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再贴一个Mayo Clinic医护人员的呼吁。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 说Omicron都是轻症的, 请看 +2

    最新的挪威的数据。 从12月1日, 住院,ICU,和机械通气人数快速上升。 Omicron都是轻症, 很可能是个错觉。今后两周内会看得更清楚。


    • 再贴一个Mayo Clinic医护人员的呼吁。


      • Please help me understand, Omicron clearly breaks through vaxx, why still vaxx? Don't u see the rapid growing number of vaxxer infected in the past few days? Today, 1046 fooly vaxxer got Covid. +8
        • Latest data from multiple studies (laboratory and real world clinical VE) suggest the efficacy of the 3rd booster will likely be ~75% against symptomatic infections. 2 doses are not able to prevent symptomatic infections,
          but can still provide meaning protection against hospitalization , severe diseases and death.
          typo: meaningful
          • yea, 3rd dose may give u one month window before 4th is required. That's pfizer's CEO's words, not mine. What it mean? Only high antibody can prevent infection, once down a little bit, people will be in danger. +5
            • One month is your interpretation. Vaccine is not perfect. Vaccine won't end the pandemic by itself. Public health measures matter, medicine matters. +1

              For now we have to protect our health care system.
              • all right. mine. maybe it provides less than one month protection, who knows. Omicron only discovered less than one month ago. Anything is possible. One thing for sure though, 2 dosers r NO LONGER full vaxxed. +5
    • 两周不够的话,再看两个月,两个月不够的话,再看两年,两年不够多话,再看二十年,一定满足你的要求
    • 丹麦的数据,入院率比Delta还高些。而且20-29岁年龄入院者占明显多数 +2

      • 果然全是2针的人中标,不打针和打三针的差不多,以不变应万变果然好用啊。😄 +12
      • 这说明丹麦打的疫苗对Omicron没什么效果 +4
        • 丹麦打的是不是国药疫苗啊?
          • 丹麦只批准了3种疫苗,辉瑞,莫得纳,强生。 +3
    • 南非带来的错觉,那里发病的年轻人较多,70%的人有自然免疫的底子
      • 不是说有很多是艾滋病吗?免疫功能低下啊。 +1
        • 还有25%打针的
      • confirms natural immunity is better than vaxx immunity. +4
        • 南非目前只是推测第2次得轻症较多,并没有两者直接的对比数据,你等几天看 +1
          • I am more interested in India's data. Let's see if they have covid under control, for good. +2
            • 昨天看北方邦有增多的趋势 +1
              • hospitalization or just flu, big difference here. We will see. +1
                • 平均年轻15岁,90%以上的人有抗体,这些都是本钱
    • 病毒说,哪个年龄段的说我没本事,我就编一个让你瞧瞧。这么变下去,100%打疫苗指日可待。 +1
    • 挪威公共卫生研究所预测,如果不采取有效措施的话,这个人口仅540万的国家,在三周内,每日新病例有可能高达9万到30万,每天新住院病例可能达到200例。周一,挪威新冠肺炎住院病例358人,为疫情以来最高。