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Nobody talk about his one? “What F*cking Research? We Are the F*cking Research” – Grieving Widow Goes Off on Social Media After Husband Died with Myocarditis

The scary part:

"The official finding of the autopsy states that his entire heart was fully attacked, for multiple months. It’s damaged top to bottom."

This is contraversy than the official:

"“the research” shows myocarditis cases only happening within two weeks of an administered dose. "

Dr. Peter McColough says research found spike protein may stay in body for 16 months, this is in line with this victims autoposy, that his heart was gradually destroyed.

Please considering seeing doctor if you experience chest pain or other myocarditis syndom. It may stop, but it may continue withour your notice. and you can not afford the consequences.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Nobody talk about his one? “What F*cking Research? We Are the F*cking Research” – Grieving Widow Goes Off on Social Media After Husband Died with Myocarditis +7

    The scary part:

    "The official finding of the autopsy states that his entire heart was fully attacked, for multiple months. It’s damaged top to bottom."

    This is contraversy than the official:

    "“the research” shows myocarditis cases only happening within two weeks of an administered dose. "

    Dr. Peter McColough says research found spike protein may stay in body for 16 months, this is in line with this victims autoposy, that his heart was gradually destroyed.

    Please considering seeing doctor if you experience chest pain or other myocarditis syndom. It may stop, but it may continue withour your notice. and you can not afford the consequences.

    • 看来是英文没人注意。这新闻最重要的点是心肌炎不是只有打针以后2个星期以内的事情,这位死者的解剖结果是他的心脏在打针后几个月时间一直受自身免疫攻击最后完全失效。 +17
      • 还真是方便药厂免责哦😓 +9
      • 远在心肌炎的报道出来之前,中医圈子里面就有人提到:疫苗会影响心脏,而且很难清除。影响程度因人而异,不是所有人感觉都一样。 +5
    • 到死也不知道是被疫苗害死的也挺好,不然一辈子活在内疚自责和愤怒里 +2
    • 反疫苗网站这么饥不择食了?该文唯一根据是他老婆的话:她主观认为可能是疫苗造成,而所有医生都断定与疫苗无关。她还科盲可笑地说疫苗是病毒,而疫苗蛋白不能自行复制,病毒蛋白却无限自行复制。在有疫情前,加国死于心肌炎每年有千人,若都象她,就都可以赖在疫苗身上 +15
      • 人体免疫系统攻击mRNA疫苗产生的刺突蛋白造成心脏损坏,完全可能。起码比什么先天基因缺陷可信得多。 +9
        • 呵呵,加拿大打疫苗的数量级已有上亿针,如果懂统计,懂科学,都不会还不顾事实走火入魔地陷入“疫苗害人”的思维定式,以至于好不容易找到一个分不清疫苗与病毒区别的科盲,被所有的医生否定后,却被反疫苗者如抓到一颗救命稻草似的,可笑。劝你们反疫苗人士反思反思吧 +8
          • 一码归一码,不是每个人都是病毒学家,但是去年夏天单安省就有106例青少年打疫苗后因心肌炎住院的,还有不少人反应打了以后心悸心慌但是没有确诊,疑似心脏神经官能症(#14372738@0) (#14373769@0) 关于疫苗副作用的数据明显被打压,统计数据已经没多少信用了 +4