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Did Britain's 'first Omicron death' die FROM the Covid variant or WITH it? Professor slams government's 'lack of transparency'and says No10 is causing 'unnecessary alarm' - adding: 'The patient could have been hit by a bus'

A lack of transparency over the UK's first Omicron death prompted fury today, as a doctor told the Government to release more details to stop 'unnecessary alarm'.

Experts are demanding answers about the UK's first Omicron fatality, such as the individual's vaccination status, if they were part of group vulnerable to Covid, and if the virus was the leading cause of death.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 英国第一例o病毒死亡 +1
    • 打疫苗了吗?
      • 英国卫生当局什么信息也不给,诡异。可能是被车撞死的,尸检一查,有O病毒。信息不透明就会引人遐想 +4
        • lol. GB is a lot more transparent than Canada. +1
          • 以前一直相对透明,这第一个o死病例,患者年纪打几针苗是不是高风险行业/居住,统统不说,所以诡异。英每日邮报在轰政府,过几天把信息压出来。。。 +5
            • 果真不假,反疫苗人士着迷的还是疫苗,而不是疫情 +2
              • 给人乱贴标签不好。大多数人不是反疫苗,是反对强制疫苗。你自己愿意打就打呗,多打几针。 +12
                • 请睁大眼睛看清楚,大多数反疫苗人士在说疫苗有毒,疫苗无效
                  • 放松些,不要为了疫苗动了真情哈,话说这疫苗完全没有防传染,这也是明摆着滴,要是这次峰值超过上次,不知你们还要怎么洗涅? +12
                    • 再洗环境因素和死亡比例吧,那是明摆在那里的
            • 估计还没落实好 +1
            • 怎么会呢,西方国家政府都是透明的,不可能掩盖数据,更不可能要逼着才说出来。 +1
        • 估计是打了疫苗的。如果没打,马上会说,因为没打疫苗所以死了! +13
    • Did Britain's 'first Omicron death' die FROM the Covid variant or WITH it? Professor slams government's 'lack of transparency'and says No10 is causing 'unnecessary alarm' - adding: 'The patient could have been hit by a bus' +3

      A lack of transparency over the UK's first Omicron death prompted fury today, as a doctor told the Government to release more details to stop 'unnecessary alarm'.

      Experts are demanding answers about the UK's first Omicron fatality, such as the individual's vaccination status, if they were part of group vulnerable to Covid, and if the virus was the leading cause of death.

    • 中国也出现第一例了
      • 冷冻食品上查出来的? +3
        • 一个中国人,在天津入境的
          • 从哪里入境?河北还是北京?
            • 天津
              • 那是打过疫苗的呢?
                • 不知道
              • 从北京入境天津,还是河北入境天津?
                • 不知道。天津没有国际航班吗?
    • 说好的疫苗防死亡呢? +9
      • 会说不是百分百防吧? +1
      • 疫苗既不防传染,也不防重病,更不防死亡,这是新型的三不防疫苗,保护地球用的。 +12
        • 精辟。这帮孙子就是以减少人口为目的的,美其名曰保护地球。
    • 才I个! ?
      • O病毒扩散还不到半个月,病人还在医院里挺着