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Full Text of Malone Statement My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Large majority of Canadian parents not getting kids vaxxed +5
    Four-fifths of parents of elementary school-age children newly eligible for COVID-19 shots have declined vaccination to date.
    • 你这和主流报道大相径庭,据说,70%家长期望给自己5-11岁孩子作疫苗实验,据说,艾滋病群体期望所有的人都打疫苗,从而对他们形成“保护圈”。这就是为什么连孩子都不放过。---今天我是小英雄??要保护世界?? +1
      • 愿意的家长孩子赶紧当英雄去吧 +2
    • 新冠疫苗MRNA发明人馬龍博士呼吁家长不要让孩子接种疫苗 +9
      Full Text of Malone Statement My name is Robert Malone, and I am speaking to you as a parent, grandparent, physician and scientist. I don’t usually read from a
      • 反疫苗人士通常都大言不惭,文章通篇里没有提到是新冠疫苗的发明人,即便是MRNA,首次人类实践也没这位马龙大V什么事情 +4
        • 不要告訴我你不識字:Before you inject your child - a decision that is irreversible - I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created +9
          • mRNA vaccine technology与新冠疫苗的发明人之间有半毛钱的关系吗? +2
            • 注意文明用语哈,越是这个时候,越是要注意个人涵养 +3
              • 共勉 +2
                • 反疫苗人士说脏字是可以的。双标 +3
              • 如果说你WUNAO/BENDAN呢?我照抄反疫苗人士的用词就被删了,反疫苗人士的帖子还好好的在那儿呢 +2

                • 那天小嘴还羡慕人家的贴子被频频加“精”,人家滴一亩三分地,就从了吧!呵呵
                  • 我估计Let's Rock!就是版主之一,又当运动员又当裁判 +1
                    • 你就不要XM了,花坛才是你的福地。😂
                    • 大头虽然执着,但他说话是很文明的。说脏话的是一些杠精。
                      • 我也不喜欢脏话的和瞎抬杠的
            • 我觉得跟发明人没大关系,但新冠疫苗是基于mRNA 技术的。Robert 是早发现这个的(之一)。
        • 查了一下, "In the 1980s,
          while a researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, Malone conducted studies on messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology, discovering that it was possible to transfer mRNA protected by a liposome into cultured cells to signal the information needed for the production of proteins.[6][2"
      • 自称为“mRNA疫苗发明者”的马龙认为他的工作没有得到足够的信任。 “我已经被历史遗忘了,”他告诉《自然》杂志。
        • 本来就是自称的,反疫苗人士如获至宝 +1
          • 看上去他是这方面的先驱,最少是之一,wiki上有他,还给了引用的地方。 +1
    • Not everyone foolish enough to risk their kids to be lab mouse. +15
      • 可以理解。小孩得病症状很轻或没有,疫苗还有可能的副作用。只要小孩没事,老人什么的爱死不死,疫情能不能过去,关自己家小孩啥事,对吧? +1
        • You are wrong. Not a single country promote vaccine has COVID under control. Pandemic only get worse with more vaxxer. Vaxx children would NOT protect senior cause vaxxer carries virus. +8
          • 哦,我又错了,你又对了 +3
          • You are wrong 你说的和试图反驳的驴唇不对马嘴 +2
            • whatever, enjoy your shot! +4
              • Whatever you are wrong 驴唇不对马嘴