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CDC director Rochelle Walensky visits #WashUMed
CDC director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, a Washington University alum, is the 2022 Gerald Medoff Visiting Professor in the Department of Medicine. Medoff, wh...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / CDC Director Walensky 说CDC对疫苗判断错误是因为CNN提供了错误数据。看来土豆也是靠CNN新闻的,土豆说的Science,原来是CNN +9

    Walensky said:

    “I can tell you where I was when the CNN feed came that it was 95%
    effective, the vaccine. So many of us wanted to be hopeful, so many of us
    wanted to say, okay, this is our ticket out, right, now we’re done. So I
    think we had perhaps too little caution and too much optimism for some good
    things that came our way. I really do. I think all of us wanted this to be

    “Nobody said waning, when you know, oh this vaccine’s going to work. Oh
    well, maybe it’ll work — (laughs) it’ll wear off.

    “Nobody said what if the next variant doesn’t, it doesn’t, it’s not as
    potent against the next variant.”

    Walensky’s statement that she learned about vaccine effectiveness from “
    the CNN feed” followed just days after it was revealed President Joe Biden
    and other key political figures received COVID-related “talking points”
    from the polling and public relations firm, Impact Research, which also
    conducted polling for Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

    • Seriously? CDC is relying on data provided by CNN? +1
      • 这类坊间说法可以当作笑话看。 +3
        • Watch the video please. +4
          • 这个视频如果有可信度,FoxNews上那些反疫苗的主持人早就捅出来了。 +1
            • 视频来源是:In a March 3 appearance at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, Walensky was interviewed by Dr. William G. Powderly, co-director of the institution’s Division of Infectious Diseases. +8
              • 你把你上面的那段话贴到Google里去搜一下,没有一家credible 的媒体报道或者转载。虽然主流媒体不一定总是可信,但是没有一家主流媒体报道的东西,还是可以存疑的。 +1
            • Is the lady in the video Walensky? It's a very plain video. Do you mean that what she was talking about was not trustworthy? +2
              • 我是说video是可以剪辑的。即便说话人是她,言语也有可能不是她的。
                • 看嘴唇,对得上声音
                • 这个应该是官方highlights,当然不会有上面的话,但是背景一致。
                  Highlights from CDC director Walenksy’s conversation about COVID-19 pandemic
                  Watch highlights from a conversation with Rochelle P. Walensky, MD, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). She visited Washington ...
                  • 这个新闻里面视频2:50就是那段讲话
                    Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, spoke at Washington University School of Medicine on Thursday, March 3, 2022. She responded to a question by
                    • 那段讲话没有一处提及依据CNN的数据做出有关疫苗的决策。
                      • 你的英文听力够呛 +1
                        • 很有可能。老了昏花的不只是眼睛,耳朵也会失聪。在你说的那个区间(2:50左右),我听到她抱怨没有人提醒过 waning,但是我的确没有听到你主帖里说的依据CNN数据做出疫苗决定。
                  • 我们生活在一个言论自由的民主社会里。这么具有新闻价值的消息,一定会有记者捅出来,水门事件都可以曝光,别说这类谈话了。 +1
                    • 你现在看到的不就是“记者”捅出来的么?记者不一定非得拿CNN corp media 的薪水。 +4
            • 为啥不信这个视频?难道有人找了替身说了那番话?
              • 当故事听就不在乎了。但是要当新闻读,还是需要相当的可信度,尤其是现在谁都可以发表新闻的时代。
                • 就像白等说他和噢巴马搞了世上最大的作弊集团一样,人都有一不小心把实话说出来的时候。你如果觉得这些都是故事,没有可信度,俺也只能说“古今多少事,都付笑谈中” +1
            • FoxNews哪个主持人是反疫苗的?贴个视频看看呢。
            • 这里有华盛顿大学官方频道发布的完整视频: +3
              CDC director Rochelle Walensky visits #WashUMed
              CDC director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, a Washington University alum, is the 2022 Gerald Medoff Visiting Professor in the Department of Medicine. Medoff, wh...
              • 大约第29分钟就是楼主的视频
                she also says science takes YEARS to find answer. 这个疫苗出来几个月就开始强制了?
                • 这个是官方发布的原始视频,绝对没编辑过,证明LZ贴的视频是真的。 +1
                  • 你听到CDC director 在这段视频中说他们的决定是基于CNN的数据?视频是不是真的不是要点。director是不是做了那个声明才是 +1
                    • 没有说那么露骨啦,她说的话主贴里有文字版。 +1
                      • CNN的feed和CDC的决策是不同的两回事儿,她只是说CNN的feed显示有效率高,但是没有人提到药效降低。这个和CDC推出疫苗的决定没有逻辑关系。CDC并不是听了CNN的feed就决定推出疫苗。 +1
                        • 何必为掌握话语权的人洗地?
                        • 她的话说明疫苗的95%有效率她是从CNN得来的信息,CDC的疫苗信息从CNN来,你不觉得搞笑吗? +1
                          • 她也就是这么一说,我们也就当个笑话听听就可以了。CDC每年一百多个亿的预算,一万两千多名雇员,没有一千个医药专家。几百个是可以有的,不大可能都会同意听CNN的新闻来决定几亿人的生死。
                            • 造谣一张嘴 辟谣跑断腿 +1
                              • 真要是对这个段子认真地相信起来,以后还有什么药品敢进嘴?
                            • 几百个专家又怎样?你没听她说,没人说过疫苗有效率会降低。不敢说半个不字的专家,有几万个也没用。 +3
                              • 堂堂美帝国主义都“官僚主义“成这样了,我们不得赶紧逃离,还等什么?
          • 她们怕上绞架, 当然必须要推诿责任。 +10
            • 是的,锅要扣别人脑上,土豆也会说自己不懂科学,学戏剧的,人告诉我的我都信,所以是那个人的错,太可气了,这人怎么欺骗我不懂科学,欺骗老百姓,把他绞死。 +6
              • 他们坏死了 +6
    • 替罪羊! +4
    • 这个新闻的Rochelle Walensky视频更加清楚,从2:50开始看 +2
      Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, spoke at Washington University School of Medicine on Thursday, March 3, 2022. She responded to a question by
    • 我也贴个旧新闻吧……不过说的事情是现在正在发生的🐼🐼🐼 +3


      • 这个是什么时候的新闻?
        • 看图片的右下角,2019年published, 针对2021的疫苗ID🐼🐼🐼 +1
          • 所以现在放松口罩,取消入境检测都是偷换概念,而对控制疫情传播最无效的疫苗ID却保留下来了……
    • They (government "scientists" and news) were talking about science endlessly, now government "scientists" are saying science was affected by news. I guess next is news will insist news followed government "scientists", which stands for "science". LOL. +1
      • ping pong gamer, so typical! +1