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The state Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, health workers as well as for the treatment of the patients themselves through a government order on August 6, 2020, after a committee headed by the Director General, Medical and Health Services, gave it the go ahead.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 普大喜奔,New Hampshire下院立法让兽药成为非处方药。New Hampshire House Approves Over-the-Counter Ivermectin。 +8
    • Good. Although It has been like that in many other countries. +1
      • It should have been two years ago. Anyhow late than never. NH is the only place we can reach by land to get the ivermectin.. +2
        • Vaxx is required to cross the land border
          • 又要有多少人中毒呀!全人口新冠死亡率印度0.28%,巴西0.38%,加拿大是0.12%
            • Die WITH Covid, or die FROM Covid? What are the case/death data since ivermectin was used in India? Compared to same timeframe in Canada? +3

              Another factor is that only one state, Uttar Pradesh, is using ivermectin. It has 240 million people. The rest of India, with a population of around 1 billion, is not using it.
              • 水手老大,请思考一下, 以美国为代表的医疗行业最发达的西方国家, 什么时候在公共卫生安全领域需要向印度学习了?
                • You may do some online search for "ayurveda". +1
            • 你说呢?北方邦官推兽药是2020年8月份,结果该邦最后死了超过50万人(0.25%),同期加拿大为3万人(0.078%),北方邦多死了3倍(按人口比例).
              The state Health Department introduced Ivermectin as prophylaxis for close contacts of Covid patients, health workers as well as for the treatment of the patients themselves through a government order on August 6, 2020, after a committee headed by the Director General, Medical and Health Services, gave it the go ahead.
              • How many died before Aug 2020 and how many after in Uttar Pradesh?
                • 北方邦一共死了52万人,2020年6月11日开始报道第1波疫情7月31日以前每天死亡少于43个,我扣掉2万人老大觉得够吗? +1
    • one step on the right direction. Pfizer's fourth shot go lost! +4
    • 🥁🥁🧨,这才是人干的事情!美国人民有福了,加拿大人赶紧跟上美国的脚步👣
    • 据说中国卫健委发文件,要推行辉瑞口服新药,,,😱😱😱 +2
      • Really?这会不会是现在把各大城市莫名其妙搞得紧张的原因? +2
        • 昨天看到的文件截图
          • 你要不要跟国内亲友推荐一下念佛经抗疫?
            • 每个人对自己的生命负责,就算是亲人,别人能做的也是有限的 +3
              • 信则灵,不信则不灵? 看来不是佛度众生,佛只保佑自己的信徒?
                • 不要乱说话 +2
                  • 吓死
      • 谁吃谁死
        • 劝不住啊,我都没有信心能劝住我家老人,😭
      • Too new to be safe.
        • Poison likely?
          • I didn't say that. But I don't want to be the guinea pig.
            • I know, I don't trust it as much as the vaccine
          • Very much so. I lost confidence in pfizer, or any pharmer quite frankly. +2
            • same
    • it's about time.希望可以网购。
    • Similar bills are pending legislative approval in Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Arizona and Alaska. +1
      • It's a shame that a proven life-saving drug has to get approved by politicians. +4
        • 这是FDA作恶的结果。那个瑞德西韦,中国把它当救命药,结果用下来就知道,疗效极差,副作用极大,后来白送都不要了,然而FDA还是批准了,在美国大规模使用,结果医疗最先进的美国,死亡率高于很多落后国家。 +5
          • 美国胖子多
    • 哪位同学能不能分析一下,兽药(神药)效果这么好,又便宜,为什么天朝宁可封城也不推广呢?
      问了消息最灵通的蓝天同学,他找了个没有疫情的省份回答说江苏清零了所以用不着。又说没有死人所以不需要用。你们不是说神药预防和治疗效果很好么?难道只有死人了才给用神药?这逻辑怎么理解?问他其它有疫情的省份为什么不用?他说一尊说了算。 看起来蓝天同学就是纯粹喜欢骂美加政府,骂FDA。否则的话在国内论坛上发几篇帖子推广一下神药,也算是关心一下国内同胞了。。
      • China does not make human edition of ivermectin.
        • 老大这理由没啥说服力。天朝不推神药是因为不生产人用的版本,你们说可以理解。那加拿大政府是不是同样的理由说生产能力太小所以不批准-估计又要被你们骂得狗血淋头了。。
      • 因为所有想独裁的国家政权都需要以疫情的名义加强控制,限制你的出行,增加对你的监控,所以不仅是中国,连美国尤其是民主党的州都不会希望疫情真正得到控制。 +6
        • 你这是先扣帽子再找证据--因为他们想独裁所以推疫苗,他们推疫苗证明他们要独裁。 独裁靠疫苗? 希特勒 斯大林 毛腊肉在阴间都要笑出声来。
        • 这纯粹是臆想,你知道这两年少数封城,国内人满处流动吗?也就最近开始地方多了,去年就跟没有一样的自由活动。
      • 还没想通呢,天朝的清零政策是一尊定的,没人敢自作主张改变政策。IVM就算预防,也不是100%有效,做不到清零,这对天朝来说就是没用。至于治疗,江苏几千病例0死亡,说明天朝治疗不是大问题,用不用IVM无所谓。
        • 2nd this. In China, # of cases is key to keep local officials' position, thus they do whatever they are used, and really good at, which is strict lockdown. +1
        • 反正都是你说了算,天朝用不用无所谓,加拿大不用就是政府阴谋,FDA罪恶,反正你想咋判就咋判吧,政府已经被你枪决若干回了,不在乎你继续刨坟鞭尸吐口水。。。
          • 中国一得新冠马上就入院治疗了,美国加拿大得了新冠不给治,有用的药还禁掉。 +1