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Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis

By Petr Svab

January 19, 2022 Updated: January 20, 2022


VAERS ( Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) has been in place since 1990 to provide an early warning signal that there might be a problem with a vaccine. Anybody can submit the reports, which are then checked for duplicates. They are largely filed by health care personnel, based on previous research. Usually, there would be around 40,000 reports a year, including several hundred deaths.

But with the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines, VAERS reports went through the roof. By Jan. 7, there were over a million reports, including more than 21,000 deaths. Other notable issues include over 11,000 heart attacks, nearly 13,000 cases of Bell’s palsy, and over 25,000 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis.



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / WATCH: NHS Doctor Tells Patient NOT to Take Covid Vaccine Because They Will Be PULLED Soon - Warns That Vaccine Data is Being Hidden From Public +13
    A National Health Service doctor in the UK who was speaking with a patient over the phone – and telling her to not take any more doses of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines because the shots are about to be pulled out of circulation, has caused alarm on social media after a video recording of their…
    • 有点太好了。。。没法去相信能有这一天。 +7
      • Fingers crossed +6
      • 肯定会有这一天的,迟早而已 +8
        • Cici 是醒过来比较早的一批,一旦醒来了就坚定不移,主动出击,奶女中豪杰是也。老大也坚持住了,也保住了揉脸网站正常运行。感谢老大的坚持 +7
          • 会不会中文呀?😂……谢谢表扬 +2
        • 希望能早点到来。 +2
    • Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis +5
      By Petr Svab

      January 19, 2022 Updated: January 20, 2022


      VAERS ( Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) has been in place since 1990 to provide an early warning signal that there might be a problem with a vaccine. Anybody can submit the reports, which are then checked for duplicates. They are largely filed by health care personnel, based on previous research. Usually, there would be around 40,000 reports a year, including several hundred deaths.

      But with the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines, VAERS reports went through the roof. By Jan. 7, there were over a million reports, including more than 21,000 deaths. Other notable issues include over 11,000 heart attacks, nearly 13,000 cases of Bell’s palsy, and over 25,000 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis.


      • So, the COVID "vaccines" use mRNA in lipid nanoparticles, which include highly TOXIC cationic lipids. And Pfizer didn't deny it. +4
    • 看了看报道的网站,就知道这种“报道”不靠谱了 +1
    • 英国有人在进行“新冠“疫苗”罪行调查”,已在海牙国际法庭提起诉讼。提交法庭的讼词46页,一页一页的,我竟然全部浏览了一遍。 +11
      • 太好了,希望所有相关的医药公司,媒体和政客都最终得到审判,用公权力拿着人民做实验品,用欺骗施压的手段来强制,自己中饱私囊。但是这个涉及面太广了,不知道能进展到什么程度,会不会最终还是被和谐了。 +11
        • 他们利用权力做了很多不该做的事情,细想下,其实那些事情都是违法的,其地域和人数涉及之广,这好像变成了三战。 +5
        • 也许不会有任何审判…… 现在放风每个人都会被感染,病毒变成致死率小的地区流行病,一切看起来鼓舞人心。但随后就会宣称“奥密克戎” 不至命,但有长期后遗症N百多种,谁能分得清是病毒后遗症还是疫苗后遗症?事情不了了之,痛苦各自承担。 +6
          • 是的,确实已经开始看到说奥秘可容的后遗症了,我看了怎么觉得这个后遗症很多和我看到的疫苗的副作用一样,你说的对,现在已经开始甩锅了。 +3
      • Student mocks insane adults: “Thank you for teaching students that our own mental health is much less important than making triple vaccinated adults feel safe.” “Thank you for teaching us that we should never question authority or think, +4
        critically.” 里面的一个帖子,很有意思
    • 加拿大有4位反疫苗医生被告上法庭,其中3个不应诉?
      • 这个疫苗就是experimental的,你打的都是EUA的,这个有争议吗? +8
      • 所谓的“反疫苗”就是误导的伪命题,因为这个新冠“疫苗”根本不是疫苗:从功能上来讲,它不具备疫苗的基本功能免疫;从程序来讲,它还处于医学实验中、没有得到批准作为正式的疫苗产品来使用。 +11
      • 中文平台的东西都要打逗号的。这里是MSM的报导,虽然也是带风向,但还是可以看到这诉讼是要医生们给出病人名单。医生们也都指出安省医协没这个权力要求这些。拭目以待! +5

