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Reuters Corrects Report That Ivermectin Has Anti-viral Effect Against Omicron in Humans

Reuter reported earlier that Kowa, a Japenese pharmaceutical compny, showed that IVM is effective against COVID in a clinical trial. It turns out the trial is not a clinical trial, but a preclinical invitro study. Many molecules show anti COVID effects in vitro, meaning in cell based or biochemistry based expriments. Give me a bottle of vinegar. I can probably show it kills COVID virus.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Reuters Corrects Report That Ivermectin Has Anti-viral Effect Against Omicron in Humans +3
    Reuter reported earlier that Kowa, a Japenese pharmaceutical compny, showed that IVM is effective against COVID in a clinical trial. It turns out the trial is not a clinical trial, but a preclinical invitro study. Many molecules show anti COVID effects in vitro, meaning in cell based or biochemistry based expriments. Give me a bottle of vinegar. I can probably show it kills COVID virus.
    • Never trust any mainstream media including Reuters. Their credit fakes away in the past few years. They created lies, they created fake news , they created nonexistent resources. Reuters, CNN, NBC, CBC, ABC, Bloomberg…just name a few. +3
      • 以上正好是良心媒体的代表。相信科学、不反智的应该多看。喜欢阴谋论、兽药的别看 +1
        • “良心媒体”?这世界上有这种东西么?也许过去有,大概都倒闭了,太年轻了,哈哈。 +6
          • 只要不mandate,我是很高兴看到那些相信"良心媒体",相信"科学、不反智”的人一针针扎下去的。 +11
            • 叫他们打八针,牺牲小我,成全大我,就全缩掉了。 +6
          • 良心媒体都倒闭了?世界上没有良心媒体了。按这理论,大纪元不是个良心媒体。我对此深信不疑