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英國牛津大學研究指 三劑阿斯利康疫苗可有效對抗Omicron變種病毒



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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 多倫多 約克區各自再增過萬預約接種疫苗名額 臨時接種站及領取免費快速測試盒場所排長隊.

    • 英國牛津大學研究指 三劑阿斯利康疫苗可有效對抗Omicron變種病毒

      • 又推AZ了。即使它能把O病毒搞定,但血栓也能把人搞定。最终还是为了人健康,是不是? +2
        • 兽药也能搞定你们,但是他们不信 +1
          • 搞定“我们”,但是“他们”不信。这“他们”是指谁?😂
            • 😂英國牛津大學
          • 请教ivm的负作用有链接吗,要不我放狗找了
            • 勉为其难
              Author summary Ivermectin is a drug used worldwide for various indications: onchocerciasis, lymphatic filariasis, strongyloidiasis, human sarcoptic scabies, acarodermatitis and rosacea. In the early 1990s, it was discovered that ivermectin could induce severe encephalopathies in some patients with high parasite loads of Loa loa, a filarial nematode. This objective of this pharmacovigilance study is to summarize serious neurological and non-neurological post-ivermectin adverse drug reactions reported in the World Health Organization database called VigiBase. This study shows that reported serious adverse drug reactions associated with ivermectin are fairly consistent with those mentioned in the official product information of ivermectin but also provides some new signals. Serious post-ivermectin encephalopathies can also occur outside of Loa loa endemic regions but the understanding of the mechanism by which it occurs requires further studies. A new signal concerning two serious toxidermias (DRESS syndrome and acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis) is also described. A lack of reporting of adverse drug reactions is noticeable in some Sub-Saharan African countries, and actions are needed to increase the reporting rates of these adverse effects in these countries.
      • 如果前两针都是阿斯利康,第三针下去腺病毒很快就被干掉了吧,能产生作用吗?