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“We deserve to know how many percent of the ICU is filled with people who are having side effects within one week of the injection. And then,

if they are clogging the ICUs because they are getting a vaccine injury, but then they’re being labeled as unvaccinated, that is an absolute lie.”

引用一个医生说的话。关于ICU里fully vaccinated vs unvaccinated人数比例的问题。具体的information,连医生都得不到。这样,对新冠“疫苗”有疑问和质疑的人,即使是专业人士,都不会有数据支持了,就只有瞎猜了。有些事不对劲儿,到底在发生些什么?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / “We deserve to know how many percent of the ICU is filled with people who are having side effects within one week of the injection. And then, +7
    if they are clogging the ICUs because they are getting a vaccine injury, but then they’re being labeled as unvaccinated, that is an absolute lie.”

    引用一个医生说的话。关于ICU里fully vaccinated vs unvaccinated人数比例的问题。具体的information,连医生都得不到。这样,对新冠“疫苗”有疑问和质疑的人,即使是专业人士,都不会有数据支持了,就只有瞎猜了。有些事不对劲儿,到底在发生些什么?
    • You asked the prohibited questions and you should be ashamed of yourself! Any patients admitted to ICU must be the Unvaccinated without question +4
    • 粗糙的分析更害人
    • 好吧,蹩脚的翻一下。"ICU里有多少人是在注射疫苗一周内,因为严重的疫苗副作用入院的。如果这些人是因为疫苗副作用占据了ICU,然后又被标注为unvaccinated,那这就是在扯谎。” +4