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回头看看当初怎么说的"CDC director Rochelle Walensky said data suggests fully vaccinated people don't carry COVID-19";"the CDC released a study finding mRNA vaccines 90% effective at preventing infection".(2021年3月30日)

On Monday, the CDC released a study that showed the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are about 90% effective at preventing COVID-19.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 回头看看当初怎么说的"CDC director Rochelle Walensky said data suggests fully vaccinated people don't carry COVID-19";"the CDC released a study finding mRNA vaccines 90% effective at preventing infection".(2021年3月30日) +10
    On Monday, the CDC released a study that showed the COVID-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna are about 90% effective at preventing COVID-19.
    • “Our data from the CDC suggests that vaccinated people don’t carry the virus, don’t get sick and that it’s not just in clinical trials, but it’s also in real world data.” +9
      • 有一些话,最后与事实相反,被称为“科学”。又有一些话,最后真的发生了,被叫做“阴谋论”。 +6
        • 比如牛顿三大定律。有傻子当时就说是错的。后来爱因斯坦弄出了相对论,又有傻子跳出来说:“果然吧,还说俺民科……” +1
    • 呵呵,绝大多数人还都相信这些机构,蜂拥打疫苗 +6
    • 事实证明Rochelle说地不对,但好多人 锯续打三针四针 +7
    • 正好油管给我推这个(Dec. 27) CBC "2-dose protection drops below 15 per cent against Omicron, underscores need for booster". 哈哈,等着谁把这些一个一个的标题都串起来,好好梳理下,够好多人出好多本书了。 +8
      • 跟共匪当初宣传三峡大坝防万年一遇洪水一样样的。 +7