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NHS doctor tells Health Secretary he won't get jabbed
A Consultant Anaesthetist has told Sajid Javid that he will not get vaccinated against COVID and is unhappy at the mandatory requirement.Steve James told the...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 英国卫生大臣去医院寻访,征求医护人员对接种疫苗要求的意见,看看一线医生的回答。刚出炉的视频。 +9

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    NHS doctor tells Health Secretary he won't get jabbed
    A Consultant Anaesthetist has told Sajid Javid that he will not get vaccinated against COVID and is unhappy at the mandatory requirement.Steve James told the...
    • 是1%的医生的回答吗? +2
      • So what?! Everyone has a chance to speak up...If you want to shut up the different opinions, you should go back to your beloved communist country, and kneel down for damn rotten vegetables...😂 +27
        • 稻草而已,救不了命的 +2
      • Think you didn't watch the clip, staff in the whole room were reluctant to answer the guy's question...nobody appears happy to get vaccinated even as healthcare professionals... most of them were forced to be vaccinated... +12
    • 开除他! +2
      • 记大过1次
    • kudos to the doc. +14

      I could be one of the silent nurses in that situation.

      funny that minister says he will take the best advise he can ... from vaccine experts (from drug companies or associates probably), not the frontline doctors.

      the vaccine experts said 70% are fully vaccined, the pandemic will be gone and we will all be back to normal. see where are we now?

      • 勇敢的医生让人肃然起敬!👍 +11
    • Respect ! 每个人都应该听一下这位医生所说的。1:20 if you want to protect everybody with the booster, you'll have to inject everybody every month, it worn up by 2 months, the protection worn transmission (of virus) BY 2 months, +10
      • "强制姨妈针"。一点都没说错吧?😅🤣 +15
        • 所有会有网友,11月要求打第三针,一月(现在)去了,第三第四针一起打了 ! +4
          • 豹子打完的疫苗卡上应该是写的第三针吧。如果写的第四针, 那不是很爽?🤣。那咱们也将来直接去打第10针, 把前面9针省了。顺便还能带个pizza回家🤣 +6
    • 为啥那些女护士都不敢说话?那个男医生还是护士,反正准备被开了,反而敢说了,这个卫生大臣装模做样的来问,就是来看看有多少人敢反抗吧? +6
      • 男的是麻醉师,有字幕。 +1
    • 给英国点个赞。加拿大的卫生官和医护除了说强制还说什么有用的了?btw, 3M的N95真好看 +4