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老大也可以參考Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division,真正的DMED主管怎麼說的,所謂的” fact-check “

U.S. military members experienced concerning spikes in miscarriages, cancer and other serious health issues in 2021, acc

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / The COVID Narrative is Falling Apart +6
    • Wow, like at the data about side effects of Vaxxx: +4

      Following is a summary of the most alarming vax side effects:

      • Myocardial infarction (heart attack) -- 269% increase
      • Cancer diagnoses -- 300% increase
      • Miscarriage -- 300% increase
      • Bell’s palsy -- 291% increase
      • Congenital malformations (for children of military personnel) – 156% increase
      • Female infertility -- 471% increase
      • Pulmonary embolisms -- 467% increase
      • Neurological issues -- 1,000% increase
      • 他们疫苗狂热分子不认识这些英文字, 你需要受累翻译成中文, 给他们看。等他们中文看懂看完以后, 他们会感谢你 +4
        吗? 不会的! 他们会说, 你造谣!😀
        • 拥护共产党,我理解,那些拥护的人会从中受益,属于既得利益者。拥护疫苗,不理解,把有毒药水打进自己身体,钱到了土豆口袋,然后高呼疫苗万岁。只能说傻的不能再傻了。 +11
          • 不是傻, 是恐惧。恐惧病毒所以抢着去打疫苗, 也恐惧你们这些不打的人。 +12
            • 以前华人感染不多,但是最近一波,华人中招的人不少,都看到了疫苗的效果和病毒的效果,明明知道疫苗不能阻止感染和传播。不仅恐惧,是不会思考 +13
              • 肉脸中招的几位是不打疫苗的华人 +1
              • 听说的两个人, 都打了两针+, 两个都死于心梗, 是不是疫苗的原因, 不知道。一个50多, 一个60多 +2
              • 中病毒没啥,治好就行了。脑袋朽了就坏了,没治! +4
          • 他们搏得是有生之年没有副作用+ 有生之年输出革命。 +3
            • 这个赌博太大了,这是不可逆的。拿自己的身体去赌博,尤其已经看到了疫苗可能带来的副作用,还有新冠病毒在变异那么多代后的衰减,然后还针针不息,我无语加无语。疫情快结束了,有证明疫苗对O病毒无效,还有人现在预约去打第三针。 +10
              • 连最热衷打针的ISRAEL都放下身段,要逐步取消VACCINE PASSPORT, 这个星期日开始,只有去大型活动场所才需要疫苗证,而且两针就可以了,不是以前规定的三针。 +6
                • 土豆这么死硬,我都怀疑他是不是真的拿了疫苗公司的好处了 +6
                  • Trudeau failed to tell Canadians that Canada gets a kickback every time that Pfizer or Moderna shots are given... (小土豆没告诉大家,加拿大人每打一针,小土豆政府都有回扣拿。。也就是利益输送) +1
                    • 疫苗狂热分子们说,土豆拿不拿药厂的回扣钱 无所谓。他们就盼着能经常打呢。今天辉瑞说,6个月的婴儿马上就可以打针了。疫苗狂热爱好者们要幸福地激动死了。 +3
                    • 下届政府应该好好审计一下土豆,土豆当初干得出me to we 的事,发抗疫财这么好的机会,不会轻易放手
                • 以色列已经ADE了。他们应该是从第四针开始ADE
                  • 有具体的研究报告吗?
                    • 没有, 瞎猜的。他们从10例升到一天10万例。ADE这可能性很大吧。1万多倍
    • Military Database Shows Alarming Increase in Adverse Medical Conditions After Forced COVID Vaccination +5

      The research took five-year averages of medical conditions and then compared the track record to the results after the mandatory military vaccination program was initiated. The results are alarming:

      Heart Attacks +269%
      Pericarditis +175%
      Myocarditis +285%
      Pulmonary Embolisms +467%
      Cerebral Infarction +393%
      Bell’s Palsy +319%
      Guillain-Barre +250%
      Immunodeficiencies +275%
      Menstrual Irregularity +476%
      Multiple Sclerosis +487%
      Miscarriage +306%
      HIV +590%
      Chest Pain +1,529%
      Labored Breathing +905%

      心脏病发作 +269%
      心包炎 +175%
      心肌炎 +285%
      肺栓塞 +467%
      脑梗塞 +393%
      贝尔麻痹 +319%
      格林巴利 +250%
      免疫缺陷 +275%
      月经不调 +476%
      多发性硬化症 +487%
      流产 +306%
      艾滋病毒 +590%
      胸痛 +1,529%
      费力呼吸 +905%

      • Is this reliable? They said it is because military personnel have to have better surveillance so it should be reliable. +1
        • those were testify under the oath so it is trustable. +1
          • Thats good
    • 老大也可以參考Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division,真正的DMED主管怎麼說的,所謂的” fact-check “
      U.S. military members experienced concerning spikes in miscarriages, cancer and other serious health issues in 2021, acc