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Ivermectin in Japan
Antivirals in JapanIvermectin allowed as a treatment on August 13Doctors can prescribe without restrictionsPeople can buy it legally from IndiaDr. Haruo Ozak...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 日本在七月份举办奥运会时,疫情飙升。八月十三号,日本政府放开对伊维菌素使用的限制并允许民众从印度购买。之后感染率及死亡率几乎跌至为零。而有些国家的政府,还在继续欺骗民众。 +4




    Ivermectin in Japan
    Antivirals in JapanIvermectin allowed as a treatment on August 13Doctors can prescribe without restrictionsPeople can buy it legally from IndiaDr. Haruo Ozak...
    • 从伊维菌素获益的国家越多,媒体就越不容易忽悠 +5
      • 加拿大人可以买到吗?有预防作用吗?
        • 有预防作用。加拿大的医生一般不敢开处方。
    • You can find a list of COVID medicines approved by the Japanese FDA (PMDA). On the list there are 4 drugs: Remdesivir, Baricitinib, Casirivimab, and Sotrovima. +1
      • At least three of these drugs are also approved in Canada for treatment, but why is the dead rate in Canada still high? Besides, how do you explain the spreading of virus are curbed in Japan? These drugs are not for preventative purpose like vaccine. +1
      • 造谣者对日本官方视而不见,一定要吹兽药。这是怎样的飞蛾扑火 +2
    • No, Ivermectin Did Not Help Japan Bring Down Covid-19 Coronavirus Delta Surge +1
      Another claim is that the Covid-19 coronavirus somehow mutated itself into extinction in Japan.
      • 媒体迎难而上,不容易忽悠也得试试😄 +8
        • I still remember there was paper officially claim Japan's miracle was because virus suicides, then Omicron came. LOL +5
        • 不要低估了金钱的力量。背后的金主可是百亿量级的。 +1