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Factcheck 在这儿

FIFA 有专门的Sudden Death Registry. 2014-2018年 这个registry一共记录了617例 足球运动员sudden deaths。 2021 年的记录 当然还不完整。 但是根据德国运动医学协会的初步估计, 2021年的 FIFA sudden death 和pre COVID 的2018年比 甚至可能稍低 ”"The claim that there is a dynamic in it cannot be deduced from our data or other international registry studies. There will be no more deaths among footballers than before the COVID-19 pandemic."“

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 今年的统计: 291 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 167 Dead, After COVID Shot +1
    It is not normal for young athletes to suffer cardiac arrest or death while playing sport, but all these come shortly after a COVID shot.
    • for sure it is the climate change's fault, covid shot is simply coincidental, absolutely irrelevant. +1
    • 這一個月內就有67個運動員倒下了 +4
      • 又回到那个问题:这种不防传染而且不安全的药水,为什么要强迫我们接种??? +3
    • Even the horses are dying on racetrack. Must be the vaccine.
      Medina Spirit, the three-year-old colt that won the Kentucky Derby and became embroiled in a controversy over a failed post-race drug test, collapsed and died Monday after a workout at Santa Anita racetrack in California.
      • 如何解释500%的增长:500% increase in sudden cardiac and unexplained deaths among FIFA athletes in 2021 (#14119491@0)
        • 体现你critical thinking的时候到了。别光看结论。文章读了吗?数据源了解吗?引用看了吗?分析了吗?
          • 读读这个:美国心脏协会一份报告表示:最近随着MRNA疫苗,许多心脏病患者的PLUS心脏测试评分发生了显著变化,患心脏病的风险从11%增加到25% (#14160159@0)
            • AHA has issued a warning against this report, which is just an abstract submitted to AHA annual meeting by the inventor of this rarely used PULS test.
            • Can you explain what plus is? I bet you know.
        • Please read this research article.
          This article documented 331 confirmed cases of sudden deaths and cardiac arrest in competitive athletes from 2014-2018 in the US alone. Sudden deaths in young atheletes are very well known and not uncommon. The most frequent underlying diseases include hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and some inherited genetic disorders. Your "statistics", however, have been fackchecked by many news outlets to be unreliable. BTW, by the same logic, one can also conclude that some of those deaths may also be due to COVID itself. Some people don't even know they were infected.
          • 这种自称为factcheck的spin很多,用一个词语来描述,就是“忽悠” +2
            • Where does it say factcheck? I may have missed it. You can help
              • 你没看到factcheck,说明你没读吧
                • Please kindly point it out where it is the the link?
                  • Please read this research article. -micah(mica); 08:49 {560} (#14165071@0)
                    • Well, I read and focused the research article in the link and try to understand, you focused on someone’s post on this forum. I don’t know what to say. Have fun. Btw, I also read both if links you provided.
            • Goodsciencing.com 不忽悠不spin?
        • don't waste your time argue with them. Used to be one collapse that would top the news cycle for days. Now it is so common and nobody would even cover it. Sad, sad, sad!!! +4
          • not arguing anything. Maybe you can help with the questions?
            • MSM already gave answer, all because of climate change, or pandemic stress. Up to you to believe it. For me, this is not the first time MSM promote crap. +2
              • Answer to what? If you do not know what my questions are,

                you do not need to reply. what is plus? How many / the percentage of collapsed / died FIFA players are vaccinated? Does they article have the data? Btw, when / where MSM gave those answers, answers to what?

                It takes an open and critical thinking mind to view a question as a question and engage in meaningful discussion.

                • lol. even MSM does not deny the fact of excess death among athletes, rather spin the cause instead. But you don't trust them? that is fine. all climate fault anyway! +1
                  • Can’t take a question? very weak.
                    • can't trust MSM? I agree on that. +2
                      • I don’t know what you meant. I don’t oppose or agree to the conclusion of the article,
                        I just try to understand / find more. It may lead to The same conclusion, or not. But you see to take every question as an opposition. Have fun.
                        • for sure need to have fun to go through this dark time. I can't believe in this "free" country I am basically restricted to a 2nd class citizen simply because I am executing my God given, charter protected human right. What a shame!
              • MSM是什么?
                • Main Stream Media
    • 随便点了一个第58,发现半毛钱关系都没有,有去年运动员倒下的数据吗?
      • FIFA的500%增长就是对比
        • 与0对比?总得有往年的数据吧,否则说1000%你也信
          • FIFA往年的数据就在文章里
            • 没有往年的数据
              • Yes. It says, this year they collected, previous year based on wiki
                • 足球运动员被反疫苗人士定为受害最大,500%的增长换算到美国足球运动员头就是死了50个,还是低估,反疫苗人士应该没有意见吧?
        • 中国足球终于有希望了。明年中国奇冠,因为中国打的不是mRNA疫苗。 +1
    • 运动员就是疫苗影响最明显的试金石。99.9+%没有基础疾病,经常高强度运动。对心脏的任何不良影响都会被放大表现出来。 +2
      • spot on. Athlete used up the full capacity of his/her heart. Thus any damage clearly shown. Normal people still have reserve thus small damage is not lethal, yet. +1
    • Factcheck 在这儿 +2
      FIFA 有专门的Sudden Death Registry. 2014-2018年 这个registry一共记录了617例 足球运动员sudden deaths。 2021 年的记录 当然还不完整。 但是根据德国运动医学协会的初步估计, 2021年的 FIFA sudden death 和pre COVID 的2018年比 甚至可能稍低 ”"The claim that there is a dynamic in it cannot be deduced from our data or other international registry studies. There will be no more deaths among footballers than before the COVID-19 pandemic."“
      • 比赛少了猝死就少了吧 +1
        • 至少没有500%?观察者身份;)
        • 有可能, 所以公平的比较应该是 人数 比赛场数。也可能发生在训练时,所以统计起来会比较困难
    • 要证明真的很难。不知道有没有人来证明这件事 跟疫苗有没有关。 简单的 "说有关" 和 "说没关" 都没用。比数据也会lost,

      • To start, do we know if these players are/were vaccinated? The article didn’t say, or did it? News has it that last week the collapsed Scottish middle fielder John Fleck is yet to be vaccinated. Well, it could be fake new but easy to verify.
        How many of them are/were vaccinated? Isn't it one of the first things to clear as part of criticall thinking?
      • There will be such studies. As I said,
        FIFA has an official database that collects case information of all confirmed sudden death in soccer players. Current data of 2021 is not available yet. But experts from the German Society of Sports Medicine investigated the rumors on social media and concluded that the final number is unlikely higher than that of the pre-pandemic ones. Please read the factcheck link abve.
        • good
        • Oops, not Climate change fault? Why they blame innocent climate when there is no excess death. lol
          • In this thread I am trying to explain two things and two things only. First,
            the claim in the original post saying that there is an increase of 500% in athletic sudden death is untrue; Second, sudden cardiac deaths in young healthy athletes is not uncommon.
            • see, apparently MSM does not agree with your conclusion, that is why they are looking for causes like climate change, pandemic stress, weed usage, whatever.
    • 中国领导打科兴,买的mRNA疫苗给法轮功打!