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"I've Never Seen as Many Deaths.. It's Around a 500 or 600% Increase" - Funeral Director in UK Reveals Increasing Number of Thrombosis Death in Vaccinated Young Adults (VIDEO)

Funeral director John O’Looney of Milton Keynes family funeral services in Milton Keynes, England shared in his recent interview with kla.tv that deaths are at unprecedented levels at young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s and “all were vaccinated.” According to John, along with group of experts, they are seeing an increase in number particularly…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / "I've Never Seen as Many Deaths.. It's Around a 500 or 600% Increase" - Funeral Director in UK Reveals Increasing Number of Thrombosis Death in Vaccinated Young Adults (VIDEO) +5
    Funeral director John O’Looney of Milton Keynes family funeral services in Milton Keynes, England shared in his recent interview with kla.tv that deaths are at unprecedented levels at young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s and “all were vaccinated.” According to John, along with group of experts, they are seeing an increase in number particularly…
    • so sad when truth slowly revealed. +5
    • 此人是有名的反疫苗人士,有前科多次散布虚假谎言,这次故伎重演。几天以后会有人来揭穿他这次的谎言。who has previously spread misinformation online has made multiple false claims about COVID-19 vaccines +3
      • How did you know? +2
        • 例如,这里路透社的辟谣:
          • But, the so-called fact checkers in Reuter have lost their credibility! +10
            • 相反。有比较才有鉴别,你若搜索"REUTERS FACT CHECK" 的 credibility,结果是 Least Biased, 而该作者发表的网站却是 QUESTIONABLE SOURCE:extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information
              QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no
              • A biased website says another website is biased... 😄 Why not spend some time and read it by yourself? +7
                • They are done, they are way done. All the cells in their brain are replaced by water. We should save the energy to focus on the ppl who's still carrying a brain on their shoulders +7
                • 与商店类似,正常人能辨别好坏。该评级机构是相对中立的,它的 Factual Reporting从高到低 : VERY HIGH 的有Reuters,Bloomberg等, HIGH 的有BBC, NBC News 等,MIXED有 CNN, Fox News 等,VERY LOW 的有这个作者的网站:The Gateway Pundit +2
                  • Sorry, but fake news BBC is ranked high? That explains. You choose what you want to believe though. +5
                    • 中间等级的 HIGH 与 MIXED有出入可能正常,但是所有评级机构和几乎所有媒体,无论左中右,都给作者的网站The Gateway Pundit差评,可见公正。 +2
          • Fact-Check is not fact-checked. It is creating lies by left- wing extremists. +3
            • 错。几乎所有的媒体不分作用,包括左派CNN都一致指出这个作者的网站:The Gateway Pundit 专门散布False 信息。 +2
              • If you can find a specific case that tgp is conflicting with another one that you trust, then you can analyze the detailed information they report. +5
              • CNN? 美国 Fake news 大本营。 +2
          • 人家又没造你路透社的"谣", 轮到你路透社皮什么药! 你作为一个新闻机构应该自己去调查报道这个事儿,而不是去攻击别人的"谣言" +2
    • 我不选择信这个。我认为他不可能知道太多死亡的原因。 +1