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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 这个图表,第一,入院和ICU人数都是下降的。第二,全接种人数说真的,还是不少。链接是安省官方入院人员统计网页。 +1
    Graphs and tables of COVID-19 hospitalization data by status, location and number of people in the ICU.
    • 而且其实,就对这些数字,我还有好多问题想问,但是没人回答,更奇怪的是,根本没人会问,那么多“发布会”,竟然没有一个记者问这些问题。到底在发生些什么事? +3
    • 政府造假不过关啊,这两个截图,把数据加起来根本不一样。住院总数358,另一张加起来是210,还有148个人是薛定谔的猫? +6



      • 这个数字现在是政府推疫苗的唯一理由了,所有人被关起来,就为了这个,但是竟然没人问问题,就这么个数字在哪里挂着。 +5
      • 首先,阴谋论幻者假设政府故意造假,应先检查自己有否错误,你图都没看懂就来个148,那包括114人在ICU. 另外,疫苗状态是另建的新途径收集数据,extraction times and public reporting cycles都不一样,且状态有unknown。 +2
        • 开个问答会,给我答案,我就不用瞎猜了啊!
      • Vaccination status data Hospitalizations This is a new data collection and the data quality will continue to improve as hospitals continue to submit data. In order to understand the vaccination status of patients currently hospitalized,
        a new data collection process was developed and this may cause discrepancies between other hospitalization numbers being collected using a different data collection process.

        Data on patients in ICU are being collected from two different data sources with different extraction times and public reporting cycles. The existing data source (Critical Care Information System, CCIS) does not have vaccination status.