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Baseless claims

A viral video features a doctor making dubious claims about COVID-19 vaccines and treatments at a forum hosted by Idaho's lieutenant governor. Dr. Ryan Cole claims mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is no evidence mRNA vaccines cause those ailments.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Dr. Ryan Cole: Alarming Cancer Trend Suggests COVID-19 Vaccines Alter Natural Immune Response +5
    “We’re seeing an alteration of the innate immune response,” says pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole, founder of Cole Diagnostics. ...
    • 吓人 +1
      • Agree. What Dr. Cole revealed is quite disturbing. And what he said is very easy to understand by someone with some common sense. +3
    • 劝身体不好的,有各种疾病的人,打苗要三思。 +5
    • Baseless claims +4
      A viral video features a doctor making dubious claims about COVID-19 vaccines and treatments at a forum hosted by Idaho's lieutenant governor. Dr. Ryan Cole claims mRNA vaccines cause cancer and autoimmune diseases, but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is no evidence mRNA vaccines cause those ailments.
      • They can probably blame anything on COVID vaccines from now on, since the majority of the population are vaccinated. +1
        • Wrong. They are blaming anything to the covid virus to cover up the failure of this experimental injection. Six years old had a heart attack and they blame the climate change. +8
      • 主流的factcheck,还不如神经病的胡说八道靠谱呢,后者起码是真诚的 +1
    • Dr Ryan is amazing. +3
    • why you do not post the whole story? but the lead author of the paper on which Cole based that claim told us there is no evidence mRNA vaccines cause those ailments. FACTCHECK.ORG +2
      • 那论文的内容说错了吗?
    • 辉瑞公司向美国FDA提出申请,要求批准为5岁以下儿童提供超低剂量的COVID-19疫苗,5岁以下儿童有可能从3月初开始就可以接种疫苗。
      • 这个我真不懂,虽然我支持疫苗,但是既然疫苗只防重症,小孩子没啥重症为什么要打? +11
        • 没有强迫,愿打愿挨
          • 这样还行
            • 如果将来不打不让上day care,算强迫吗? 不是现在已经有大学, 不打疫苗开除学籍吗? 去年的新闻了 +6
        • 从推“疫苗”开始,他们就不是能够讲道理的,不敢也不能公开面对质疑的声音。 +9
        • welcome to vax hesitant! you became one when started to ask questions. +5
        • 必须通过给儿童和孕妇使用,这样疫苗公司才能免责。这样呢,大规模的疫苗伤害最后还是纳税人来买单。 +4
          • 是,听说一旦列入孩子必打疫苗名单疫苗公司就免责,这TMD都是些什么玩意!真后悔以前给孩子打的那些针! +1
      • 3月份开始为5岁一下儿童接种?不可能,咱们走着瞧。我的预测,新冠疫苗应该快退市了。追责快开始了。 +5
        • 所以这次是FDA催着辉瑞提交申请 LOL