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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

「比病毒更可怕的是人心」看起来还是实验性的药物,限制很多就是卖个噱头,利用政府购买圈钱…… 专门给不打疫苗准备硬抗的健康人群的特供药💊 可以看下健康1+1 輝瑞 paxlovid、默克解析,再决定。





抗 Omicron,1個救命法!但千萬別用錯?輝瑞 paxlovid、默克 抗 新冠 口服藥,2類人不宜用!比Omicron更可怕的是它!(2022.1.15)
抗Omicron,有1方法救命!但用錯恐有嚴重致命風險?FDA再給輝瑞開綠燈!比變種病毒更可怕的是?美國住院率飆升,真的如此嗎?家用抗原檢測,10分鐘測出變種,防傳播、防重症!🎯本期直播數據來源👉 https://health1plus1.com/?p=7024💎今日專家林曉旭 博士美國病毒學專家、前美國...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 今天卫生部批准了辉瑞的covid特效药,其中特别强调了,这个药不可与伟哥同时服用。自己体会吧。 +2
    • 男子们有福了……估计和伟哥同效,怕效力过猛? +2
      • 都🉐️新冠了,还那么勤劳 +2
        • 歧视新冠患者哈
      • 不会你理解反了吧? +2
        • 那该如何理解?
          • 和伟哥是反作用。。。所以对男生不利? +2
            • 反作用不是可以相生相克吗?负负得正,好事啊😂
              • 🤣
      • 那不赶快备几盒,用得着
    • 造完假疫苗又造假药。。。。 +12
      • 伟哥也是辉瑞发明的,这总不是假的吧
        • 成功卖假货的技巧之一是,先卖点真的。成功卖假货的技巧之二是,如果正在卖的假货供不应求,下一个再做成假的。 +3
    • 可能就是伟姐。 伟哥伟姐不能同时服用。 +2
    • 辉瑞的市场推广真牛。 +2
    • 瞎猜,PAXLOVID 不適合和tadalafil(犀利士成份)同時使用,是因為tadalafil 屬於PDE5抑制劑,會引響PAXLOVID功效,現在加拿大只有沒打疫苗(80歳以下)可以用PAXLOVID,當然犀利士得先停 +2
      • medicines used to treat erectile dysfunction, such as tadalafil,没点名伟哥,但肯定包括伟哥。
        • 要是不幸中鏢,你吃不吃?
          • 坚决不吃 +9
            • 建議去做個抗體測驗,安省在去年年初,為一批接種疫苗的醫療人員做抗體檢驗,分別在第一劑之後的第4週和12週抽血,不少人在第12週的血樣中,被發現新冠自然感染後產生的抗體,
              • 不做,现在好好的。。。和车子一样,好好的就不要这查那儿拆的,没问题都搞出问题来。。。简直是没事儿找事儿 +6
                • 那就戴口罩,多洗手,儘量不要用手去接觸眼口鼻
              • 然后快速检测,发现原来是阳性了。LOL
    • 感觉这句广告词特别适合辉瑞: 总有一款适合你 +7
    • PAXLOVID是给有基础病的轻症病人治新冠,可是有基础病的人平时就在吃药,PAXLOVID又和很多药有冲突,不能一起吃,那还有多少人适合吃PAXLOVID? +1

      Do not use PAXLOVID if:

      • You are allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir or to any of the other ingredients in PAXLOVID (see What the medicinal ingredient is or What the non-medicinal ingredients are).
      • You are taking any of the following medicines:
        • alfuzosin, used to treat high blood pressure
        • amiodarone, bepridil*, dronedarone, flecainide, propafenone, quinidine, used to treat irregular heartbeats
        • apalutamide, used for prostate cancer
        • astemizole* or terfenadine*, used to relieve allergy symptoms
        • cisapride*, used to relieve certain stomach problems
        • colchicine, when used in patients with kidney and/or liver problems, used to treat gout
        • ergotamine*, dihydroergotamine (used to treat headaches), ergonovine, methylergonovine* (used after labour and delivery)
        • fusidic acid, used as an antibiotic
        • lovastatin, lomitapide or simvastatin, used to lower cholesterol
        • lurasidone, pimozide, used to treat mental health problems
        • neratinib, used to treat breast cancer
        • ranolazine, used to treat chronic angina (chest pain)
        • rifampin and saquinavir, used to treat tuberculosis, should not be used together with ritonavir
        • rivaroxaban, used as an anticoagulant
        • salmeterol, used for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
        • St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum), an herbal product used to treat depression
        • triazolam and midazolam* (oral or injected), used to relieve anxiety and/or trouble sleeping
        • PDE5 inhibitors vardenafil, used to treat erectile dysfunction, or sildenafil, used for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
        • voriconazole, used as an antifungal
        • venetoclax during the dose initiation and during the ramp-up phase, used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia
        • carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin used to treat seizures (epilepsy)

