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新冠疫苗的死亡远高于其他疫苗。 VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990.


21,382 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 30,636 Total Reported Deaths

All Deaths reported to VAERS by Year during 1990-2021


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 再说疫苗副作用 (转贴)
    • Tired of debating, in fact all discussions have been censored in the major networks, vaccination injuries and death were covered up, even highly visible death Powell was not counted into vaccination death... +8
      • 懒得说了,一堆别有用心造谣家伙的夸张疫苗副作用,编造谎言,骗网友:所有西方政府说的都别信!所有大媒体报道的都别信!信我听我造谣吧~ 也有自媒体为了点击量推波助澜。幸好,至少安省广大人民不傻,纷纷打疫苗。 +2
    • 别忘了看文后评论 +2
    • 辉瑞COVID-19疫苗 More Harm than Good 由500 多名独立的加拿大的医生、科学家和医疗保健从业者组成的联盟致力于向加拿大公众提供关于 COVID-19 的信息: +4

      Our alliance of over 500 independent Canadian doctors, scientists, and health care practitioners is committed to providing quality, balanced, evidence-based information to the Canadian public about COVID-19 so that hospitalizations can be reduced, lives saved, and our country safely restored to normal as quickly as possible。

      Page 11-12, 24-27, 36, 41

      • Canadian Covid Care Alliance: Independent, science-based evidence to empower Canadians +2
      • 这个组织挺“高明”的,说一些没有法律责任的话。咋说都行 The information contained or presented on this website is presented solely for educational purposes only on matters of interest for the personal use of the reader,
        who accepts full responsibility for its use. The information is provided with the understanding that the authors and publishers are not herein engaged in rendering medical, pharmaceutical, nutritional, mental health, legal, or any other professional advice or services.

        pharmaceutical, nutritional, mental health, legal, or any other professional advice or services.
    • 赞同网友"文取心" 留言 “碰到大疫情,最好的办法是疫苗和特效药双管齐下,为什么政府打压药物治疗而大力推广看起来并不可靠的疫苗呢?凡事不合常理,人们质疑时很自然的。” +6
      • 政府打压药物治疗了吗?没听说过啊
    • 有反疫苗人士成天在这里说疫苗的副作用,简直就是毒药,现在很多人都快信他了, +1