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圣诞礼物送什么?要送就送N95 😂

Your single layer cloth mask is not enough to protect you from the Omicron variant, said Dr. Saqib Shahab, Saskatchewan’s chief medical health officer. He recommends a tightly woven, three-layer model.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 圣诞礼物送什么?要送就送N95 😂
    Your single layer cloth mask is not enough to protect you from the Omicron variant, said Dr. Saqib Shahab, Saskatchewan’s chief medical health officer. He recommends a tightly woven, three-layer model.
    • 我在夏天打折的时候去本地生产厂家买CN95,因为打折所以必须至少买一箱 :)
      • 买少了,不然现在就赚大钱了
        • 自己用用差不多,保质期长。已经被我送掉了好多