      The following may also interact with PAXLOVID:

      • medicines used to treat erectile dysfunction, such as tadalafil
      • medicines used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension, such as bosentan or tadalafil
      • medicines used to lower blood cholesterol, such as atorvastatin and rosuvastatin
      • some medicines affecting the immune system, such as cyclosporin, sirolimus and tacrolimus
      • some medicines used to treat seasonal allergies and ear and eye infections, such as budesonide, dexamethasone, fluticasone propionate, prednisone, and triamcinolone
      • medicines used to treat AIDS and related infections, such as amprenavir, indinavir*, nelfinavir, saquinavir, didanosine*, rifabutin, tipranavir, delavirdine*, atazanavir, maraviroc, fosamprenavir, raltegravir, tenofovir and darunavir
      • medicines used to treat depression, such as trazodone, desipramine and bupropion
      • certain heart medicines, such as calcium channel antagonists including diltiazem, nifedipine and verapamil
      • medicines used to correct heart rhythm, such as systemic lidocaine and digoxin
      • antifungals, such as ketoconazole and itraconazole*
      • morphine-like medicines used to treat severe pain, such as methadone and meperidine
      • anticoagulants, such as warfarin
      • certain antibiotics, such as rifabutin and clarithromycin
      • antibiotics used in the treatment of tuberculosis, such as rifampin
      • bronchodilators used to treat asthma, such as theophylline
      • medicines used to treat cancer, such as abemaciclib, dasatinib, encorafenib, ibrutinib, nilotinib, vincristine and vinblastine
      • medicines used for low blood platelet count, such as fostamatinib
      • some heart rhythm drugs, such as mexiletine and disopyramide
      • some anticonvulsants, such as clonazepam, divalproex, lamotrigine and ethosuximide
      • some narcotic analgesics, such as fentanyl in all forms, tramadol and propoxyphene
      • quetiapine used to treat schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder
      • medicines used to treat hepatitis C, such as simeprevir, glecaprevir/pibrentasvir or ombitasvir, paritaprevir and ritonavir with or without dasabuvir*
      • some sedatives or medicines to treat anxiety, such as buspirone, clorazepate, diazepam, flurazepam and zolpidem
      • stimulants, such as methamphetamine
      • medicines used to treat pain associated with endometriosis, such as elagolix
      • medicines used to treat depression, such as amitriptyline, clomipramine, fluoxetine, imipramine, maprotiline*, nefazodone*, nortriptyline, paroxetine, sertraline, trimipramine
      • medicines used to treat nausea and vomiting, such as dronabinol*
      • medicines used to treat pneumonia, such as atovaquone
      • medicines used as a sedative and medicines used to help you sleep (hypnotics), such as estazolam
      • medicines used to treat increased pressure in the eye, such as timolol
      • medicines used to lower blood pressure, such as metoprolol
      • medicines used to treat HIV, such as efavirenz
      • medicines used to prevent organ rejection after a transplant, such as everolimus, rapamycin
      • medicines used to treat certain mental/mood disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, such as perphenazine, risperidone and thioridazine
      • medicines used as hormonal contraceptives containing ethinyl estradiol (“the pill”)

      * Product is not or no longer marketed in Canada.

      • 果然是假药--很少有人用得上的药 +1
        • 「比病毒更可怕的是人心」看起来还是实验性的药物,限制很多就是卖个噱头,利用政府购买圈钱…… 专门给不打疫苗准备硬抗的健康人群的特供药💊 可以看下健康1+1 輝瑞 paxlovid、默克解析,再决定。 +1





          抗 Omicron,1個救命法!但千萬別用錯?輝瑞 paxlovid、默克 抗 新冠 口服藥,2類人不宜用!比Omicron更可怕的是它!(2022.1.15)
          抗Omicron,有1方法救命!但用錯恐有嚴重致命風險?FDA再給輝瑞開綠燈!比變種病毒更可怕的是?美國住院率飆升,真的如此嗎?家用抗原檢測,10分鐘測出變種,防傳播、防重症!🎯本期直播數據來源👉 https://health1plus1.com/?p=7024💎今日專家林曉旭 博士美國病毒學專家、前美國...
          • 谁吃谁傻 +4
    • 加拿大新批准的抗病毒药物优先供应没打疫苗者






      在被问及疫苗状况是否会影响谁会接受药物治疗的决定时,首席卫生官Dr. Theresa Tam说,那些未接种疫苗的人更有可能需要住院或在重症监护室接受治疗。






