few weeks

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Warning! 年龄暴露贴!根据官网数据算算你的年龄组打了疫苗后增加了多少倍新冠感染率? 我先自暴一下,如果打了疫苗我感染新冠的危险是不打疫苗的2.17倍! +3

    数据来源是UK官方Health Security Agency. 几个星期前30岁以上所有年龄组的感染率都超过了不打疫苗,但是老年人第三针暂时起了一定作用。这也说明了booster不会停的。


    • 你肯定没看今天这个论坛“民间专业人士”的讨论,各方势力今早已达成共识,这个“疫苗”它不防传染。但是对于定义为“疫苗”的东东,是否防传染还有分歧哈,不过对于这个疫苗增加传染,相信后面会成为热点哈。 +3
      • CDC会与时俱进再次修改疫苗定义。以后增加传染的也叫疫苗。到时候就问你服不服。 +4
        • 那英国为啥还要提前推进第三针呢,不符合逻辑啊 +2
          • 不考虑副作用的话,疫苗短时间会有一定效果,但是保护率下降很快,瑞典一个研究显示J&J的保护率降到了负值。只好药不能停了。 +1
    • 我看了我的年龄组,我如果冒了风险去打,反而感染机会翻倍。我比较胆小,还是算了。 +2
    • 他们已经很体贴地给新冠疫苗爱好者想好了系列理由:• people who are fully vaccinated may be more health conscious and therefore more likely to get tested for COVID-19 and so more +4
      likely to be identified as a case (based on the data provided by the NHS Test and Trace)• many of those who were at the head of the queue for vaccination are those at higher risk from COVID-19 due to their age, their occupation, their family circumstances or because of underlying health issues• people who are fully vaccinated and people who are unvaccinated may behave differently, particularly with regard to social interactions and therefore may have differing levels of exposure to COVID-19• people who have never been vaccinated are more likely to have caught COVID-19 in the weeks or months before the period of the cases covered in the report. This gives them some natural immunity to the virus for a few months which may have contributed to a lower case rate in the past few weeks
    • 这算不算官宣疫苗没用? +1
    • 大英帝国政府最近比较讨人嫌,新冠问题上经常说真话,弄得一竿子狐朋狗友们比较难堪。比方说,最早取消疫苗护照,你这叫加拿大怎么办? +5
      • 英国取消老鼠证了?
        • 呵呵,不好意思哈,消息有误,9月份取消的,十月底又恢复了,看来三天不学习,赶不上刘少奇哈。 +1
      • 大英帝国的死亡率仍然低?
    • 再次证明了我说的:新冠杀老疫苗害小,60以下别打疫苗,60以上自己掂量。 +2