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Quote:Shock revelation in Pfizer vaccine trials: nearly 100 percent death rate (!) among unborn children in pregnant women!

Quote:Shock revelation in Pfizer vaccine trials: nearly 100 percent death rate (!) among unborn children in pregnant women!

It is well known that there are more and more reports from all over the world that pregnant women vaccinated against the coronavirus lose their children or that they are born "still". The connection with the vaccination has been denied and not investigated so far.

Among other things, the documents published so far show that the pharmaceutical giant received more than 150,000 (!) reports of "serious adverse events" within only three months of the market launch of the COVID injection.

But even more explosive are the data included in Table 6 on pregnant and breastfeeding women who received the injection in the first months of its launch, which began on December 11, 2020.


Pfizer's report states that there were 23 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two preterm births with neonatal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and one pregnancy with a "normal outcome." This means that out of 32 pregnancies with known outcome, 28 ended with fetal death.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Quote:Shock revelation in Pfizer vaccine trials: nearly 100 percent death rate (!) among unborn children in pregnant women! +1

    Quote:Shock revelation in Pfizer vaccine trials: nearly 100 percent death rate (!) among unborn children in pregnant women!

    It is well known that there are more and more reports from all over the world that pregnant women vaccinated against the coronavirus lose their children or that they are born "still". The connection with the vaccination has been denied and not investigated so far.

    Among other things, the documents published so far show that the pharmaceutical giant received more than 150,000 (!) reports of "serious adverse events" within only three months of the market launch of the COVID injection.

    But even more explosive are the data included in Table 6 on pregnant and breastfeeding women who received the injection in the first months of its launch, which began on December 11, 2020.


    Pfizer's report states that there were 23 spontaneous abortions (miscarriages), two preterm births with neonatal death, two spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, one spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and one pregnancy with a "normal outcome." This means that out of 32 pregnancies with known outcome, 28 ended with fetal death.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    • 表危言耸听,那么多打了疫苗的都活蹦乱跳的
      • 是药厂自己的试验结果,不是所有正式打疫苗的孕妇都流产了 +1
      • 这次的NANO疫苗科技是高维的‘个人化的医疗方式’科技,远远超过了我们的认知水平。我只知道它是用在了坏的目的上,但最后结果怎么样不知道,只能靠观察了,这么多人打了,数据早晚会出来的.收集的一些关于这个科技的材料,放在这个帖子里了 +1