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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 我不相信什么阴谋论。 +7
    政府推疫苗没错,但推的方式不妥,很少提疫苗的成分原理什么的。 现在来看,疫苗对防重症肯定是有很大的作用,但这种病毒的致死率不是非常高也是事实,而且这种没有经过长期检验的基因信使疫苗的长期副作用还不是很清楚。 所以,如果是老人,在人员密集的封闭环境中工作,或者在医院工作,还是应该打疫苗。如果在家工作或者不用工作,家里又没有其他可能带进病毒的人员,就可以不打。
    • 致死率不高不等于危害不大,这个病的问题就在于传染性很强,传播起来,对医疗系统的挤兑压力太大,ICU占满,择期手术无法进行,你想想那些得癌症需要手术的人,没法手术是什么心情。 +8
      • 在家工作,或者不工作,家里又没有能带进病毒的人,或者从事室外工作,被感染的概率还是很低的。 +5
        • 目前安省4%的人感染过,如果用人口密集地区来统计,多1倍不是没有可能
          • 流行了两年,只用4%的人感染过这个病,这不能叫“流行病” +5
            • Only 4% got it. Thats because of all those public health measures and the vaccine. Duh! +2
            • 流行病的定义不是取决于生病的人数,而是取决于传播的速度(R0),一年多的时间里60多万人染病,1万多人死亡,嘴上再说的轻巧也不行 +6
      • 这些人都是不考虑其他人的。 +6
    • 如果“阴谋论”被证实,那就是“阴谋”,而不是“论”了。帖主如何看待这条信息?“Dr Young已经确定四种疫苗里面都有氧化石墨烯。 -615(分享快乐); 9-4 {197} (#13961170@0)” +4
      • 应该在推疫苗的同时把这种疫苗的原理成分一起推给大众。 +4
        • 你这位妈妈,千万不要对我们下一代的孩子讲这种话。药的原理,分子式和制作方法都是公开的。在专利保护之下。自己要对自己负责,不要把任何事情寄托“政府”身上。政府是最靠不住的!嘿嘿。。西方国家的政府,不是党妈 +11
          • 政府只是说疫苗有用,让赶紧去打。至于这种疫苗到底是什么很少提。 +1
        • 成分原理在网上都可以找到,临床试验的结果都发表了,通俗易懂的科普文章更是不少,但是架不住坚持不打疫苗的把这些都一概归类为谎言编造。更架不住那些耸人听闻的阴谋论。 +5
          • 谁会想到打个疫苗还要去网上自己搜成分原理结构,英文不好的还的搜中文的。 +2
            • I agree that a lay person doesn't have to do this. FDA/CDC/mediacl professionals do this for you. But if you choose to not believe what they say, then the burden is on you. +3
            • 这么重要的决定,主动了解一下不过分啊。尤其当信息readily available. 那些反对的人肯定是了解过了才反对的吧。 +1
            • 知道成分原理就能知道所有可能的正负作用了么?地球科技什么时候到达这一步了?在clinic trial没被取消之前,地球医药学就还处于要靠实验验证的阶段。目前来说,生物、医药理论始终只是大方向,根本落实不到细微处,更何况还有个人差异。只有死读书的才会有那些幻觉。 +3
        • 人类过去多次研发冠状病毒的疫苗,全部失败,从未成功过;这次研发的试验品,不仅不防传染、而且已经造成大量的死伤,但政府却疯狂地推进,甚至有的国家已经准备不顾纽伦堡法典而全民强制。同时,治疗病毒有效的药物却受到打压。你不觉得奇怪吗? +8
          • from failure to success, there will always be a first time. This happens to be it. And it is just your opinion that this vaccine doesn't work. The way I see it, it works. without it, we will be even more miserable. +3
            • 来,说说看,人类历史上有几次是强行对全民进行(风险未知的)试验的,还是你认为这次就是(成功的)第一次,所以以后可以大力推广?另外,科学从来不用“如果不怎样,现实更糟糕”这种无法论证的事情作为论据,何况地球上还有没这么做却没更糟糕的地方。 +6
            • It is hard to argue with people who do not understand what science or scientific method is. They tend to mistakenly think science should represent absolute truth and certainty. +3
    • I don't believe it neither but so hard to explain the fact that they forbit all possible treatment. +6
      • 所以我倒是觉得,政府可以这么做,如果有人坚持想用IVM/HCQ,给你开药,但是签免责,自费掏腰包,反正很便宜 +2
        • isn't that more common sense way of dealing with any potential treatment? Let the doctor doing his/her job. +5
        • Where were you in the past 20 months? This is the right people are still fighting for ,and government block people 's medical right for no good reason. +5
          • i am nobody LAMO. And I still say IVM/HCQ is useless. +1
            • Hahah, regardless what you believe, you should have your medical freedom. It might not be IVM next time but some other drug which you might believe in, as long a licensed dr believe it might help you, you should have the right to choose to take it. +6
              • Medicine is not about freedom.Nor is it about something one believes in. If you have any knowledge about this profession, +1
                you should know this is probably the most restrictive profession. You have to follow the rules. You have to follow the books. Otherwise we might as well just go back the era of wild wild west.
