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伪疫苗不行,但伊维菌素行。Japan's Kowa says ivermectin showed 'antiviral effect' against Omicron in research

Japanese trading and pharmaceutical company Kowa Co Ltd said on Monday anti-parasite drug ivermectin showed an "antiviral effect" against Omicron and other variants of coronavirus in joint non-clinical research.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 伪疫苗不行,但伊维菌素行。Japan's Kowa says ivermectin showed 'antiviral effect' against Omicron in research +8
    Japanese trading and pharmaceutical company Kowa Co Ltd said on Monday anti-parasite drug ivermectin showed an "antiviral effect" against Omicron and other variants of coronavirus in joint non-clinical research.
    • 是某公司的初步结果?还没过三期临床。来自同一篇说: The drug is not approved for treatment of COVID-19 in Japan and the U.S. Federal Drug Administration has repeatedly warned against its use. +3
      • 政府不需要现在批准。FDA几十年前就批准了。医生有off-label处方权。 +13
        • 美国人有福用兽药,可惜比加拿大多死了3倍的人 +1
          • 又误导。美国有报道,有些ICU的患者是通过打官司才得到服用伊维菌素的机会,保住了生命。美国的打压很严重。 +8
            • 看来美国医生不傻,不乱开兽药 +1
              • 你还是先搞清楚什么是事实吧。那几个ICU的患者是得到了医生的处方,但医院拒绝用药。 +8
                • 因为医生违背了版规?
                • 美国民间可以买到兽药,老大像是从美国买的 +1
                • 没链接,可不容易搞清“事实”是哪儿冒出来的。这么说美国医院挺严格,不乱用药,挺好的
              • 不是兽药用的多就是疫苗打的少,只有这两个原因.美国的人均医院床位比加拿大多20%以上 +1
                • 兽药这么害人,你怎么自己偷偷地屯? +7
                  • 如果能屯,药坛的反疫苗人士会人手一份,这可比打疫苗的人多得多
                    • 答非所问。你自己偷偷屯了兽药,却在这里疯狂地黑兽药。良心大大地坏啦😂 +8
                      • 对啊,打完疫苗再倒卖兽药给别人,你说鼓吹兽药的哪有良心
                    • 如果能屯,打了疫苗的人也说不定人手一份,然后还不告诉别人自己屯了,继续推行疫苗,然后自己偷偷吃兽药。 +5
                      • 这个早就已经是定论了。上次那个实验说了,如果可以有要求政府赔偿的权利,爱国者们100%都不会自愿放弃。 +1
          • 你咋不到白宫当疫苗发言人啊 +4
    • Reuters Corrects Report That Ivermectin Has Anti-viral Effect Against Omicron in Humans
      The inaccurate report was shared by people claiming it was evidence that ivermectin could be used to treat COVID-19.
      • Never trust Reuters.
      • 主流霉体的专业报道,还不如神经病的胡说八道靠谱呢,后者起码是真诚的 +3