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In his presentation for the COMUSAV, Dr. Campra talked about the findings of DNA crystals in COVID vaccines.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 好像这个博士有什么疫苗发现,然后做完讲座人就死了。看了一点他的发现,似乎疫苗里有石墨烯,有量子技术,可以编程,用AI控制。 +5
    In his presentation for the COMUSAV, Dr. Campra talked about the findings of DNA crystals in COVID vaccines.
    • ORWELL CITY: Graphene Morgellons: Dr. Pablo Campra on the weird elements he saw in vaccination vials +2
      Dr. Pablo Campra talks about the strange objects he found in the vaccination vials and hypothesizes what they might be.
      • Coronafacts +2
        Here you can find information independent from the money of the Pharmaceutical companies about the "corona vaccines" or GMO injections.
    • NANO-BOT technology正在被大规模应用。只是很多人没法相信。这个科技最初用在美国士兵身上,这些士兵有一个集体诉讼,控告美国政府和军队。这个视频提到了这一点。NANOPARTICLES IN C19VACCINES WILL LINK YOU WITH DARPA DNA TECHNOLOGY (#13785543@0) +2
    • 这些都是先进的军用技术。DEEP STATE一直在尽一切手段打压这些揭露真相的人的。 +1