                • That is exactly why I said the licensed doctor think the drug can help you with their expertise , they should be able to prescribe it and patient should have the right to choose to take it. +5
                  Currently the politician is controlling the doctors, you think the politician knows more than the doctors?
                  • In fact, it is the medical professional bodies that advise agianst the use of IVM/HCQ based on scientific evidences. You can blame politicians with anything. This is not the one. +1
                    • Those are in fact politicians, like dr tan, they are not in the care of patients. +5
                      • Do American Medical Association and American Pharmacist Association sound like political organizations to you? Well they all have advised against the use of IVM +1
                        • If you think these organization have any credibility that they are still independent organizations, +4
                          maybe you didn't follow the main stream media closely...anyway, regardless how the high power regulates , can you give me one good reason from your own thinking that IVM should be blocked from anyone?
                          • using a useless drug will only create a false sense of safety and complacency. thats one good reason to me. +1
                            • Thats not a good reason to block it,as it does no harm, doctors many times prescribe placebos as well.😊 +4
                              • I can prescribe a sugar pill to someone who cannot sleep. That does no harm. But if you have a false sense of being protected from COVID, that's harmful. +1
                                • This argument might apply to the vaccine more, as so far people who took IVM all get better or recovered, just FYI people double/triple jabbed are start to filling up the hospital... +4
                                  • In no time in the past 20+ months did anyone say vaccine is 100% effective. But from trials to real world data, +1
                                    all available evidences suggest it will give you certain degree of protection against infection, hospitalization and death. Now show us the evidence of what you said about IVM that all get better or recovered
                                    this thread is so long it starts crawling out of my screen now. Not going to reply anymore
                                    • You want me to refer to all the news again? So far everyone on the news who fight on the court to take IVM ,all of them are recovered, +4
                                      and Alberta dr who fight against authorities to treat 3 ICU patients,all survived . Countless patients from all the other doctors who lost their licence after prescribe this harmless drug. If you are interested enough, you can find the truth yourself.
                • Again, it is hard to argue with people who do not understand why healthcare is heavily regulated and should stay that way. +1
                  • for sure, it is VERY HARD to persuade people that limiting their option is actually "good" for them. In fact, INSANE. +4
    • 唉!。。这种妈。。太那个啦。。信息社会去🐶🐶妈嘛 +10
    • 嗯。这些观点我基本都认同。只是,政府即便宣扬疫苗的原理,大部分人也听不懂,或者不愿意听。小心。。。 +2
      • Sounds like you want to stir up the division, we are all in this together. 😊 +5
    • 疫苗问题在加拿大活生生的例子就是AZ疫苗,刚开始接种,欧洲陆续有负面消息传出,中风血栓之类,加拿大政府却宣传安全的,那是极少数个案,土豆,福特各级政府要员赤膊上阵,以身试针。 +18
      • and the latest similarity is "booster protects omicron". Really have to be stupid to a point to believe in this crap. +8
    • 每个人开始都是不相信的
      • 力推AZ和混打,导致混打不被国际承认后,大家明白了,加拿大政府就是个笑话,自己的命还要靠自己保。 +14
        • 不管你们如何笑,加拿大在西方世界里的抗疫成效名列前茅 +1
          • 地广人稀的都名列前茅,加拿大不打疫苗时,也是名列前茅的,你明白吗? +8
            • 多伦多人口密度4000+/平方公里,你们懂吗? +1
              • 加拿大就是多伦多吗?多伦多也就贡献百把例而已。 +5
                • 这就对了,才贡献百把例,成绩可嘉 +1
                  • 是啊,没疫苗前多伦多也没多严重 +1
                    • 这不绕回来了?#14158297@0
        • 可悲的是很多人还没有意识到。。。就和股市一样。。。大声疾呼快点清仓。。。但是总是很多人被套住 +5
      • Conspiracy to reality ,the distance is time. +6
        • And it will give us a mixed feeling for sure.... finally everything gets better, sadly at the exact time some innocent people may get hurt.... +3
    • 你信不信阴谋论,你说了不算, 他们说了算😂, 他们说你信阴谋论🤣。放宽心, 他们说啥压根不用放在心上😝 +5
    • 支持疫苗,反对强制 +2