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医院不愿意救人,法官下令都没用。Jeremy L. Carter, 75, who was fully vaccinated, died last weekend after a hospital rejected to give him the drug Ivermectin in a last-ditch effort to save his life, despite an order from a judge.

Jeremy L. Carter, 75, who was fully vaccinated, died last weekend after a hospital rejected to give him the drug Ivermectin in a last-ditch effort to save his life, despite an order from a judge. The New York man tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 28. Less than a week later, he was admitted to […]

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 医院不愿意救人,法官下令都没用。Jeremy L. Carter, 75, who was fully vaccinated, died last weekend after a hospital rejected to give him the drug Ivermectin in a last-ditch effort to save his life, despite an order from a judge. +4
    Jeremy L. Carter, 75, who was fully vaccinated, died last weekend after a hospital rejected to give him the drug Ivermectin in a last-ditch effort to save his life, despite an order from a judge. The New York man tested positive for COVID-19 on Aug. 28. Less than a week later, he was admitted to […]
    • 医院是救人的还是杀人的? +3
    • 这个医院的医生是怕丢饭碗。CARTER 父女知道有的医生给开,干嘛不直接找那个给开的医生?实在不行找个印度医生也可以。
      • 家属给医院免责,开了药医院也不让用,法官都下令了,医院都不执行,情愿看着病人死去,现实就是这么残酷。 +2
    • 😭 😭 😭
    • 我不明白,为了自己的父亲,买了放嘴里不就结了。有没有罪再说了!都最后一搏了!
      • 家属见不到病人的,要不然也不用打官司了。 +3
        • 家属不能探望吗?
          • 不可以探望新冠病人 +1
            • 谢谢,把这茬儿忘了。像电影里一样,伪装一个医生行不。 +2
    • Unreal!!!
    • 发现著名的“泽连科疗法”的泽连科医生说过:“真正的大流行病不是C19;真正的大流行病是不尊重人的生命。” (#14180177@0) +2