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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 美国心脏协会一份报告表示:最近随着MRNA疫苗,许多心脏病患者的PLUS心脏测试评分发生了显著变化,患心脏病的风险从11%增加到25% +15
    • 算有点良心 +2
    • 这个报告已经被twitter判断为假新闻了,twitter警告报告的链接不安全。这不是笑话。只有通过twitter审批的才是科学。 +8
      • 美国心脏协会是骗子协会?
        • 敢跟主流意见唱反调的不是骗子是什么? +2
          • 推特比心脏协会更懂心脏?
      • 这提醒,有用吗? 本坛大佬也经常转载众所周知的假新闻网站的东西。 +7
        • 先下结论,再找证据,总有一款适合朕,真假不知道,关键是看了开心 +4
          • 就像希特勒葛贝尔一样,希望谎言重复千遍即成真理。 +4
            • 希特勒的目的是用谎言去攫取权力,而这里恐怕最后的目的就是想骗自己,让自己相信这些谎言是真理
        • 对信大媒体的人当然有用了。毕竟是twitter是大媒体,当然比美国心脏协会更懂心脏。 +3


          • 才是官网,推特的链接是伪造。
            Find out how ANA Enterprise’s various journals can help you stay informed about the latest developments in nursing and health care
            • 你是说美国心脏协会这个杂志的网站是伪造的了?AHAjournals.org难道是假的?你们就这样打假吗? +3
              • 看看吧
              • this site has back issues dated 50s but still been questioned its authority. Seems confirmed IQ decrease is one of vaxx AE. LOL +6
            • 你给的是ANA。 American Nurses Association。护士的网站。你研究心肌炎看护士网站?AHA才是美国心脏协会! +5
              • 难道这个是假的?看看域名应该很容易分辨什么是真什么是假
                • AHAjournals是AHA的官方杂志 +3
                  • 呵呵,这就奇怪了,为什么heart.org没有链接?
                    • 子虚乌有啊
                      • 一看域名就知道谁是李鬼,可总有人想方设法来骗自己 +4
                        • 无脑之徒们搞不出什么名堂 +2
                        • wiki竟然给这个李鬼站台,来一起打倒! +2
                          • 这个网站自己可以更新WIKI,难道你不知道? +1
                      • 你们接着打假哈。反是不同意见都是假消息。美国心脏协会敢发不同意见自然是冒牌组织1 +1
                        • 问题是你提供的网址完全不能证明是美国心脏协会的
                          • 了不得了。heart.org官网也链接了这个李鬼 你点点里面link跳出的哪个网页? +2
                            • 没看到你说的链接
                              • 非让我一步步教吗。 “View More About Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology”。 点这个link. 看看出来哪个网站? 惊不惊喜? +6
                                • 好吧,算你证明了,就算这样又说明了什么?只能说某种特定条件下风险增加,任何药物都可能有风险,这是常识,但不用的话可能风险更大,再说了一个研究结果而已,是否收到普遍的接受还是问题,除非权威机构的普遍认证,否则啥也说明不了
                                  • 你打假打成这样我也是服了。劝你以后别被twitter等大媒体给忽悠了。 +9
                                    • 下面的链接难道不是你拿推特来证明?
                                    • You are wasting your time. He/she just does NOT want to believe anything negative about vaxx. +8
                                      • 错,我认为任何药物都有风险,但这篇文章实在没有说服力,只能算一家之言
                                        • com'on, all you message before this one was questioning the truthfulness of this article. Now you are saying you actually question the conclusion of the article? All right, as I said, u does NOT want to believe anything negative, that is perfect fine. +7
                                          • 因为楼主假借心脏协会的名义推广,当然值得怀疑,因为没有common sense, 结果发现连协会也出来澄清了这不过是一篇错误文章
                                            • com'on. it is a paper passed peer review. the organization does not back it up does not falsify the paper itself. You are smart enough to know the difference. +2

                                              It passed the AHA standard, thus published. I bet this standard proves the truthfulness of this paper.

                                              AHA officially back it up or not, that is completely different story.

                        • 你的链接就是假的啊,当然你可以信以为真,祝你快乐好运。
                    • wiki看看吧。 +1
                      • 这么简单的说明,更证明了这个网站基本是假的
                        • twitter竟然也给这个李鬼认证。反了天了。 +2
                          • 你难道不能在推特上面注册个宇宙协会?上面的LOGO都不一样 +1
                            • 来。 点这个最新期刊:“New Journal Launching in 2021 Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology” 看看出来什么网页?heart.org里的链接哦。呵呵 +5
                              Journals published by the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association
                              • 这和你的AHAJORNALS的网址不一样,更说明你的是假的 +1
                                • 点了以后出来的网站:www.ahajournals.org/journal/svin 你说不一样? +3

                                  Full Story:
                                • 来,给说说网址怎么不一样了阿。 www.ahajournals.org/journal/svin 和 www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712 哪个是李鬼阿? +4
                                  • 一家之言,协会并没有背书,而且声明不代表协会意见,所以不要拿协会来证明
                                  • 我头都看晕了。以后不要贴这些英文的东西,欺负我们不懂英文的。
              • 真的呀? 看看吧
    • 最低的一个心脏受累数据,以前的有590倍/2倍,5年50%的死亡率,这个才增长到25%.期待有专业原文的连接
    • u don't need to know rocket science to figure out those sudden death athletes were NOT due to climate change or pandemic stress. +8
    • what is the PULS test?
      The above mentioned report is an abstract submitted to the annual meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA). It does not represent the official vew of AHA. Nor is it a peer reviewed articles published in one of the many AHA journals. The so called PULS test is a test of a panle of obsure proteins in the blood, many of which, for example IL16, is part of a general immune response. These so called biomarkers will, almost by definition, increase after COVID vaccination. The real question is how to estabilish a correlation as well as a causal link between the increased test score and heart inflammation. The developer of the test, who is a medical doctor and advocates natural medicine, says there is a correlation. However, strong evidence remaines to be seen in peer-reviewed publications. And the test is rarely used in clinics.
    • aha expresses concerns over this report.

      This article expresses concern regarding abstract “Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning” which originally published November 8, 2021; https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/circ.144.suppl_1.10712.

      Soon after publication of the above abstract in Circulation, it was brought to the American Heart Association Committee on Scientific Sessions Program’s attention that there are potential errors in the abstract. Specifically, there are several typographical errors, there is no data in the abstract regarding myocardial T-cell infiltration, there are no statistical analyses for significance provided, and the author is not clear that only anecdotal data was used.

      We are publishing this Expression of Concern until a suitable correction is published to indicate that the abstract in its current version may not be reliable.

    • 這年頭鴕鳥真多,明明很多人打完看心臟急診的增多,我就認識三個人這樣的,卻幫着藥廠作惡 +11
      • 很多药厂小老鼠都以为自己是药厂股东呢 +7
        • 哈哈,明明被騙了還幫着數錢 +7
      • Looks athlete sudden death becomes daily news now a day but still this must not link to the vaxx. Vaxx is the politic correctness can not be challenged. +3