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什么情况现在轰轰烈烈的推HIV test?



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Nobel Laureate Warns Doctors: ‘Vaccines are Not for Killing, They are for Shielding’ +3
    RAIR Foundation, 17 January, 2022   A critic of the coronavirus “vaccine”, French Virologist Luc Montagnier previously warned that the vaccines are creating the variants. French virologist and Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier condemned the vaccine and warned physicians that they are “responsible for the future of mankind” if they continue to administer them to trusting patients. The 89-year-old virologist was invited by Gianluigi Paragone, a journalist and politician who spearheaded the “Italexit” movement in Italy. Modeled after Brexit, the Italexit... Read More Read More
    • 这个诺奖得主前两天刚去世了。巧吧?推特上都在拿他和另一位诺奖得主,PCR发明者Kary Mullis 2019年8月的死做类比。楼主这位诺奖得主是hiv发现者,不久前说过打完第三针以后很多人会hiv测试阳性。 +4
      • “The spike protein, which is synthesized by the messenger RNA contained in the vaccine, is toxic to the cells,” Montagnier warned. He continued to say that the “vaccine” is “poison,” and reiterated how athletes have been affected. +2
      • 什么情况现在轰轰烈烈的推HIV test? +1


        • 我强烈建议打过疫苗的去测测白血球等免疫力方面的
        • 疫苗厂开始搞mrna hiv vaccine了,传说出了一个传染力翻番的hiv变种。这情节怎么这么熟悉? +1
          Moderna credits mRNA technology for potentially shaving years off typical vaccine development times. First doses of the vaccine have been administered in a clinical trial.
          • funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 新一轮的大流行要开始了,新一轮的注射要跟上💉💉…… +3
          • 药厂又要挣钱了,叫人们打Hiv苗了 +1
        • 研究者不是说疫苗可提高得HIV的机率吗?先打Covid19苗,引发Hiv,药厂再鼓吹打HIv苗,然后又打出什么病,再开发打什么药….药厂代代发,财源滚滚进。 +1
        • 这两天刚看的新闻说几千万疫苗回收,因为会导致HIV假positive +1