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WTF: The U.S. government has over-counted the number of Americans vaccinated...

Vaccine Data Gaps Point to Millions More in U.S. Who Lack Shots States revisions uncover over-counting of first doses CDC revised estimate of proportion of elderly with one shot

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / WTF: The U.S. government has over-counted the number of Americans vaccinated...
    Vaccine Data Gaps Point to Millions More in U.S. Who Lack Shots States revisions uncover over-counting of first doses CDC revised estimate of proportion of elderly with one shot
    • So Never Trust US Government from now and use your knowledge and sense to make your own judgment what is right, what is wrong and what action you should take. Anyone follows US government would be destroyed by US Govern.
      • Sad all the west countries are really f**ked... countless signs show they are declining... election vote counts, vaccine counts, 95% effective, no mask wearing...
    • 加拿大会不会也这样?我很怀疑BC省12+ 90%的疫苗率,太高了。 +1