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In summary, the observation that, compared with other respiratory viruses, children have less severe symptoms when infected by SARS-CoV-2 is surprising and not yet understood. Furthermore, it is also uncertain why children with the usual risk factors for infections, such as immunosuppression, are not at high risk for severe COVID-19, while previously healthy children can on rare occasions become severely ill.110–113 222 Although there are several hypotheses for why children are less affected by COVID-19, with the notable exception of age-related changes in immune and endothelial/clotting function, most do not explain the observed age-gradient in COVID-19 with severity and mortality rising steeply after the age of 60 to 70 years. Unravelling the mechanisms underlying the age-related differences in the severity of COVID-19 will provide important insights and opportunities for the prevention and treatment of this novel infection.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / "Over 1,000 Studies Published in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals Say the Vaccines Are Dangerous" - Steve Kirsch +4
    But the CDC says the vaccines are safe and effective and there is nothing to worry about. Seriously?
    • 拉郎配?看看最后1篇文章的讨论部分,与疫苗没有半毛钱的关系 +1


      In summary, the observation that, compared with other respiratory viruses, children have less severe symptoms when infected by SARS-CoV-2 is surprising and not yet understood. Furthermore, it is also uncertain why children with the usual risk factors for infections, such as immunosuppression, are not at high risk for severe COVID-19, while previously healthy children can on rare occasions become severely ill.110–113 222 Although there are several hypotheses for why children are less affected by COVID-19, with the notable exception of age-related changes in immune and endothelial/clotting function, most do not explain the observed age-gradient in COVID-19 with severity and mortality rising steeply after the age of 60 to 70 years. Unravelling the mechanisms underlying the age-related differences in the severity of COVID-19 will provide important insights and opportunities for the prevention and treatment of this novel infection.

      • 你先把自己偷偷屯的兽药清空了再来 +6
        • 怎么又露馅了? +3
      • 当然有关系。那个总结说,儿童即使感染也很少有严重的症状。那么自然就引出这个问题,给儿童打“疫苗”是不必要的。 +4
        • 安省过去2-3周刚因新冠死了2个10岁以下的孩子,不要以为孩子没有事情。等有事情就来不及后悔了。 +1
          • 先不说你这个数字准不准确,谁知道这孩子的情况,现在得新冠的多了,正好阳性可能都算新冠死亡。全安省就两个就被吓成这样,车祸感冒癌症可能都比这个死的多吧。 +4
          • 那两个孩子是不是有基础病?药水会让多少孩子健康受损、甚至丧失生命?心血管疾病、猝死、免疫系统紊乱、癌症、、、 +4
          • 需要知道具体一些的情况。比如,这两个孩子打过“疫苗”了吗?真的是因为新冠去世的吗?主媒刚刚报道了一个旧闻:真正因为新冠死亡的人数,只占CDC公布人数的6%。 +2
            • 真正死于流感的人多吗?大部分因为流感而死亡的人是因为流感引发的并发症,新冠也是同样的。没有新冠就没有并发症,所以目前的计算方法没有问题。
              • CDC的新冠死亡数字中,包含了“物理损伤”这一个原因,占几个百分点呢。physical injury. +1
        • 不就是反疫苗人士的脑回路,啥病都与疫苗有关系
          • 如果你仔细看看“疫苗”的副作用列表, 还真的是。啥病都有可能是“疫苗”引起的。 +1
            • 这“疫苗”对付病毒不行,对付人倒是挺厉害的 +8