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Pierre Poilievre 发起的停止疫苗强制,疫苗护照的签名

End Mandates, Passports and Restrictions.

We, the undersigned, add our names to those of millions of Canadians fighting to reclaim control of our lives and freedom for our country, by demanding:

1. An end to all federal vaccine mandates, including allowing unvaccinated public servants to get their jobs and incomes back, and removing federal vaccine requirements on truckers and all other federally-regulated workers.

2. A plan to end mandates, passports and restrictions.

3. A clear rejection by all levels of governments of a tax on the unvaccinated.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 水能载舟 亦能覆舟。最近朋友圈里看到越来越多人都是打过疫苗的支持反对强制疫苗。 +24
    • 真正的疫苗爱好者不会这么说的 +5
    • 这难道不是常识?绝大多数人支持疫苗;支持疫苗的人中的绝大多数从一开始就反对强制疫苗。。。 +6
      • Pierre Poilievre 发起的停止疫苗强制,疫苗护照的签名 +1

        End Mandates, Passports and Restrictions.

        We, the undersigned, add our names to those of millions of Canadians fighting to reclaim control of our lives and freedom for our country, by demanding:

        1. An end to all federal vaccine mandates, including allowing unvaccinated public servants to get their jobs and incomes back, and removing federal vaccine requirements on truckers and all other federally-regulated workers.

        2. A plan to end mandates, passports and restrictions.

        3. A clear rejection by all levels of governments of a tax on the unvaccinated.

        • 这里面不光是呼吁停止强制疫苗、疫苗护照,还有个restrictions,没有说清楚是基于疫苗的限制还是包括口罩、阳性隔离等等所有防疫措施的限制。如果只是基于疫苗的限制还是可以的,不能连其他的防疫措施一竿子全部打倒啊 +3
      • 不一定,有些人打了疫苗在公司的疫苗政策中留下来的,对那些不打疫苗丢了工作的人并没有多少同情。实际上不久以前的大众舆论还是把不打疫苗的人归为疫情持续的罪魁祸首,一再强力推广打疫苗 +5
        • 一个正直的有行动力的政府,应该把卡车司机的要求1.2.3列出来,然后说那一条现在可以做到,那些将来情况好转做到。 +5

          • 没那么简单。加拿大人储蓄少,确诊患者哪怕是有福利也可能因为收入减少造成经济紧张,何况现在一般只给5天病假在家隔离,更不用提潜伏期的危险;小孩包括青春期的孩子也很难长期关在家里,周围有些朋友抱怨孩子长期在家变得性格古怪, +3

